What Happens When You Violate Probation?

Legally reviewed by:
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C.
March 16, 2020

When you are put on probation, you will usually find out the stipulations of your probation. The judge will have rules that you will need to follow to avoid getting into additional trouble with the law. These rules might include visiting with your probation officer regularly and staying off drugs. Random drug screenings are often […]

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Are Car Accidents Common in Pennsylvania During the Winter Months?

Legally reviewed by:
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C.
March 16, 2020

The winter weather conditions can easily lead to problems for drivers in the state of Pennsylvania and in other states where snowstorms occur quite frequently. The snow and slush can make it easier for drivers to lose control of their vehicles, potentially crashing into other vehicles while causing accidents that were difficult to avoid. It […]

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What is an Incorporated Settlement Agreement in Divorce?

Legally reviewed by:
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C.
April 24, 2020

Divorce Settlements in Pennsylvania Many divorce cases are resolved when the parties reach a settlement agreement, which is subsequently made a part of the final order that legally divorces the parties. However, in the context of divorce settlement agreements, the court and the parties’ attorneys may use terms like “merged,” “survived,” or “incorporated.” Although these […]

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