False accusations can ruin a person’s life. While the allegations may be false, they have real criminal, civil, and personal consequences. It seems impossible that anyone would falsely accuse someone of a crime when the consequences are so severe and potentially life-altering. Unfortunately, false accusations do happen more often than they should. The hope is that the truth will prevail in the justice system. However, that is not always the case.
When facing false accusations, a trusted and seasoned defense attorney could mean the difference between being cleared and facing long-term criminal consequences. At Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford, P.C., with over 65 years of experience litigating a wide range of complex cases for our clients in criminal defense, we offer the skills and resources you need to reach a successful resolution for your case.
5 Steps to Take if You Have Been Falsely Accused
A natural and understandable response to being falsely accused of a crime is to want to defend yourself or even to panic. However, rushing to defend yourself or acting in panic could hurt your case. It is important to remain calm and carefully think of your reactions
1. Hire an Attorney as Soon as Possible
Law enforcement is trained to elicit confessions out of suspects, even false confessions. The goal of most officers is to pressure you to waive your legal right not to speak to them without an attorney. Hiring an attorney as soon as possible is the best and most effective way to help yourself when facing false accusations.
Sometimes people are hesitant to hire an attorney because they are concerned about legal fees or believe that the truth will prevail. As mentioned above, the truth does not always prevail in the justice system unless the accused puts up a fair fight. The sooner you discuss your case with a defense lawyer, the better the chance you have of clearing your name.
2. Gathering Evidence
After consulting with an attorney, you can begin working together to gather evidence that supports your case. This means going through the circumstances surrounding the accusations as well as any personal information on you or the person falsely accusing you that may be relevant to the case. It is beneficial to keep a record of every interaction leading up to the accusation as well as to write down everything you can recall that may help your case.
3. Find Witnesses Supporting Your Side of the Story
In addition to physical evidence, eyewitnesses can go a long way in proving your side of the story. Defendants do not need to prove their innocence (even if they are) the goal is to establish reasonable doubt that they have not committed the crime. Having testimonies from people who support your story or even provide alibis is incredibly beneficial.
4. Developing a Defense Strategy
After meeting with your attorney, they will begin developing a strategy to combat the false accusations you are facing. The strategy largely depends on the specific factors of your case, including the type of accusations. Your defense attorney can challenge the prosecutor’s evidence, witnesses, and anything else they could bring against you. Challenging the witness is essential if the prosecution’s case is built on false testimony.
Been Falsely Accused? Contact Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford, P.C. Today
Navigating false accusations can be complicated because criminal and personal consequences are at stake. These accusations may result not just in prison sentences and fines and could negatively impact your reputation, career, immigration status, family relationships, and more.
At Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford, P.C., we are committed to helping our clients’ cases reach the best possible resolutions. We develop a strategy specifically designed to address the circumstance of your case and support your innocence. Contact our firm today at (215) 822-7575 or by filling out our contact form to schedule a free consultation.

Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C.
Pennsylvania Attorney's
March 2, 2023