Does Inclement Weather Affect Liability in a Car Accident?

Legally reviewed by:
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C.
March 2, 2023

Car accidents are generally confusing and overwhelming, often resulting in severe injuries and steep medical bills. But when your car accident comes partially due to poor weather conditions, receiving compensation can feel more complicated than usual. Suddenly facing severe pain and wounds due to no fault of your own is awful, especially when someone is […]

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What Rights Do Injured Logging Workers Have in Pennsylvania?

Legally reviewed by:
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C.
March 2, 2023

Logging workers do a great deal of physical labor and work with specialty equipment every day they are on the job. With these responsibilities, there may be a significant risk of injury. This is especially likely if employees are not adequately trained, are inexperienced, and do not work under the appropriate supervision. But if a […]

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How to Request an Itemized Bill for Car Accident-Related Costs

Legally reviewed by:
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C.
February 4, 2023

It is always important to understand exactly what you are paying for, especially considering how expensive medical care can be. However, this is especially true in a personal injury case, as the amount spent on medical care dictates the amount of compensation you can fight for. Medical facilities can sometimes make it difficult to retrieve […]

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