Robbery Defense Lawyer

Having a criminal charge against you can be extremely stressful. If you are convicted, it could severely delay or even ruin your goals for the rest of your life. The consequences of robbery can be harsh and have a long-lasting impact on every aspect of your life. Once you have served your time in jail, it might be challenging to get employment if you have a felony on your permanent record.

However, being accused of robbery does not equate to being found guilty. You still have rights up until your guilt is established. To protect your rights, it is essential to have a skilled Montgomery County robbery defense attorney on your side. Your lawyer may be able to examine the details of your case and may be able to mitigate the charges against you.

Charged With Robbery And Have Questions? We Can Help, Tell Us What Happened.

What Constitutes a Robbery Charge in Montgomery County?

Robbery is a serious Montgomery County criminal offense that is punished severely under the law. Robbery involves the actual taking of a person’s property while using force or fear. This form of theft is distinct from burglary, which involves the intent to take a person’s property from a building where one doesn’t belong, a crime often used interchangeably with robbery. 

If you threatened or hurt someone else while committing a theft, you could be prosecuted for robbery. In Pennsylvania, there are two distinct types of robbery: general robbery and robbery of a motor vehicle, defined as using force to steal a vehicle.

What Are the Penalties of a Robbery Conviction in Montgomery County?

For a robbery offense, there are three different levels of charges. Regardless, all robbery convictions are felonies that result in lengthy prison terms.

The least severe robbery charge is third-degree robbery. No matter how little force was used, you will be charged with third-degree robbery if any amount of force is applied during the theft. There needn’t even be any physical harm. Robbery in the third degree is punishable by a maximum 7-year prison sentence and a maximum fine of $10,000. Third-degree charges include crimes such as robbery by “force however slight.”

Inflicting bodily harm or posing a threat of doing so while committing a robbery constitutes second-degree robbery. No substantial or life-threatening physical harm is required. A fine of $25,000 and a maximum of 10 years in prison are the consequences of second-degree robbery.

Examples of second-degree charges include crimes such as:

  • Robbery that involves threats or actual physical harm
  • Robbing a financial institution by making a demand of an employee verbally or with a note

First-degree robbery is the most severe and can result in a 20-year prison sentence and fines of up to $25,000. When someone commits a robbery while causing substantial bodily harm or posing a serious risk of doing so, it is considered first-degree robbery. 

Examples of first-degree charges include crimes such as:

  • Theft of a controlled substance that results in substantial bodily harm
  • Robbery that results in severe bodily injury
  • Theft of a car that results in severe physical harm
  • Robbery of a controlled substance during which serious bodily injury is threatened

A charge could be elevated to first-degree robbery if the offender also commits or attempts to conduct a second or subsequent first- or second-degree felony while committing the theft.

Common Defense Strategies for Pennsylvania Robbery Charges

In Pennsylvania, the prosecutor must establish specific elements of proof beyond a reasonable doubt before a person can be found guilty of robbery. The prosecuting attorney will be striving to lay the stage for a conviction. They will use numerous resources and techniques at their disposal, so it is crucial to have an experienced attorney by your side to represent you in court. 

By leveraging their years of experience, your attorney may be able to fend off or reduce the charges launched against you. Strategies that are often used to defend against robbery charges include:

  • Attacking the prosecution’s evidence
  • Presenting evidence that undermines the prosecution’s case
  • Presenting evidence of involuntary intoxication 
  • Proving that someone forced the defendant to commit the crime by threatening them with immediate death or bodily injury 
  • Showing the defendant lacked intent or knowledge
  • Proving the property belonged to the defendant
  • Proving the owner gave the defendant permission to take the property
  • Showing the defendant used no force or threats
  • Showing the police conducted an illegal search and seizure to recover the alleged stolen property

Many defendants feel that their case is open and shut, but a skilled attorney can use the details of your case to your benefit and work tirelessly to defend you.

Why You Should Hire a Montgomery County Robbery Defense Lawyer

Going up against the prosecution alone is a terrifying decision to make. Without in-depth legal experience, you are jeopardizing your freedom. The best course of action is to work with a criminal defense attorney who can help you navigate the legal system and ensure your rights are upheld. An effective criminal defense attorney can be a crucial ally in difficult situations. 

A competent lawyer will be able to inform you of what to expect and help you get ready for court. They will also be able to advise you on matters such as whether you should accept a plea deal or ask for a jury trial. If you have someone who can negotiate on your behalf, the prosecution will be more likely to offer you a good plea deal.

Retain the Services of a Knowledgeable Montgomery County Robbery Defense Attorney

When facing criminal charges, you must act quickly to ensure the best possible outcome for your case. Robbery is a felony crime, and the results of a conviction can be devastating for you and your family. No one wants to spend time in prison. Swiftly get in touch with an experienced robber defense lawyer who may be able to secure a favorable outcome for your case.

The robbery defense attorneys at Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford have a wealth of knowledge in criminal law and years of experience defending clients accused of robbery and other serious felonies. We are not only qualified to handle your case, but we will do so with the level of care and dedication you deserve. For more information, contact our office by sending us a contact form or dialing (215) 822-7575.