Firm News | Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C.
- Joseph P. Birmingham Joins Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C.
- Attorney Gregory R. Gifford Named a “2024 PA Super Lawyer”
- Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg Named a “2024 PA Super Lawyer”
- Attorney Amy Stern Named a “2024 PA Super Lawyer”
- Attorney Matthew T. Wilkov Named a “2024 PA Super Lawyer”
- Attorneys Jay C. Glickman, Marc Robert Steinberg, Gregory R. Gifford, Matthew T. Wilkov, Amy R. Stern and John H. Filice Named “2025 Best Lawyers in America”
- Attorneys Jay C. Glickman and Amy R. Stern Co-Presented Estate Planning Seminar
- National Estate Planning Awareness Week – 10/16/23 through 10/22/23 is your house in order?
- Congratulations to RGS&G’s 2024 Best Lawyers!
- Attorney Amy Stern Speaks on Estate Planning to Montco SAAC at Ambler
- Attorney Amy Stern Named a “2023 PA Super Lawyer”
- Attorney Matthew T. Wilkov Named a “2023 PA Super Lawyer”
- Attorney Gregory R. Gifford Named a “2023 PA Super Lawyer”
- Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg Named a “2023 PA Super Lawyer”
- Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg Presented Session at Pennsylvania Bar Association’s Criminal Law Symposium
- Attorney Matt Wilkov presented a seminar at the Pennsylvania Bar Institute.
- Matthew T. Wilkov, Esquire served as a Panelist at the Montgomery Bar Association’s The “Business” Side of the Law, CLE Seminar.
- Attorney Jay C. Glickman Reappointed as Member of Montgomery Township Open Space Committee
- Attorney Jay C. Glickman Reappointed as Member of Montgomery Township Shade Tree Commission
- Attorney Matt Wilkov Appointed as a Director of NAMI of Montgomery County, PA
- Attorney Jay C. Glickman Reappointed as Member of Montgomery Township Planning Commission
- Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. Named 2020 Best Law Firm By U.S. News & World Report
- Attorney Jay Glickman Named a “2020 Best Lawyer in America”
- Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg Named a “2020 Best Lawyer in America”
- Attorney Gregory R. Gifford Named a “2020 Best Lawyer in America”
- Attorney Matthew Quigg Serves as Speaker at PA Bar Association 2019 Young Lawyer Summer Summit
- Attorney Matthew Quigg Serves as Speaker at PA Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers 2019 Criminal Law Seminar
- Attorney Matthew Quigg Named a “2019 PA Super Lawyer”
- Attorney Gregory R. Gifford Named a “2019 PA Super Lawyer”
- Attorney Jay Glickman Named a “2019 PA Super Lawyer”
- Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg Named a “2019 PA Super Lawyer”
- Attorney Amy R. Stern Co-Presenting Retirement Seminar
- Attorney Gregory R. Gifford Named a “2019 Best Lawyer in America”
- Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg Named a “2019 Best Lawyer in America”
- Attorney Jay Glickman Named a “2019 Best Lawyer in America”
- Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. Named 2019 Best Law Firm by U.S. News & World Report
- Attorney Amy R. Stern Co-Presenting a Divorce 101 Session on April 5th, 2018
- Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford, P.C. Named 2018 Best Law Firm by U.S. News & World Report
- Brian T. Newman, Esquire Joins Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
- Former Montco ADA Joins Lansdale Law Firm
- Attorney Jay Glickman Named one of the 2018 Best Lawyers in America
- Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg Named one of the 2018 Best Lawyers in America
- Matthew T. Wilkov, Esquire, Graduates from U.S. Army War College
- Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg Part of Judges Panel Discussion at Pennsylvania Bar Association’s Criminal Law Symposium
- Attorney Jay C. Glickman Presents Estate Planning Forum at Dock Woods Community
- Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg named as 2017 Top 100 Lawyer in Pennsylvania and Philadelphia and a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer
- Attorney Jay C. Glickman named as 2017 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer
- Attorney Gregory R. Gifford named as 2017 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer
- Attorney Liam J. Duffy named as 2017 Pennsylvania Rising Star
- Gregory R. Gifford, Esquire, Elected Vice President of Montgomery Bar Association
- Meyer Simon, Esquire Appointed Chair of the Fee Dispute Committee and the General Practice Committee of the Montgomery Bar Association
- Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg Session Presenter at PA Bar Institute Criminal Law Seminar
- Attorney Amy R. Stern Serves as Moderator at 9th Annual Toby L. Dickman Seminar
- Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. Named 2017 Best Law Firm by U.S. News & World Report
- September 15, 2016 – Attorney Jay C. Glickman named as 2017 Best Lawyer in America
- August 18, 2016 – Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg Session Presenter at PA Bar Institute Conference on Skills of the Successful Lawyer
- July 12, 2016 – Attorney Amy R. Stern Elected Co-Chair of the Montgomery County Women’s Center’s Board of Directors
- June 28, 2016 – Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg Receives Recertification as a Criminal Trial Advocate by the National Board of Trial Advocacy
- June 07, 2016 – Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg Part of Judges Panel Discussion at Pennsylvania Bar Association’s Criminal Law Symposium
- May 13, 2016 – Attorneys Marc Robert Steinberg, Gregory R. Gifford and Jay C. Glickman named as 2016 Pennsylvania Super Lawyers; John H. Filice named 2016 Rising Star
- May 13, 2016 – Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg named as 2016 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer
- May 13, 2016 – Attorney Gregory R. Gifford named as 2016 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer
- May 13, 2016 – Attorney John H. Filice named as 2016 Pennsylvania Rising Star
- February 26, 2016 – Suzanne B. Cressman Reappointed to Serve a Three-year term on the Board of Directors of Keystone Opportunity Center, Souderton, Pennsylvania
- February 4, 2016 – Gregory R. Gifford, Esquire Elected to Judiciary Committee of the Montgomery Bar Association
- February 1, 2016 – Meyer Simon, Esquire Elected to Judiciary Committee of the Montgomery Bar Association
- January 29, 2016 – Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg Named one of the Best Lawyers in America
- January 28, 2016 – Gregory R. Gifford, Esquire, Elected Treasurer of Montgomery Bar Association
- January 21, 2016 – Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. Named 2016 Best Law Firm by U.S. News & World Report
- November 18, 2015 – Gregory R. Gifford, Esquire, Receives 2015 Trial Lawyer of the Year Award from Montgomery Bar Association Trial Lawyers Section
- October 9, 2015 – Meyer Simon, Esquire appointed to Pennsylvania Bar Association House of Delegates
- May 21, 2015 – Attorney Meyer Simon served as a course planner and moderator for the CLE seminar entitled “Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department-Practice and Procedures” presented by the Montgomery Bar Association in, Norristown, PA
- May 15, 2015 – Rubin, Glickman Steinberg and Gifford is pleased to announce John H. Filice has been named a Rising Star
- May 13, 2015 – Attorney Gregory R. Gifford, named as 2015 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer
- May 13, 2015 – Attorney Jay C. Glickman named as 2015 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer
- May 13, 2015 – Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg, named as a 2015 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer
- March 31, 2015 – Gregory R. Gifford , Esquire elected Secretary of the Montgomery Bar Association
- February 25, 2015 – Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. Named 2015 Best Law Firm by U.S. News
- January 29, 2015 – Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg Named One of the Top 10 Criminal Defense Attorneys in Pennsylvania
- January 21, 2015 – Meyer Simon, Esquire reappointed Chairman of the General Practice Committee, and is a Member of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Bar Association
- October 23, 2014 – Attorney Meyer Simon spoke at a seminar entitled “101 Series: The Nuts and Bolts of Civil Action” at Montgomery Bar Association in, Norristown, PA
- October 17, 2014 – Attorney Gregory R. Gifford spoke at a seminar entitled “Magisterial District Courts: Rules, Programs, Updates & Perspectives from the Bench” at Montgomery Bar Association in Norristown, PA
- June 24, 2014 – Attorney Jay C. Glickman named as 2014 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer
- June 24, 2014 – Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg, named as a 2014 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer
- June 24, 2014 – Attorney Gregory R. Gifford, named as 2014 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer
- March 20, 2014 – Attorney Jay C. Glickman Honored By Boy Scouts of America
- March 13, 2014 – Marc Robert Steinberg named MCAP Hero by the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project
- March 11, 2014 – Meyer Simon, Esquire appointed Chairman of the General Practice Committee, and Elected to the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Bar Association
- February 12, 2014 – Liam J. Duffy Joins Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
- February 12, 2014 – Andrew J. Levin Joins Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
- February 4, 2014 – John H. Filice named as Partner at Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
- January 8, 2014 – Kirsten S. Balzer Joins Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C
- January 6, 2014 – Meyer Simon Joins Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
- August 9, 2013 – Amy R. Stern named as Partner at Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
- July 2, 2013 – John Filice Speaks at Retirement Challenges Forum
- April 13, 2013 – Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C. Sponsors Salvation Army Kettle Collection
- July 24, 2012 – Amy R. Stern, Esquire serves as Community Ambassador for the ALS Association Greater Philadelphia Chapter
- July 23, 2012 – Matthew T. Wilkov, Esquire served as a Presenter at the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s 2012 Family Law Section Summer Meeting
- June 30, 2012 – Attorney Jay C. Glickman named as 2012 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer
- June 8, 2012 – Attorney Gregory R. Gifford, named as 2012 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer
- June 6, 2012 – Attorney Gregory R. Gifford spoke at a seminar entitled “Child Abuse from Legal and Psychological Perspectives” at Montgomery County Intermediate Unit, Norristown, PA
- June 5, 2012 – Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg served as a session presenter at Five County Criminal Practice Seminar
- March 16, 2012 – John H. Filice, an attorney at the law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. served as a speaker to the Independent Adults with Neuromuscular Disease Group, on March 7, 2012. The event was held at the North Penn Visiting Nurses Building, 51 Medical Campus Drive, Lansdale, Pennsylvania
- June 14, 2011 – Attorney Jay C. Glickman named as 2011 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer
- June 7, 2011 – Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg, named as a 2011 Pennsylvania
- May 18, 2011 – Attorney Gregory R. Gifford, named as 2011 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer
- May 18, 2011 – Attorney Gregory R. Gifford Authors DUI Publication
- May 18, 2011 – Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg Receives Recertification as a Criminal Trial Advocate by the National Board of Trial Advocacy
- April 4, 2011 – Marc Robert Steinberg spoke at the 2011 Criminal Law and Forensics Conference
- November 12, 2010 – Attorney Amy R. Stern was a speaker at the National Divorce Financial Planners Meeting
- October 28, 2010 – Attorney Jay C. Glickman spoke at an event on Estate Planning
- Attorney Robert T. Szostak, Esquire to speak at a program entitled “Anatomy of a Lawsuit” sponsored by Montgomery County Medical Society, Montgomery Bar Association, Abington Memorial Hospital, and Cassatt RRG.
- Greg Gifford has spent a lifetime gathering historic bottles and deeply satisfying thank-you letters Published in Pennsylvania Super Lawyers 2010 — June 2010
- June 23, 2010 – Marc Robert Steinberg spoke at the Pennsylvania Bar Institute’s Statewide “Criminal Law Symposium”.
- May 27, 2010 -Rubin, Glickman Steinberg and Gifford is pleased to announce John H. Filice has been named a Rising Star
- December 8, 2009 – Attorney Matthew T. Wilkov presented a seminar at the Pennsylvania Bar Institute.
- December 3, 2009 – Attorney Matthew T. Wilkov presented a seminar at the Delaware County Bar Association.
- June 15, 2009 – Marc Robert Steinberg, a partner with Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. of Lansdale, Pennsylvania, spoke at the Pennsylvania Bar Institute’s Statewide “Criminal Law Symposium”.
- June 3, 2009 -Attorneys Marc Robert Steinberg, Gregory R. Gifford Jay C. Glickman and Robert T. Szostak named as 2009 Pennsylvania Super Lawyers
- May 18, 2009 – Attorney Gregory R. Gifford spoke at a seminar entitled “Child Abuse from Legal and Psychological Perspectives” at Montgomery County Intermediate Unit, Norristown, PALansdale –
- May 4, 2009 – Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg participated in a Five County Criminal Practice
- January 22, 2009 – Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford,P.C. Honors Five Dedicated Employees
- November 4, 2008- Attorney Matthew T. Wilkov promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve.
- September 12,2008 – Attorney Matthew T. Wilkov presented a seminar at the Pennsylvania Bar Institute.
- August 20, 2008 – Attorney Jay C. Glickman appointed to the Committee for Social Accountability of the Frederick Mennonite Community
- August 5, 2008 – Attorney Matthew T. Wilkov presented a seminar at the Family Law Section Summer Meeting of the Pennsylvania Bar Association.
- July 23, 2008 Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg Named Top 100 Lawyer in Pennsylvania
- July 23, 2008 Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg spoke at a Personal Injury Potpourri Seminar
- July 2, 2008 – Attorneys Marc Robert Steinberg, Gregory R. Gifford, Jay C. Glickman, and Robert T. Szostak named 2008 Super Lawyers
- April 30, 2008 – Attorney Gregory R. Gifford spoke on Child Abuse from Legal and Psychological at a seminar
- February 13, 2008 – Attorney John H. Filice spoke on e-Discovery at a seminar
Joseph P. Birmingham Joins Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C.
Contact: Suzanne Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford
Tel: 215-822-7575
Release Date: January 22, 2025
LANSDALE: Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is pleased to announce that Trial Attorney Joseph P. Birmingham recently joined the firm as Senior Counsel. Mr. Birmingham brings 25 years of litigation experience to the firm and is handling civil and commercial litigation including automobile accidents, slip and falls, premises liability and general liability matters. He previously served as Trial Attorney for the in-house Counsel of a national Property Casualty Insurance Company, and more recently, as a Senior Associate at Palmer and Barr, P.C. where he handled Trial work on both the Plaintiff and Defense sides.
Joe is well versed in all aspects of litigation, having successfully tried, arbitrated and mediated hundreds of cases in all of the courts of the five-county area surrounding Philadelphia as well as in eighteen different Pennsylvania Counties. He has served on various National Home Office Committees and provided many Litigation Training Seminars to Claims Adjustors and fellow Staff Attorneys over many years, as well as offering Continuing Legal Education seminars to fellow Attorneys.
“I am thrilled to join such a respected firm that has served the community so well for so many years. The attorneys and staff here are second to none, and I look forward to continuing their tradition of excellence, and helping our clients successfully navigate our legal system,” said Joe.
According to Managing Partner Gregory Gifford, “We are very excited to welcome Joe to our firm. He is a seasoned Trial Attorney bringing a wealth of experience to our practice. His dedication to client success and his litigation background will add to our practice and is consistent with our long-standing effort to provide quality representation to each of our clients in a warm and friendly atmosphere.”
Mr. Birmingham is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and the Notre Dame Law School. He is Admitted to the Bar of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania to practice in all Pennsylvania State Courts, as well as Admitted in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania’s Federal Court. He began his legal career as a Judicial Law Clerk in the Delaware County Court of Common Pleas,
and currently focuses his practice on Pennsylvania Civil and Commercial Litigation cases. He is a member of the Pennsylvania Bar Association and the Montgomery Bar Association.
He is an active member of the community, and is a Lector and Sacristan at St. Rose of Lima Church in North Wales, PA. He has previously served as a Board Member and Coach in the Mater Dei CYO organization, and has Coached High School Softball at Mount Saint Joseph’s Academy. In his free time, he is pursuing a Master’s Degree in Theology at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary, where he is studying in the School of Diaconal Formation as he progresses towards becoming Ordained as a Permanent Deacon.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. The firm received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report and Best Lawyers© for its Criminal Law, Trusts and Estates Law, Personal Injury and Zoning Law Practices from 2010 to date. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. The firm has nine lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono services. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992. END
Attorney Gregory R. Gifford Named a “2024 PA Super Lawyer”
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
Lansdale – Gregory R. Gifford a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has been named by fellow Pennsylvania lawyers as a 2024 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer as published in the annual May publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers and the June issue of Philadelphia Magazine. Mr. Gifford was recognized by experienced attorneys and colleagues for his professional achievements in personal injury plaintiffs’ law. This is the 21st consecutive year Mr. Gifford received this award, which distinguishes him as ranked among the top 5% of the attorneys practicing in his field.
Mr. Gifford joined Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. in 1984. His practice includes personal injury, criminal and municipal law. He graduated from Ursinus College, cum laude, with departmental honors in political science and is a graduate of the Villanova University School of Law. He serves as solicitor to the Skippack Township, Marlborough Township and Lansdale Borough Zoning Hearing Board and serves as solicitor to North Wales Borough. He also serves as the Lansdale Borough, Hatfield, Towamencin, Lower Salford, Franconia and Springfield Townships Police Benevolent Associations, and the Pennsylvania Juvenile Officer’s Association. He is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations and is past-president of the Montgomery Bar Association. He also is a past president of the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association and was named Trial Lawyer of the Year by the Montgomery Bar Association Trial Lawyers Section in 2015. He has been named a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer from 2004 through 2024 and was named a Best Lawyer in America in 2019 through 2024 by the national Best Lawyers publication in the practice areas of Plaintiffs’ Personal Injury Litigation and Land Use and Zoning Law.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. The firm received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law, Trusts and Estates Law, Personal Injury and Zoning Law Practices from 2010 through 2023. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. The firm has 8 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono services. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992. END
Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg Named a “2024 PA Super Lawyer”
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
Lansdale – Marc Robert Steinberg, a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has been named by fellow Pennsylvania lawyers as a 2024 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer as published in the annual May publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers and the June issue of Philadelphia Magazine. This is the 21st consecutive year Mr. Steinberg has been named a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer for his professional achievements in criminal defense law, which distinguishes him as ranked among the top 5% of the attorneys practicing in his field.
Mr. Steinberg specializes in the practice of criminal law, personal injury and alternate dispute resolution. He graduated from Temple University School of Law in 1973 and holds an undergraduate degree from the Pennsylvania State University.
Mr. Steinberg is a former Montgomery County Assistant District Attorney. He is past president of the Montgomery Bar Association, past president of the Montgomery Bar Foundation, past President of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project (MCAP), past president of the Montgomery American Inn of Court and the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. He is a former member of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Disciplinary Board Hearing Committee 2.09. He taught Advanced Trial Advocacy at Temple University School of Law for 25 years and continues to lecture for the Montgomery Bar Association and the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. In 2005, he was named Trial Lawyer of the Year by the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. Mr. Steinberg has also been named one of the Top 100 Lawyers in Pennsylvania and Philadelphia by Pennsylvania Super Lawyers as published in Philadelphia Magazine and a Top 100 Lawyer by The National Trial Lawyers. Mr. Steinberg frequently serves as a Neutral Mediator and Arbitrator.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. The firm received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2023. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. The firm has 8 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leader-ship positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono services. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992. END
Attorney Amy Stern Named a “2024 PA Super Lawyer”
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
Lansdale – Amy R. Stern, a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has been named by fellow Pennsylvania lawyers as a 2024 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer as announced in the annual May publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers and the June issue of Philadelphia Magazine. Ms. Stern was recognized by experienced attorneys and colleagues for her professional achievements in family law. This is the 5th consecutive year Ms. Stern received this award, which distinguishes her as ranked among the top 5% of the attorneys practicing in her field.
Ms. Stern joined Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C., in 1995. Her practice is dedicated to family law, mediation, estate planning and estate administration. She is a 1989 graduate of Temple University School of Law and holds a bachelor’s degree from George Washington University. She is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations where she is a member of the Family Law Section. Ms. Stern is certified in Family Law Mediation. She serves as a Research Assistant on the Advisory Committee on Decedent’s Estate Laws to the Pennsylvania Joint State Government Commission.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. The firm received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law, Trusts and Estates Law, Personal Injury and Zoning Law Practices from 2010 through 2023. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. The firm has 8 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono services. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992. END
Attorney Matthew T. Wilkov Named a “2024 PA Super Lawyer”
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
Lansdale – Matthew T. Wilkov, a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has been named by fellow Pennsylvania lawyers as a 2024 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer as published in the annual May publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers and the June issue of Philadelphia Magazine. Mr. Wilkov was recognized by experienced attorneys and colleagues for his professional achievements in personal injury general plaintiffs’ law. This is the 4th consecutive year Mr. Wilkov received this award, which distinguishes him as ranked among the top 5% of the attorneys practicing in his field.
