Shoplifting Defense Lawyer
Shoplifting is one of the most common crimes in the United States. While it is estimated that one in every eleven Americans will shoplift at some point in their lives, only an average of 10 million individuals will be charged with this offense. Shoplifting may not be as serious as armed robbery or other, more violent crimes, but you may still face substantial legal penalties for your actions if you are convicted. These convictions may include costly fines and even jail time, depending on the details of your case. If you are facing a conviction in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, for shoplifting, it is important you know what steps to take to defend yourself and your rights. One of the most critical steps to take after being charged with shoplifting is to contact a Montgomery County shoplifting defense attorney as soon as possible.
The dedicated lawyers at Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford, P.C. have over 65 years of experience helping clients in Southeastern Pennsylvania who have been accused of shoplifting in Montgomery County. After being accused of any crime, individuals are often left feeling helpless. However, our team of attorneys is passionate about helping you have a fair trial. We will protect you and your interests as we build your defense so that you may get the charges against you reduced or dropped altogether.
What Is Shoplifting?
When a person knowingly takes an item from a store with the deliberate intent to not pay for the item, they may be charged with shoplifting under Montgomery County law. Additionally, many people are not aware that the concealment of an item while still in the store can be considered shoplifting, although they have technically not yet stolen anything. This is because the action of concealment of an item you do not plan to pay for is considered a preemptive intention to shoplift.
In Montgomery County, a case can be brought against an individual who purchased items that were previously stolen from a store. In other words, even if you did not steal the items yourself, you may still be charged with shoplifting if you have purchased stolen goods and either knew or had reason to believe that the items were stolen. Many Montgomery County residents are unaware of the laws concerning shoplifting. That is why it is beneficial to work with a knowledgeable shoplifting defense attorney if accused of this crime. Our Montgomery County criminal defense legal team has experience working with the Pennsylvania criminal justice system and may be able to help educate you on the process of building your defense case.
Common Penalties for Shoplifting in Montgomery County
Many people believe that shoplifting is a theft crime that is not taken seriously by law enforcement. While shoplifting is not typically violent in nature, individuals who are charged with this offense would be incorrect in thinking they will be getting off with a slap on the wrist. Aside from damaging your reputation and making it more difficult to get a job, if you are convicted of shoplifting, you may be facing some serious legal penalties. These penalties may include:
- First offense: If you have stolen goods that are less than $150 in value, you may be facing a maximum charge of 90 days in jail and a fine of $300.
- Second-degree misdemeanor: If you have stolen merchandise from a store that is valued at less than $150, but this is not the first time you have stolen from a store, you may be facing a maximum sentence of up to two years in jail and a fine of $5,000.
- First-degree misdemeanor: If the items you have stolen are worth more than $150, you could be facing up to five years in jail and a fine of $10,000.
- Third-degree felony: This is the most serious penalty you may face if charged with shoplifting. You could be sentenced to a maximum penalty of seven years in prison and a fine of up to $15,000.
The severity of the penalty you are sentenced to will depend on the details of your case and your prior criminal record. If you believe that you may be facing severe consequences for shoplifting, a Montgomery County shoplifting defense lawyer may be able to help get the charges against you dropped or reduced.
Get Help From a Montgomery County Shoplifting Defense Attorney
If you have been accused of shoplifting, you may be facing serious penalties as a result. While being accused of a crime may feel as if the entire justice system is against you, that is not the case. You deserve a fair trial. Get help with your defense by contacting a Montgomery County shoplifting defense lawyer today.
At Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford, P.C., our team of Montgomery County shoplifting defense attorneys are passionate about helping clients get the second chance they deserve after being accused of shoplifting in Montgomery County, PA. Our lawyers are proud to provide clients with the award-winning and experienced representation they deserve. Call (215) 822-7575 or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation.