When Does Walmart Drop Shoplifting Charges?

Legally reviewed by:
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C.
September 22, 2021

Walmart experiences a high rate of shoplifting and because of this, their security and precautions for theft are strict. The store’s no-tolerance policy enforces their belief that shoplifters will be held accountable for the crime they commit. To make sure their merchandise is protected, Walmart has multiple systems in place to catch shoplifters. From extensive […]

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Top 10 Questions to Ask Witnesses of Your Car Crash in Pennsylvania

Legally reviewed by:
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C.
October 6, 2021

The aftereffects of a car accident will likely have you feeling anxious and confused. Your initial reactions will be evaluating the situation and seeing if anyone is injured, followed by calling the local authorities. Then, one of the next most important things for you to do next is to identify and connect with witnesses of […]

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