Mr. Wilkov is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations. He served two terms on the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Bar Association. He is also a member of the Montgomery Bar Association Trial Lawyers Section and a former Chair of the Juvenile Rules Committee, Young Lawyers Section and Member Services Committee. He was elected by the members of the Montgomery Bar Association to serve on the Judiciary Committee. A graduate of Temple University School of Law, he was a member of the Moot Court Honor Society and the Temple Political and Civil Rights Law Review. He was named a “Lawyer on the Fast Track” by The Legal Intelligencer and voted “One of the Best Lawyers” in The Reporter’s Readers’ Choice Awards.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. The firm received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law, Trusts and Estates Law, Personal Injury and Zoning Law Practices from 2010 through 2023. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. The firm has 8 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono services. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992. END
Attorneys Jay C. Glickman, Marc Robert Steinberg, Gregory R. Gifford, Matthew T. Wilkov, Amy R. Stern and John H. Filice Named “2025 Best Lawyers in America”
For Immediate Release – September 18, 2024
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
Lansdale – The firm is pleased to announce that Jay C. Glickman, Marc Robert Steinberg, Gregory R. Gifford, Matthew T. Wilkov, Amy R. Stern, and John H. Filice have been named “2025 Best Lawyers in America” in the practice areas of Trusts, Estate Law, Criminal Defense, Plaintiffs’ Personal Injury Litigation and Land Use and Zoning Law, Family Law, and Business Organizations, by the national Best Lawyers Publication. Best Lawyers is the oldest and most respected peer-review publication in the legal profession.
Mr. Glickman’s practice focuses on Estate Planning and Estate Administration. He received his undergraduate degree from Pennsylvania State University and his law degree from Temple University School of Law. He is an active member of the community and officer and board member of the Souderton-Telford Rotary Club, Montgomery Township Planning Commission, Montgomery Township Open Space Committee, Montgomery Township Shade Tree Commission, Hatfield Township Transportation Committee, Advisory Committee on Decedent’s Estates Law to the PA Joint State Government Commission for the House and Senate, Souderton-Harleysville Fish, Game and Forestry Association, Inc., Century Club, and Boy Scouts of America. He is the former member of the Board of Directors of the Highlands Community Association, Last Chance Ranch, Institute for Comprehensive Family Therapy, Souderton Ambulance Associations, North Penn Red Cross, and Valley Center, and former solicitor for Montgomery County Development Corporation and Northstar Youth Services. He is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations and is admitted in Federal and Pennsylvania courts. He was also named a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer from 2006 through 2019 as published in Philadelphia Magazine.
Mr. Steinberg specializes in the practice of criminal law, personal injury and alternate dispute resolution. He graduated from Temple University School of Law in 1973 and holds an undergraduate degree from the Pennsylvania State University. He is a former Montgomery County Assistant District Attorney. He is past president of the Montgomery Bar Association, past president of the Montgomery Bar Foundation, past President of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project (MCAP), past president of the Montgomery American Inn of Court and the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. He is a former member of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Disciplinary Board Hearing Committee 2.09.
He taught Trial Advocacy at Temple University School of Law for 25 years and continues to lecture for the Montgomery Bar Association and the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. In 2005, he was named Trial Lawyer of the Year by the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. Mr. Steinberg has also been named one of the Top 100 Lawyers in Pennsylvania and Philadelphia by Pennsylvania Super Lawyers as published in Philadelphia Magazine and a Top 100 Lawyer by The National Trial Lawyers. Mr. Steinberg frequently serves as a Neutral Mediator and Arbitrator.
Mr. Gifford’s practice includes personal injury, criminal and municipal law. He graduated from Ursinus College, cum laude, with departmental honors in political science and is a graduate of the Villanova University School of Law. He serves as solicitor to the Skippack Township, Marlborough Township and Lansdale Borough Zoning Hearing Boards. He also serves as solicitor to North Wales Borough, the Hatfield, Lansdale, Towamencin, Lower Salford, Franconia Township and Springfield Police Benevolent Associations, and the Pennsylvania Juvenile Officers Association. He is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations. He was the past President of the Montgomery Bar Association. He also is a past president of the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association and was named Trial Lawyer of the Year by the Montgomery Bar Association Trial Lawyers Section in 2015. He has been named a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer from 2004 through 2023 as published in Philadelphia Magazine.
Mr. Wilkov’s practice is dedicated to Personal Injury, Product Liability, Criminal Defense, Business Litigation, and Military/Veterans’ Law. He is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations. He served two terms on the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Bar Association. He is also a member of the Montgomery Bar Association Trial Lawyers Section and a former Chair of the Juvenile Rules Committee, Young Lawyers Section and Member Services Committee. He was elected by the members of the Montgomery Bar Association to serve on the Judiciary Committee. A graduate of Temple University School of Law, he was a member of the Moot Court Honor Society and the Temple Political and Civil Rights Law Review. He was named a “Lawyer on the Fast Track” by The Legal Intelligencer and voted “One of the Best Lawyers” in The Reporter’s Readers’ Choice Awards.
Ms. Stern’s practice is dedicated to family law, mediation, estate planning and estate administration. She is a 1989 graduate of Temple University School of Law and holds a bachelor’s degree from George Washington University. She is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations where she is a member of the Family Law Section. Ms. Stern is certified in Family Law Mediation. She serves as a Research Assistant on the Advisory Committee on Decedent’s Estate Laws to the Pennsylvania Joint State Government Commission. She also was past Co-President of the Women’s Center of Montgomery County and served as a board member for 8 years.
Mr. Filice practices in the areas of estate planning, estate administration, real estate, and business formation. He is currently a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations. He served as an editor of the Montgomery County Law Reporter from 2003 to 2005. Mr. Filice is a member of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys. He is a graduate of the University of Richmond School of Law, where he was a member of the University of Richmond Law Review and the McNeill Law Society. Mr. Filice graduated, cum laude, in 2001.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. The firm received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Personal Injury Practices and Zoning Law from 2010 through 2023. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. The firm has 8 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono services. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992. END
Attorneys Jay C. Glickman and Amy R. Stern Co-Presented Estate Planning Seminar
For Immediate Release – May 30, 2024
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
Lansdale – Attorneys Jay C. Glickman and Amy R. Stern, Partners at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C, presented an Estate Planning seminar to members of the Valley Forge Baptist Church in Collegeville, Pennsylvania. The seminar covered all aspects of estate planning including Wills, Trusts, Financial Powers of Attorney and Health Care Powers of Attorney. It was held on Saturday, May 1 8 from 10:00 to 1:00 pm at the Church.
Partner Jay C. Glickman has been a member of the firm since 1972 and was admitted to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court the same year. Mr. Glickman’s practice focuses on Estate Planning and Estate Administration. He received his undergraduate degree from Pennsylvania State University and his law degree from Temple University School of Law.
Mr. Glickman is an active member of the community and officer and board member of the Souderton-Telford Rotary Club, Montgomery Township Planning Commission, Montgomery Township Open Space Committee, Montgomery Township Shade Tree Commission, Hatfield Township Transportation Committee, Advisory Committee on Decedent’s Estates Law to the PA Joint State Government Commission for the House and Senate, Souderton-Harleysville Fish, Game and Forestry Association, Inc., Century Club, and Boy Scouts of America. He is the former member of the Board of Directors of the Highlands Community Association, Last Chance Ranch, Institute for Comprehensive Family Therapy, Souderton Ambulance Associations, North Penn Red Cross, and Valley Center, and former solicitor for Montgomery County Development Corporation and Northstar Youth Services. He is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations and is admitted in Federal and Pennsylvania courts. He was also named a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer from 2006 through 2019 as published in Philadelphia Magazine.
Ms. Stern joined Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C., in 1995. Her practice is dedicated to family law, mediation, estate planning and administration. She is a 1989 graduate of Temple University School of Law and holds a bachelor’s degree from George Washington University. She is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations where she is a member of the Family Law Section. Ms. Stern is certified in Family Law Mediation. She serves as a Research Assistant on the Advisory Committee on Decedent’s Estate Laws to the Pennsylvania Joint State Government Commission.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law, Trusts and Estates Law, Personal Injury and Zoning Law Practices from 2010 through 2023. Each member is dedicated to professional representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. The firm now has 8 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992. END
National Estate Planning Awareness Week – 10/16/23 through 10/22/23 Is Your House In Order?
For Immediate Release – October 17, 2023
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
Have you given proper attention to your current estate planning needs? Do you have a current Will? Do you need Powers of Attorney or Health Care Powers of Attorney both of which provide important guidance if you become ill? If you have not given these issues proper attention, then your house may not be in order.
Who should have a Will and Why?
- Any person over the age of 18 who has children or owns any type of property. Property can refer to personal property, which may include bank accounts or cars, or real estate.
- A Will sets forth who is to receive this property on your death.
- A Will allows you to name Guardians for your minor children or to set up a trust to hold funds for your children until they reach a certain age.
- If you wish to set up an educational trust for your children or grandchildren, a Will can accomplish this for you.
Who should have Powers of Attorney and Why?
- Many people over the age of 18.
- There are two types of Powers of Attorney – Financial Powers of Attorney and a Medical and Health Care Power of Attorney and Living Will. Both are very important.
- A financial Power of Attorney is the document that appoints and authorizes your Agent to take care of your financial matters for you if you are unable to do so.
- A Medical and Health Care Power of Attorney and Living Will is the document that appoints and authorizes your Agent to make medical and health care decisions for you, including end of life issues, if you are not able to do so for yourself.
- Both of these documents are extremely important if you are unable to handle your affairs while alive. Without them, your family will have a difficult time stepping in and may need the court to intervene, which is costly and time consuming.
During National Estate Planning Awareness Week if your house is not in order, take the steps necessary to review your estate plan today. Call us at 215-822-7575 to schedule a free consultation or email us at END
Congratulations to RGS&G’s 2024 Best Lawyers!
For Immediate Release – October 12, 2023
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
We are pleased to announce that 5 of our attorneys have been named as 2024 Best Lawyers in America®!
Our five attorneys are :
Gregory Gifford
Greg received his first Best Lawyer’s nomination in 2019 and has since received the award each year. He is recognized for his work in land use and zoning law and also in personal injury litigation.
Jay Glickman
Jay was first honored as a Best Lawyer in 2012 and has since continued to receive this honor every year! He is recognized for his work in trusts and estates law.
Marc Steinberg
Marc has been a Best Lawyer since 2010. This year’s nomination is his 15th!! He is recognized for his work in criminal defense.
Amy Stern
Amy received her first Best Lawyer’s nomination this year! She is recognized for her work in family law.
Matthew Wilkov
Matt also received his first nomination as a Best Lawyer this year! He is recognized for his work in personal injury litigation. END
Attorney Amy Stern Speaks on Estate Planning to Montco SAAC at Ambler
For Immediate Release – July 27, 2023
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
Lansdale – Amy R. Stern, a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C., spoke to the members of the Montco Senior Adult Activity Center at Ambler on July 21, 2023. She addressed estate planning needs for seniors including Wills, Powers of Attorney and Health Care Directives and the importance of having these documents in place. She regularly meets with members of the Center to assist them with their estate planning needs.
Ms. Stern joined Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C., in 1995. Her practice is dedicated to family law, mediation, estate planning and estate administration. She is a 1989 graduate of Temple University School of Law and holds a bachelor’s degree from George Washington University. She is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations where she is a member of the Family Law Section. Ms. Stern is certified in Family Law Mediation. She serves as a Research Assistant on the Advisory Committee on Decedent’s Estate Laws to the Pennsylvania Joint State Government Commission. She also was past Co-President of the Women’s Center of Montgomery County and served as a board member for eight years.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. The firm received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law, Trusts and Estates Law, Personal Injury and Zoning Law Practices from 2010 through 2023. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. The firm has 8 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono services. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992. END
Attorney Amy Stern Named a “2023 PA Super Lawyer”
For Immediate Release – July 19, 2023
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
Lansdale – Amy R. Stern, a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has been named by fellow Pennsylvania lawyers as a 2023 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer as announced in the annual May publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers and the June issue of Philadelphia Magazine. Ms. Stern was recognized by experienced attorneys and colleagues for her professional achievements in family law. This award distinguishes her as ranked among the top 5% of the attorneys practicing in her field.
Ms. Stern joined Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C., in 1995. Her practice is dedicated to family law, mediation, estate planning and estate administration. She is a 1989 graduate of Temple University School of Law and holds a bachelor’s degree from George Washington University. She is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations where she is a member of the Family Law Section. Ms. Stern is certified in Family Law Mediation. She serves as a Research Assistant on the Advisory Committee on Decedent’s Estate Laws to the Pennsylvania Joint State Government Commission. She also was past Co-President of the Women’s Center of Montgomery County and served as a board member for eight years.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. The firm received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law, Trusts and Estates Law, Personal Injury and Zoning Law Practices from 2010 through 2023. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. The firm has 8 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono services. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992. END
Attorney Matthew T. Wilkov Named a “2023 PA Super Lawyer”
For Immediate Release – July 18, 2023
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
Lansdale – Matthew T. Wilkov, a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has been named by fellow Pennsylvania lawyers as a 2023 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer as published in the annual May publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers and the June issue of Philadelphia Magazine. Mr. Wilkov was recognized by experienced attorneys and colleagues for his professional achievements in personal injury general plaintiffs’ law, which distinguishes him as ranked among the top 5% of the attorneys practicing in his field.
Mr. Wilkov is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations. He served two terms on the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Bar Association. He is also a member of the Montgomery Bar Association Trial Lawyers Section and a former Chair of the Juvenile Rules Committee, Young Lawyers Section and Member Services Committee. He was elected by the members of the Montgomery Bar Association to serve on the Judiciary Committee. A graduate of Temple University School of Law, he was a member of the Moot Court Honor Society and the Temple Political and Civil Rights Law Review. He was named a “Lawyer on the Fast Track” by The Legal Intelligencer and voted “One of the Best Lawyers” in The Reporter’s Readers’ Choice Awards.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. The firm received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law, Trusts and Estates Law, Personal Injury and Zoning Law Practices from 2010 through 2023. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. The firm has 8 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono services. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992. END
Attorney Gregory R. Gifford Named a “2023 PA Super Lawyer”
For Immediate Release – July 14, 2023
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
Lansdale – Gregory R. Gifford a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has been named by fellow Pennsylvania lawyers as a 2023 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer as published in the annual May publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers and the June issue of Philadelphia Magazine. Mr. Gifford was recognized by experienced attorneys and colleagues for his professional achievements in personal injury plaintiffs’ law. This is the 20th consecutive year Mr. Gifford received this award, which distinguishes him as ranked among the top 5% of the attorneys practicing in his field.
Mr. Gifford joined Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. in 1984. His practice includes personal injury, criminal and municipal law. He graduated from Ursinus College, cum laude, with departmental honors in political science and is a graduate of the Villanova University School of Law. He serves as solicitor to the Skippack Township, Marlborough Township and Lansdale Borough Zoning Hearing Boards. He also serves as solicitor to North Wales Borough, Lansdale Borough, Hatfield, Towamencin, Lower Salford, Franconia and Springfield Townships Police Benevolent Associations, and the Pennsylvania Juvenile Officer’s Association. He is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations and is past-president of the Montgomery Bar Association. He also is a past president of the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association and was named Trial Lawyer of the Year by the Montgomery Bar Association Trial Lawyers Section in 2015. He has been named a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer from 2004 through 2023 and was named a Best Lawyer in America in 2019 through 2023 by the national Best Lawyers publication in the practice areas of Plaintiffs’ Personal Injury Litigation and Land Use and Zoning Law.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. The firm received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law, Trusts and Estates Law, Personal Injury and Zoning Law Practices from 2010 through 2023. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. The firm has 8 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono services. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992. END
Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg Named a “2023 PA Super Lawyer”
For Immediate Release – July 13, 2023
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
Lansdale – Marc Robert Steinberg, a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has been named by fellow Pennsylvania lawyers as a 2023 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer as published in the annual May publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers and the June issue of Philadelphia Magazine. This is the 20th consecutive year Mr. Steinberg has been named a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer for his professional achievements in criminal defense law, which distinguishes him as ranked among the top 5% of the attorneys practicing in his field.
Mr. Steinberg specializes in the practice of criminal law, personal injury and alternate dispute resolution. He graduated from Temple University School of Law in 1973 and holds an undergraduate degree from the Pennsylvania State University.
He is a former Montgomery County Assistant District Attorney. He is past president of the Montgomery Bar Association, past president of the Montgomery Bar Foundation, past President of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project (MCAP), past president of the Montgomery American Inn of Court and the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. He is a former member of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Disciplinary Board Hearing Committee 2.09. He taught Advanced Trial Advocacy at Temple University School of Law for 25 years and continues to lecture for the Montgomery Bar Association and the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. In 2005, he was named Trial Lawyer of the Year by the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. Mr. Steinberg has also been named one of the Top 100 Lawyers in Pennsylvania and Philadelphia by Pennsylvania Super Lawyers as published in Philadelphia Magazine and a Top 100 Lawyer by The National Trial Lawyers. Mr. Steinberg frequently serves as a Neutral Mediator and Arbitrator.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. The firm received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law, Trusts and Estates Law, Personal Injury and Zoning Law Practices from 2010 through 2023. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. The firm has 8 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leader-ship positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono services. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992. END
Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg Presented Session at Pennsylvania Bar Association’s Criminal Law Symposium
For Immediate Release – June 29, 2023
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
Lansdale – Marc Robert Steinberg presented a session at the PBA’s Criminal Law Symposium entitled “How to Make A Living Practicing Criminal Law.” His presentation covered compliance with PA Rules of Professional Conduct, Ethical Considerations, Fee Letter Requirements as well as suggestions on how to make a living practicing criminal law. The Symposium was held in Harrisburg, PA on Thursday, June 9, 2023.
Mr. Steinberg specializes in the practice of criminal law, personal injury and alternate dispute resolution. He graduated from Temple University School of Law in 1973 and holds an undergraduate degree from the Pennsylvania State University.
He is a former Montgomery County Assistant District Attorney. He is past president of the Montgomery Bar Association, past president of the Montgomery Bar Foundation, past President of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project (MCAP), past president of the Montgomery American Inn of Court and the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. He is a former member of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Disciplinary Board Hearing Committee 2.09. He taught Advanced Trial Advocacy at Temple University School of Law for 25 years and continues to lecture for the Montgomery Bar Association and the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. In 2005, he was named Trial Lawyer of the Year by the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. Mr. Steinberg has also been named one of the Top 100 Lawyers in Pennsylvania and Philadelphia by Pennsylvania Super Lawyers as published in Philadelphia Magazine and a Top 100 Lawyer by The National Trial Lawyers. Mr. Steinberg frequently serves as a Neutral Mediator and Arbitrator.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. The firm received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law, Trusts and Estates Law, Personal Injury and Zoning Law Practices from 2010 through 2023. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. The firm has 8 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leader-ship positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono services. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992. END
Attorney Matt Wilkov presented a seminar at the Pennsylvania Bar Institute.
For Immediate Release – December 14, 2022
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
LANSDALE — Matt Wilkov, partner with the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C., delivered a presentation to attorneys as part of a Continuing Legal Education Course covering Veterans Advocacy in Pennsylvania entitled, “ Legal Issues Affecting Military Personnel 2022” on December 7, 2022. This session was the third session in the series.”
The program was available in-person and also via Remote Live Webcast to attorneys from across the Commonwealth. The military law program topics included Family Law Issues, Discharge Upgrades, Military and Veterans’ Affairs’ Networks available at the Federal , State and County Levels, Disability Issues, Recent Trends in Veterans’ Law, and Proposed and New Regulations. Mr. Wilkov served as the instructor for the Military Family Law portion.
Mr. Wilkov has been a member of the law firm since 1999, and a Partner with the law firm since 2005. He practices in the areas of personal injury, products liability, med. malpractice, criminal defense, business litigation, and military/veterans law. Mr. Wilkov is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations. He completed his second year of service on the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Bar Association. He is also a member of the Montgomery Bar Association Trial Lawyers Section, and a former Chair of the Juvenile Rules Committee, Young Lawyers Section, and Member Services Committee. He is a graduate of the Temple University School of Law where he was a member of the Moot Court Honor Society and the Temple Political and Civil Rights Law Review. Mr. Wilkov earned his Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Labor Relations from Cornell University.
He served on Active Duty as a Judge Advocate and paratrooper in the U.S. Army. While assigned as a Captain at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, he served on the Commanding General’s staff as a prosecutor and as Chief of Administrative Law, 82nd Airborne Division. After 28 years of commissioned service, Lt. Colonel Wilkov retired from the US Army Reserve in June 2022. In his final assignment LTC Wilkov served as the Chief of Staff for the 151st Legal Operations Detachment located in Alexandria, VA.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2021 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News and World Report for its Criminal Law Practice every year since 2010. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
Matthew T. Wilkov, Esquire served as a Panelist at the Montgomery Bar Association’s The “Business” Side of the Law, CLE Seminar.
For Immediate Release – December 5, 2022
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
LANSDALE — Matthew T. Wilkov, a Partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C., and a retired US Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel, served as a panelist at the Montgomery Bar Association’s The “Business” Side of the Law, CLE Seminar held at the Montgomery Bar Association Building in Norristown, Pennsylvania, on November 30th, 2022. The presentation covered “Financial Disputes between Partners, What is involved when Going Into a Private Practice, Fee Letters and Ethical Considerations in Private Practice.”
Mr. Wilkov has been a member of the law firm since 1999 and a Partner since 2005. He practices in the areas of personal injury, products liability, criminal defense, business litigation, and military/veterans’ law. Mr. Wilkov is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations. He served two terms on the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Bar Association. He is also a member of the Montgomery Bar Association Trial Lawyers Section, and a former Chair of the Juvenile Rules Committee, Young Lawyers Section, and Member Services Committee. After 28 years of commissioned service, Lieutenant Colonel Wilkov retired from the US Army Reserve in June 2022. In his final assignment LTC Wilkov served as the Chief of Staff for the 151st Legal Operations Detachment located in Alexandria, Virginia. He is a graduate of the Temple University School of Law where he was a member of the Moot Court Honor Society and the Temple Political and Civil Rights Law Review. Mr. Wilkov earned his Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Labor Relations from Cornell University. He held the prestigious AV rating from Martindale-Hubbell for over a decade, as has been recognized as a Super Lawyer by Thomson Reuters.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2021 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News and World Report for its Criminal Law Practice since 2010. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
Attorney Jay C. Glickman Reappointed as Member of Montgomery Township Open Space Committee
For Immediate Release – February 5, 2020
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
LANSDALE — Attorney Jay C. Glickman, a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has been reappointed to the Montgomery Township Open Space Committee for a term to expire on January 1, 2021. Montgomery Township is dedicated to the preservation of open space to protect natural resources, vistas and viewsheds, preserve its agricultural heritage, and provide residents with an extensive network of trails. It currently has nearly 8,000 acres of existing and proposed open space.
Mr. Glickman has been a member of the firm since 1972 and was admitted to the PA Supreme Court the same year. His practice focuses on Estate Planning and Estate Administration. He received his undergraduate degree from Pennsylvania State University and his law degree from Temple University School of Law. He is an active member of the community and officer and board member of the Souderton-Telford Rotary Club, Montgomery Township Planning Commission Chairman, Montgomery Township Open Space Committee, Montgomery Township Shade Tree Commission, Hatfield Township Transportation Committee, Advisory Committee on Decedent’s Estates Law to the PA Joint State Government Commission for the House and Senate, Souderton-Harleysville Fish, Game and Forestry Association, Inc., Century Club, and Boy Scouts of America. He is the former member of the Board of Directors of the Highlands Community Association, Last Chance Ranch, Institute for Comprehensive Family Therapy, Souderton Ambulance Associations, North Penn Red Cross, and Valley Center, and former solicitor for Montgomery County Development Corp. and Northstar Youth Services. He is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations and is admitted in Federal and Pennsylvania courts. He was named a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer from 2006 through 2019 as published in Philadelphia Magazine and a “2020 Best Lawyer in America” in the practice area of Trusts and Estates by the national Best Lawyers Publication.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report from 2010 through 2020 and was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 10 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees at the county and state level. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono services. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
Attorney Jay C. Glickman Reappointed as Member of Montgomery Township Shade Tree Commission
For Immediate Release – February 3, 2020
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
LANSDALE — Attorney Jay C. Glickman, a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has been reappointed to the Montgomery Township Shade Tree Commission for a term to expire on January 1, 2025. The Shade Tree Commission manages the planting and maintenance of trees and landscaping on all Montgomery Township properties, trails, drainage basins and properties being developed in Montgomery Township.
Mr. Glickman has been a member of the firm since 1972 and was admitted to the PA Supreme Court the same year. His practice focuses on Estate Planning and Estate Administration. He received his undergraduate degree from Pennsylvania State University and his law degree from Temple University School of Law. He is an active member of the community and officer and board member of the Souderton-Telford Rotary Club, Montgomery Township Planning Commission Chairman, Montgomery Township Open Space Committee, Montgomery Township Shade Tree Commission, Hatfield Township Transportation Committee, Advisory Committee on Decedent’s Estates Law to the PA Joint State Government Commission for the House and Senate, Souderton-Harleysville Fish, Game and Forestry Association, Inc., Century Club, and Boy Scouts of America. He is the former member of the Board of Directors of the Highlands Community Association, Last Chance Ranch, Institute for Comprehensive Family Therapy, Souderton Ambulance Associations, North Penn Red Cross, and Valley Center, and former solicitor for Montgomery County Development Corp. and Northstar Youth Services. He is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations and is admitted in Federal and Pennsylvania courts. He was named a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer from 2006 through 2019 as published in Philadelphia Magazine and a “2020 Best Lawyer in America” in the practice area of Trusts and Estates by the national Best Lawyers Publication.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report from 2010 through 2020 and was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 10 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees at the county and state level. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono services. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
Attorney Matt Wilkov Appointed as a Director of NAMI of Montgomery County, PA
For Immediate Release – February 3, 2020
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
LANSDALE — Attorney Matt Wilkov, a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C., has been appointed to the Board of Directors of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), Montgomery County PA Affiliate. NAMI provides advocacy, education, support and public awareness so that all individuals and families affected by mental illness can build better lives. For over four decades, NAMI Montgomery County PA has established itself as the most formidable grassroots mental health advocacy organization in the county.
Mr. Wilkov is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations. He served two terms on the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Bar Association. He is also a member of the Montgomery Bar Association Trial Lawyers Section and a former Chair of the Juvenile Rules Committee, Young Lawyers Section and Member Services Committee. He was elected by the members of the Montgomery Bar Association to serve on the Judiciary Committee. A graduate of Temple University School of Law, he was a member of the Moot Court Honor Society and the Temple Political and Civil Rights Law Review. He was named a “Lawyer on the Fast Track” by The Legal Intelligencer and voted “One of the Best Lawyers” in The Reporter’s Readers’ Choice Awards.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report from 2010 through 2020 and was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 10 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees at the county and state level. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono services. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
Attorney Jay C. Glickman Reappointed as Member
of Montgomery Township Planning Commission
For Immediate Release – January 30, 2020
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
LANSDALE — Attorney Jay C. Glickman, a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has been reappointed to the Montgomery Township Planning Commission for a term to expire on January 1, 2023. The Planning Commission’s mission is to plan, guide and coordinate the future growth and development of the township in a manner that strengthens the local economy, improves and protects the environment and enhances the quality of life and well-being of current and future generations.
Mr. Glickman has been a member of the firm since 1972 and was admitted to the PA Supreme Court the same year. His practice focuses on Estate Planning and Estate Administration. He received his undergraduate degree from Pennsylvania State University and his law degree from Temple University School of Law. He is an active member of the community and officer and board member of the Souderton-Telford Rotary Club, Montgomery Township Planning Commission Chairman, Montgomery Township Open Space Committee, Montgomery Township Shade Tree Commission, Hatfield Township Transportation Committee, Advisory Committee on Decedent’s Estates Law to the PA Joint State Government Commission for the House and Senate, Souderton-Harleysville Fish, Game and Forestry Association, Inc., Century Club, and Boy Scouts of America. He is the former member of the Board of Directors of the Highlands Community Association, Last Chance Ranch, Institute for Comprehensive Family Therapy, Souderton Ambulance Associations, North Penn Red Cross, and Valley Center, and former solicitor for Montgomery County Development Corp. and Northstar Youth Services. He is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations and is admitted in Federal and Pennsylvania courts. He was named a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer from 2006 through 2019 as published in Philadelphia Magazine and a “2020 Best Lawyer in America” in the practice area of Trusts and Estates by the national Best Lawyers Publication.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report from 2010 through 2020 and was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 10 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees at the county and state level. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono services. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. Named 2020 Best Law Firm By U.S. News & World Report
For Immediate Release – October 15, 2019
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
LANSDALE — Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is pleased to announce it has received a Tier 1 ranking in the 2020 Edition of “Best Law Firms” by U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers©. This Tier 1 ranking is determined through a rigorous evaluation process and derived from a combination of client feedback, peer review from leading attorneys in their field, and firm surveys. This is the tenth consecutive year the firm has received this honor. Best Lawyers is the oldest and most respected peer-review publication in the legal profession.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report honor for its Criminal Defense Law, Trusts and Estates Law, Plaintiff’s Personal Injury Litigation, and Land Use and Zoning Law Practices from 2010 through 2020. The firm has 10 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work.
Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and domestic law, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell ® AV rating since 1992.
Attorney Jay Glickman Named a “2020 Best Lawyer in America”
For Immediate Release – August 14, 2019
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
LANSDALE — Jay Glickman, partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, has been named a “2020 Best Lawyer in America” in the practice area of Trusts and Estates by the national Best Lawyers Publication. Best Lawyers is the oldest and most respected peer-review publication in the legal profession. This is the ninth year that Mr. Glickman has been awarded this honor.
Partner Jay C. Glickman has been a member of the firm since 1972 and was admitted to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court the same year. Mr. Glickman’s practice focuses on Estate Planning and Estate Administration. He received his undergraduate degree from Pennsylvania State University and his law degree from Temple University School of Law.
Mr. Glickman is an active member of the community and officer and board member of the Souderton-Telford Rotary Club, Montgomery Township Planning Commission – Chairman, Montgomery Township Open Space Committee, Montgomery Township Shade Tree Commission, Hatfield Township Transportation Committee, Advisory Committee on Decedent’s Estates Law to the PA Joint State Government Commission for the House and Senate, Souderton-Harleysville Fish, Game and Forestry Association, Inc., Century Club, and Boy Scouts of America. He is the former member of the Board of Directors of the Highlands Community Association, Last Chance Ranch, Institute for Comprehensive Family Therapy, Souderton Ambulance Associations, North Penn Red Cross, and Valley Center, and former solicitor for Montgomery County Development Corporation and Northstar Youth Services. He is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations and is admitted in Federal and Pennsylvania courts. He was also named a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer from 2006 through 2019 as published in Philadelphia Magazine.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. The firm received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law, Trusts and Estates Law, Personal Injury and Zoning Law Practices from 2010 through 2019. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. The firm has 10 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono services. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg Named a “2020 Best Lawyer in America”
For Immediate Release – August 9, 2019
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
LANSDALE — Marc Robert Steinberg, partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, has been named a “2020 Best Lawyer in America” in the practice area of Criminal Defense by the national Best Lawyers Publication. Best Lawyers is the oldest and most respected peer-review publication in the legal profession. This is the eleventh year that Mr. Steinberg has been awarded this honor.
Mr. Steinberg specializes in the practice of criminal law, personal injury and alternate dispute resolution. He graduated from Temple University School of Law in 1973 and holds an undergraduate degree from the Pennsylvania State University.
Mr. Steinberg is a former Montgomery County Assistant District Attorney. He is past president of the Montgomery Bar Association, past president of the Montgomery Bar Foundation, past President of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project (MCAP), past president of the Montgomery American Inn of Court and the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. He is a former member of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Disciplinary Board Hearing Committee 2.09. He taught Trial Advocacy at Temple University School of Law for 25 years and continues to lecture for the Montgomery Bar Association and the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. Mr. Steinberg is the only attorney in Bucks and Montgomery counties to be certified as a Criminal Trial Attorney by the National Board of Trial Advocacy. In 2005, he was named Trial Lawyer of the Year by the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. Mr. Steinberg has also been named one of the Top 100 Lawyers in Pennsylvania and Philadelphia by Pennsylvania Super Lawyers as published in Philadelphia Magazine and a Top 100 Lawyer by The National Trial Lawyers. Mr. Steinberg frequently serves as a Neutral Mediator and Arbitrator for the Center for Mediation and Arbitration (CMA).
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. The firm received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2019. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. The firm has 10 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono services. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
Attorney Gregory R. Gifford Named a “2020 Best Lawyer in America”
For Immediate Release – August 8, 2019
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
LANSDALE — Gregory R. Gifford, managing partner of the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, has been named a “2020 Best Lawyers in America” in the practice areas of Plaintiffs’ Personal Injury Litigation and Land Use and Zoning Law by the national Best Lawyers Publication. Best Lawyers is the oldest and most respected peer-review publication in the legal profession. This is the second year he has received this honor.
Mr. Gifford joined Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. in 1984. His practice includes personal injury, criminal and municipal law. He graduated from Ursinus College, cum laude, with departmental honors in political science and is a graduate of the Villanova University School of Law. He serves as solicitor to the Skippack Township, Marlborough Township and Lansdale Borough Zoning Hearing Boards. He also serves as solicitor to North Wales Borough, the Hatfield, Lansdale, Towamencin, Lower Salford and Franconia Township Police Benevolent Associations, and the Pennsylvania Juvenile Officers Association. He is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations. He currently serves as President of the Montgomery Bar Association. He also is a past president of the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association and was named Trial Lawyer of the Year by the Montgomery Bar Association Trial Lawyers Section in 2015. He has been named a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer from 2004 through 2019 as published in Philadelphia Magazine and was named a Best Lawyer in America in 2019 and 2020.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. The firm received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2019. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. The firm has 12 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono services. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
Attorney Matthew Quigg Serves as Speaker at PA Bar Association 2019 Young Lawyer Summer Summit
For Immediate Release – July 29, 2019
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
LANSDALE — Matthew W. Quigg, an associate attorney at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. served as a session presenter at the “2019 Young Lawyer Summer Summit” given by the Pennsylvania Bar Association. The event was held July 24 through July 26, 2019, in State College, Pennsylvania. Mr. Quigg served as a session panelist on the topic “An Overview of Criminal Practice: From Arrest to Trial.” Mr. Quigg has been recognized by experienced attorneys and colleagues for his professional achievements in criminal defense having been named a 2019 Pennsylvania Rising Star as announced in the May issue of Philadelphia Magazine and the annual May publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers. This selection marks his 3rd consecutive year as a Rising Star.
Mr. Quigg graduated from Temple University James E. Beasley School of Law, where he competed on the National Championship Trial Team. Upon graduation, he received the Victor A. Jaczun Award for Excellence in Trial Advocacy and numerous awards for outstanding oral advocacy. Since 2017, Pennsylvania Super Lawyers selected Mr. Quigg as a “Rising Star” in Criminal Defense based upon a poll of his peers. He is admitted to practice in Pennsylvania and the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Mr. Quigg is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery County Bar Associations, where he serves as vice-chair of the criminal defense committee.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. The firm received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law, Trusts and Estates Law, Personal Injury and Zoning Law Practices from 2010 through 2019. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. The firm has 10 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono services. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
Attorney Matthew Quigg Serves as Speaker at PA Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers 2019 Criminal Law Seminar
For Immediate Release – July 1, 2019
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
Lansdale – Matthew W. Quigg, an associate at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. served as a presenter at the “2019 Talking Criminal Law at the Beach” Seminar given by the Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. The event was held on June 14, 2019, in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Mr. Quigg spoke on the topic “Ethical Considerations in Practicing Criminal Law in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.” Mr. Quigg has been recognized by experienced attorneys and colleagues for his professional achievements in criminal defense having been named a 2019 Pennsylvania Rising Star as announced in the May issue ofPhiladelphia Magazine and the annual May publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers. This selection marks his 3rd consecutive year as a Rising Star.
Mr. Quigg graduated from Temple University James E. Beasley School of Law, where he competed on the National Championship Trial Team. Upon graduation, he received the Victor A. Jaczun Award for Excellence in Trial Advocacy and numerous awards for outstanding oral advocacy. Since 2017, Pennsylvania Super Lawyers selected Mr. Quigg as a “Rising Star” in Criminal Defense based upon a poll of his peers. He is admitted to practice in Pennsylvania and the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Mr. Quigg is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery County Bar Associations, where he serves as vice-chair of the criminal defense committee.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. The firm received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law, Trusts and Estates Law, Personal Injury and Zoning Law Practices from 2010 through 2019. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. The firm has 10 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono services. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
Attorney Matthew Quigg Named a “2019 PA Super Lawyer”
For Immediate Release – May 2, 2019
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
Lansdale – Matthew W. Quigg, an associate at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has been named by fellow Pennsylvania lawyers as a 2019 Pennsylvania Rising Star as announced in the May issue of Philadelphia Magazine and the annual May publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers. Mr. Quigg was recognized by experienced attorneys and colleagues for his professional achievements in criminal defense. This is the third consecutive year Mr. Quigg has received this award, which distinguishes him as ranked among the top 2.5% of young attorneys practicing in his field.
Mr. Quigg graduated from Temple University James E. Beasley School of Law, where he competed on the National Championship Trial Team. Upon graduation, he received the Victor A. Jaczun Award for Excellence in Trial Advocacy and numerous awards for outstanding oral advocacy. Since 2017, Pennsylvania Super Lawyers selected Mr. Quigg as a “Rising Star” in Criminal Defense based upon a poll of his peers. He is admitted to practice in Pennsylvania and the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Mr. Quigg is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery County Bar Associations, where he serves as vice-chair of the criminal defense committee.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. The firm received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law, Trusts and Estates Law, Personal Injury and Zoning Law Practices from 2010 through 2019. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. The firm has 11 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono services. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
Attorney Gregory R. Gifford Named a “2019 PA Super Lawyer”
For Immediate Release – May 2, 2019
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
Lansdale – Gregory R. Gifford a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has been named by fellow Pennsylvania lawyers as a 2019 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer as published in the May issue of Philadelphia Magazine and the annual May publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers. Mr. Gifford was recognized by experienced attorneys and colleagues for his professional achievements in personal injury plaintiffs’ law. This is the sixteenth consecutive year Mr. Gifford has received this award, which distinguishes him as ranked among the top 5% of the attorneys practicing in his field.
Mr. Gifford joined Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. in 1984. His practice includes personal injury, criminal and municipal law. He graduated from Ursinus College, cum laude, with departmental honors in political science and is a graduate of the Villanova University School of Law. He serves as solicitor to the Skippack Township, Marlborough Township and Lansdale Borough Zoning Hearing Boards. He also serves as solicitor to North Wales Borough, the Hatfield, Lansdale, Towamencin, Lower Salford and Franconia Township Police Benevolent Associations, and the Pennsylvania Juvenile Officers Association. He is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations. He currently is serving as president of the Montgomery Bar Association. He also is a past president of the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association and was named Trial Lawyer of the Year by the Montgomery Bar Association Trial Lawyers Section in 2015. He has been named a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer from 2004 through 2019 and was named one of the 2019 Best Lawyers in America in the practice areas of Plaintiffs’ Personal Injury Litigation and Land Use and Zoning Law by the national Best Lawyers publication.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. The firm received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2019. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. The firm has 11 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono services. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
Attorney Jay Glickman Named a “2019 PA Super Lawyer”
For Immediate Release – May 2, 2019
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
Lansdale – Jay C. Glickman, a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has been named by fellow Pennsylvania lawyers as a 2019 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer as announced in the May issue of Philadelphia Magazine and the annual May publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers. Mr. Glickman was recognized by experienced attorneys and colleagues for his professional achievements in estate planning and probate. This is the fourteenth consecutive year Mr. Glickman has received this award, which distinguishes him as ranked among the top 5% of the attorneys practicing in his field. He has also been named a “Best Lawyer in America” by U.S. News & World Report in the practice area of Trusts and Estates law from 2010-2019.
Partner Jay C. Glickman has been a member of the firm since 1972 and was admitted to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court the same year. Mr. Glickman’s practice focuses on estate planning and estate administration. He received his undergraduate degree from Pennsylvania State University and his law degree from Temple University School of Law.
Mr. Glickman is an active member of the community and officer and board member of the Souderton-Telford Rotary Club, Montgomery Township Planning Commission – Chairman, Montgomery Township Open Space Committee, Montgomery Township Shade Tree Commission, Hatfield Township Transportation Committee, Advisory Committee on Decedent’s Estates Law to the PA Joint State Government Commission for the House and Senate, Souderton-Harleysville Fish, Game and Forestry Association, Inc., Century Club, and Boy Scouts of America. He is the former member of the Board of Directors of the Highlands Community Association, Last Chance Ranch, Institute for Comprehensive Family Therapy, Souderton Ambulance Associations, North Penn Red Cross, and Valley Center, and former solicitor for Montgomery County Development Corporation and Northstar Youth Services. He is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations and is admitted in Federal and Pennsylvania courts. He was also named a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer from 2006 through 2019 as published in Philadelphia Magazine.
Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg Named a “2019 PA Super Lawyer”
For Immediate Release – May 2, 2019
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
Lansdale – Marc Robert Steinberg, a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has been named by fellow Pennsylvania lawyers as a 2019 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer as published in the May issue ofPhiladelphia Magazine and the annual May publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers. This is the sixteenth consecutive year Mr. Steinberg has been named a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer for his professional achievements in criminal defense law, which distinguishes him as ranked among the top 5% of the attorneys practicing in his field.
Mr. Steinberg specializes in the practice of criminal law, personal injury and alternate dispute resolution. He graduated from Temple University School of Law in 1973 and holds an undergraduate degree from the Pennsylvania State University.
Mr. Steinberg is a former Montgomery County Assistant District Attorney. He is past president of the Montgomery Bar Association, past president of the Montgomery Bar Foundation, past President of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project (MCAP), past president of the Montgomery American Inn of Court and the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. He is a former member of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Disciplinary Board Hearing Committee 2.09. He taught Advanced Trial Advocacy at Temple University School of Law for 25 years and continues to lecture for the Montgomery Bar Association and the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. Mr. Steinberg is the only attorney in Bucks and Montgomery counties to be certified as a Criminal Trial Attorney by the National Board of Trial Advocacy. In 2005, he was named Trial Lawyer of the Year by the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. Mr. Steinberg has also been named one of the Top 100 Lawyers in Pennsylvania and Philadelphia by Pennsylvania Super Lawyers as published in Philadelphia Magazine and a Top 100 Lawyer by The National Trial Lawyers. Mr. Steinberg frequently serves as a Neutral Mediator and Arbitrator for the Center for Mediation and Arbitration (CMA).
Attorney Amy R. Stern Co-Presenting Retirement Seminar
For Immediate Release – March 15, 2019
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
Lansdale – Attorney Amy R. Stern, a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C, is presenting a seminar entitled “So You Think You Want to Retire” along with Matt Fatz, Financial Advisor, and Susan Sloan, Medicare Specialist. The seminar will address what is needed to prepare for retirement including estate, financial and Medicare planning. It will be held on Wednesday, March 27th from 6:30 to 8 pm in the H3 Business Services facility of Henning’s Market Plaza. 298 Main Street, Suite O-B, Harleysville, Pennsylvania. The seminar is free and open to the public. Pre-registration is preferred by email to: Anyone anticipating retirement in the next few years would benefit and should attend.
Ms. Stern joined Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C., in 1995. Her practice is dedicated to family law, mediation, estate planning and administration. She is a l989 graduate of Temple University School of Law and holds a bachelor’s degree from George Washington University. She is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations where she is a member of the Family Law Section. Ms. Stern is certified in Family Law Mediation. She is also Co-President of the Women’s Center of Montgomery County, where she has been a Board member for the past six years.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2019. The firm now has 12 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
Attorney Gregory R. Gifford Named a “2019 Best Lawyer in America”
For Immediate Release – December 5, 2018
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
Lansdale – Gregory R. Gifford, managing partner of the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., has been named one of the 2019 Best Lawyers in America in the practice areas of Plaintiffs’ Personal Injury Litigation and Land Use and Zoning Law by the national Best Lawyers Publication. Best Lawyers is the oldest and most respected peer-review publication in the legal profession.
Mr. Gifford joined Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. in 1984. His practice includes personal injury, criminal and municipal law. He graduated from Ursinus College, cum laude, with departmental honors in political science and is a graduate of the Villanova University School of Law. He serves as solicitor to the Skippack Township, Marlborough Township and Lansdale Borough Zoning Hearing Boards. He also serves as solicitor to North Wales Borough, the Hatfield, Lansdale, Towamencin, Lower Salford and Franconia Township Police Benevolent Associations, and the Pennsylvania Juvenile Officers Association. He is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations. He also is a past president of the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association and was named Trial Lawyer of the Year by the Montgomery Bar Association Trial Lawyers Section in 2015. He has been named a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer from 2004 through 2018 as published in Philadelphia Magazine.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. The firm received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2019. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. The firm has 12 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono services. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg Named a “2019 Best Lawyer in America”
For Immediate Release – December 5, 2018
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
Lansdale – Marc Robert Steinberg, partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., has been named one of the 2019 Best Lawyers in America in the practice area of Criminal Defense by the national Best Lawyers Publication. Best Lawyers is the oldest and most respected peer-review publication in the legal profession. This is the tenth year that Mr. Steinberg has been awarded this honor.
Mr. Steinberg specializes in the practice of criminal law, personal injury and alternate dispute resolution. He graduated from Temple University School of Law in 1973 and holds an undergraduate degree from the Pennsylvania State University.
Mr. Steinberg is a former Montgomery County Assistant District Attorney. He is past president of the Montgomery Bar Association, past president of the Montgomery Bar Foundation, past President of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project (MCAP), past president of the Montgomery American Inn of Court and the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. He is a former member of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Disciplinary Board Hearing Committee 2.09. He taught Advanced Trial Advocacy at Temple University School of Law for 25 years and continues to lecture at the Criminal Law Series for the Montgomery Bar Association and for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. Mr. Steinberg is the only attorney in Bucks and Montgomery counties to be certified as a Criminal Trial Attorney by the National Board of Trial Advocacy. In 2005, he was named Trial Lawyer of the Year by the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. Mr. Steinberg has also been named one of the Top 100 Lawyers in Pennsylvania and Philadelphia by Pennsylvania Super Lawyers as published in Philadelphia Magazine and a Top 100 Lawyer by The National Trial Lawyers. Mr. Steinberg frequently serves as a Neutral Mediator and Arbitrator for the Center for Mediation and Arbitration (CMA).
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. The firm received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2019. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. The firm has 12 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono services. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
Attorney Jay Glickman Named a “2019 Best Lawyer in America”
For Immediate Release – December 4, 2018
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
Lansdale – Jay Glickman, partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., has recently been named one of the 2019 Best Lawyers in America in the practice area of Trusts and Estates by the national Best Lawyers Publication. Best Lawyers is the oldest and most respected peer-review publication in the legal profession. This is the eighth year that Mr. Glickman has been awarded this honor.
Partner Jay C. Glickman has been a member of the firm since 1972 and was admitted to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court the same year. Mr. Glickman’s practice focuses on estate planning and estate administration. He received his undergraduate degree from Pennsylvania State University and his law degree from Temple University School of Law.
Mr. Glickman is an active member of the community and officer and board member of the Souderton-Telford Rotary Club, Montgomery Township Planning Commission – Chairman, Montgomery Township Open Space Committee, Montgomery Township Shade Tree Commission, Hatfield Township Transportation Committee, Advisory Committee on Decedent’s Estates Law to the PA Joint State Government Commission for the House and Senate, Souderton-Harleysville Fish, Game and Forestry Association, Inc., Century Club, and Boy Scouts of America. He is the former member of the Board of Directors of the Highlands Community Association, Last Chance Ranch, Institute for Comprehensive Family Therapy, Souderton Ambulance Associations, North Penn Red Cross, and Valley Center, and former solicitor for Montgomery County Development Corporation and Northstar Youth Services. He is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations and is admitted in Federal and Pennsylvania courts. He was also named a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer from 2006 through 2018 as published in Philadelphia Magazine.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. The firm received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law, Trusts and Estates Law, Personal Injury and Zoning Law Practices from 2010 through 2019. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. The firm has 12 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono services. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford, P.C. Named 2019 Best Law Firm By U.S. News & World Report
For Immediate Release – December 3, 2018
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
Lansdale – Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is pleased to announce it has received a Tier 1 ranking in the 2019 Edition of “Best Law Firms” by U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers©. This Tier 1 ranking is determined through a rigorous evaluation process and derived from a combination of client feedback, peer review from leading attorneys in their field, and firm surveys. This is the ninth consecutive year the firm has received this honor. Best Lawyers is the oldest and most respected peer-review publication in the legal profession.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2019. The firm has 12 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work.
Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and domestic law, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell ® AV rating since 1992.
For Immediate Release – March 19, 2018
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
Attorney Amy R. Stern Co-Presenting a Divorce 101 Session
Lansdale – Attorney Amy R. Stern, a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C, is co-presenting a seminar entitled Divorce 101 along with Marc Silverman, Senior Loan Officer of GMH Mortgage Services. The seminar will cover common misconceptions in family law including divorce, child support, alimony, and asset division. It will be held on Thursday, April 5th at 7 pm at the Lansdale Public Library, 301 Vine Street, Lansdale, Pennsylvania. The seminar is open to the public. Anyone currently facing a domestic matter or who has any questions in that regard would benefit and should attend.
Ms. Stern joined Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C., in 1995. Her practice is dedicated to family law, mediation, estate planning and administration. She is a l989 graduate of Temple University School of Law and holds a bachelor’s degree from George Washington University. She is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations where she is a member of the Family Law Section. Ms. Stern is certified in Family Law Mediation. She is also Co-President of the Women’s Center of Montgomery County, where she has been a Board member for the past four years.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2017. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 13 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford, P.C. Named 2018 Best Law Firm By U.S. News & World Report
For Immediate Release – December 29, 2017
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
Lansdale – Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is pleased to announce it has received a Tier 1 ranking in the 2018 Edition of “Best Law Firms” by U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers©. This Tier 1 ranking is determined through a rigorous evaluation process and derived from a combination of client feedback, peer review from leading attorneys in their field, and firm surveys. This is the ninth-consecutive year the firm has received this honor. Best Lawyers is the oldest and most respected peer-review publication in the legal profession.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2017. The firm has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work.
Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and domestic law, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell ® AV rating since 1992.
For For Immediate Release – December 21, 2017
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
Brian T. Newman, Esquire Joins Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
LANSDALE—Attorney Brian T. Newman has joined the law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. of Lansdale as an associate attorney. Mr. Newman graduated magna cum laude from Temple University School of Law in 2017. He was awarded the Beasley Scholarship, a full merit scholarship, and won Best Paper and Distinguished Classroom Performance honors. He also participated in the State Judicial Clerkship Honors Clinic. His practice focuses on Criminal Defense, Civil Litigation, Landlord-Tenant, and Consumer Protection and Collections Law.
Prior to joining Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C. as an associate attorney, Mr. Newman served as a law clerk for the firm for 1-l/2 years. Prior thereto, he was a Judicial Intern for the Honorable Holly J. Ford in the Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas, and an intern for the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office. Mr. Newman is admitted to practice in Pennsylvania and is a member of the Pennsylvania Bar Association and Montgomery County Bar Association.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2018. The firm has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work.
Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and domestic law, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell ® AV rating since 1992.
For Immediate Release – December 19, 2017
Contact: Suzanne Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
Former Montco ADA Joins Lansdale Law Firm
LANSDALE – Former Montgomery County Assistant District Attorney Matthew Quigg has joined Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. of Lansdale, bringing to the practice his training in criminal defense and personal injury matters. Mr. Quigg is a seasoned trial attorney, trying more than 50 cases to verdict before juries and judges.
At the heart of his work is his love for time spent in the courtroom. Matt says, “I have always loved being in the courtroom. I feel it is important to provide the client with the ability to win the case in the courtroom when the time comes and the stakes are high.” According to Managing Partner, Gregory Gifford, “We are very excited to have Matthew join our firm. He adds dimension to our criminal and personal injury practice groups and brings tremendous value. We expect Matthew will build on our firm’s good reputation.”
Mr. Quigg graduated from Temple University James E. Beasley School of Law, where he competed on the National Championship Trial Team. Upon graduation, he received the Victor A. Jaczun Award for Excellence in Trial Advocacy and numerous awards for outstanding oral advocacy. In 2017, Pennsylvania Super Lawyers selected Mr. Quigg as a “Rising Star” in Criminal Defense based upon a poll of his peers. He is admitted to practice in Pennsylvania and the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania and is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery County Bar Associations.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2018. The firm has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work.
Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and domestic law, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell ® AV rating since 1992.
For Immediate Release – August 15, 2017
Contact: Suzanne Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
Attorney Jay Glickman Named one of the 2018 Best Lawyers in America
LANSDALE – Jay Glickman, partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., has recently been named one of the 2018 Best Lawyers in America in the practice area of Trusts and Estates by the national Best Lawyers Publication. Best Lawyers is the oldest and most respected peer-review publication in the legal profession. This is the seventh year that Mr. Glickman has been awarded this honor.
Mr. Glickman was also recently named a 2017 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer. He is recognized by experienced attorneys and colleagues for his professional achievements in estate planning and probate. He has also been named a “Best Lawyer in America” by U.S. News & World Report in the practice area of Trusts and Estates law from 2010-2017.
Partner Jay C. Glickman has been a member of the firm since 1972 and was admitted to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court the same year. Mr. Glickman’s practice focuses on estate planning and estate administration. He received his undergraduate degree from The Pennsylvania State University and his law degree from Temple University School of Law.
Mr. Glickman is an active member of the community and officer and board member of the Souderton-Telford Rotary Club, Montgomery Township Planning Commission, Montgomery Township Open Space Committee, Montgomery Township Shade Tree Commission, Hatfield Township Transportation Committee, Advisory Committee on Decedent’s Estates Law to the PA Joint State Government Commission for the House and Senate, Souderton-Harleysville Fish, Game and Forestry Association, Inc., Century Club, Boy Scouts of America, and Last Chance Ranch. He is the former member of the Board of Directors of the Highlands Community Association, Institute for Comprehensive Family Therapy, Souderton Ambulance Associations, North Penn Red Cross, and Valley Center, and former solicitor for Montgomery County Development Corporation and Northstar Youth Services. He is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations and is admitted in Federal and Pennsylvania courts.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2016. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
For Immediate Release – August 14, 2017
Contact: Suzanne Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg Named one of the 2018 Best Lawyers in America
LANSDALE – Marc Robert Steinberg, managing partner of the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., has recently been named one of the Best Lawyers in America in the practice area of Criminal Defense: Non-White Collar by the national Best Lawyers Publication. Best Lawyers is the oldest and most respected peer-review publication in the legal profession. This is the sixth year that Mr. Steinberg has been awarded this honor. Mr. Steinberg was also recently named as one of the Top 100 Lawyers in Pennsylvania and Philadelphia by Pennsylvania Super Lawyers.
Mr. Steinberg specializes in the practice of criminal law, personal injury and alternate dispute resolution. He graduated from Temple University School of Law in 1973 and holds an undergraduate degree from the Pennsylvania State University.
Mr. Steinberg is a former Montgomery County Assistant District Attorney. He is past president of the Montgomery Bar Association, past president of the Montgomery Bar Foundation, past President of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project (MCAP), past president of the Montgomery American Inn of Court and the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. He is a former member of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Disciplinary Board Hearing Committee 2.09. He taught Advanced Trial Advocacy at Temple University School of Law for 25 years and continues to lecture at the Criminal Law Series for the Montgomery Bar Association and for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. Mr. Steinberg is the only attorney in Bucks and Montgomery counties to be certified as a Criminal Trial Attorney by the National Board of Trial Advocacy. In 2005, he was named Trial Lawyer of the Year by the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. Mr. Steinberg frequently serves as a Neutral Mediator and Arbitrator for the Center for Mediation and Arbitration (CMA).
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2016. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
For Immediate Release – August 10, 2017
Contact: Suzanne Cressman,
Tel: 215-822-7575
Matthew T. Wilkov, Esquire, Graduates from U.S. Army War College
LANSDALE – Gregory Gifford, managing partner of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. says the firm is honored to have a U.S. Army War College graduate among its ranks. Firm partner and Lieutenant Colonel, Matthew T. Wilkov, a U.S. Army Reserve Judge Advocate Officer, graduated on July 28, 2017, from the U.S. Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, receiving a Master of Strategic Studies. The two-year graduate level program is offered to senior military officers and civilians to prepare them for senior leadership assignments and responsibilities.
“We are extremely proud of our partner, Lieutenant Colonel Wilkov, and the achievement he has attained. We continue to build a legacy of leadership and success, and Matt’s achievement highlights that legacy” says Gifford.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C. Partner and Lieutenant Colonel Wilkov has been a member of the law firm since 1999 and a partner since 2005. He practices in the areas of personal injury, medical malpractice, nursing home negligence, criminal defense, business litigation, and military veterans law.
Mr. Wilkov is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations. He served two terms on the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Bar Association. He is also a member of the Montgomery Bar Association Trial Lawyers Section and a former Chair of the Juvenile Rules Committee, Young Lawyers Section and Member Services Committee. In 2015, he was elected by the members of the Montgomery Bar Association to serve on the Judiciary Committee. He is a graduate of Temple University School of Law where he was a member of the Moot Court Honor Society and the Temple Political and Civil Rights Law Review. He was named a “Lawyer on the Fast Track” by The Legal Intelligencer in 2007 and voted “One of the Best Lawyers” in The Reporter’s Readers’ Choice Awards.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report from 2010 through 2017. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 13 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees at the county and state level. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
For Immediate Release – June 30, 2017
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman
Tel: 215-822-7575
Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg Part of Judges Panel Discussion at Pennsylvania Bar Association’s Criminal Law Symposium
Lansdale – Marc Robert Steinberg participated in two panel discussions at the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s 34th Annual Criminal Law Symposium entitled “What Were You Thinking? Ethical Issues Arising At Trial” and also “Jury Instructions”. The panel, consisted of Judges William Carpenter and Carolyn Carluccio of the Court of Common Pleas of Montgomery County, President Judge Jeffrey Finley and Judge Wallace H. Bateman of the Court of Common Pleas of Bucks County, First Deputy Attorney General Michelle Henry and Mr. Steinberg. The two sessions discussed ethical obligations of Judges, prosecutors and defense attorneys in the course of a criminal trial and also the proper use and preparation of jury instructions. The Symposium was held in Harrisburg, PA on Thursday, June 8, 2017.
Marc Robert Steinberg was recently named as one of the Top 100 Lawyers in Pennsylvania and Philadelphia by Pennsylvania Super Lawyers. Mr. Steinberg achieved this “Best of the Best” honor by being among those receiving the highest point total during the selection process for Pennsylvania Super Lawyers. This is the fourteenth consecutive year Mr. Steinberg has been named a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer for his professional achievements in criminal defense law.
Mr. Steinberg specializes in the practice of criminal law, personal injury and alternate dispute resolution. He graduated from Temple University School of Law in 1973 and holds an undergraduate degree from the Pennsylvania State University.
Mr. Steinberg is a former Montgomery County Assistant District Attorney. He is past president of the Montgomery Bar Association, past president of the Montgomery Bar Foundation, past President of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project (MCAP), past president of the Montgomery American Inn of Court and the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. He is a delegate from Zone 9 to the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s House of Delegates and a former member of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Disciplinary Board Hearing Committee 2.09. He taught Advanced Trial Advocacy at Temple University School of Law for 25 years and continues to lecture at the Criminal Law Series for the Montgomery Bar Association and for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. Mr. Steinberg is the only attorney in Bucks and Montgomery counties to be certified as a Criminal Trial Attorney by the National Board of Trial Advocacy. In 2005, he was named Trial Lawyer of the Year by the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. Mr. Steinberg frequently serves as a Neutral Mediator and Arbitrator for the Center for Mediation and Arbitration (CMA).
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2016. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and PA Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
For Immediate Release – June 30, 2017
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman
Tel: 215-822-7575
Attorney Jay C. Glickman Presents Estate Planning Forum at Dock Woods Community
Lansdale – Jay C. Glickman, a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. recently presented an Estate Planning Session to the Men’s Breakfast Group of the Dock Woods Community. The program addressed all aspects of estate planning including why you need a Will or a Trust Will, review of the different assets that can pass through one’s estate, Executor and Trustee appointments, and inheritance tax and federal estate tax considerations. The presentation took place on June 9, 2017, at the Dock Woods Community in Lansdale, Pennsylvania.
Mr. Glickman was recently named a 2017 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer. He is recognized by experienced attorneys and colleagues for his professional achievements in estate planning and probate. This is the twelfth consecutive year Mr. Glickman has received this award, which distinguishes him as ranked among the top 5% of the attorneys practicing in his field. He has also been named a “Best Lawyer in America” by U.S. News & World Report in the practice area of Trusts and Estates law from 2010-2017.
Partner Jay C. Glickman has been a member of the firm since 1972 and was admitted to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court the same year. Mr. Glickman’s practice focuses on estate planning and estate administration. He received his undergraduate degree from The Pennsylvania State University and his law degree from Temple University School of Law.
Mr. Glickman is an active member of the community and officer and board member of the Souderton-Telford Rotary Club, Montgomery Township Planning Commission, Montgomery Township Open Space Committee, Montgomery Township Shade Tree Commission, Hatfield Township Transportation Committee, Advisory Committee on Decedent’s Estates Law to the PA Joint State Government Commission for the House and Senate, Souderton-Harleysville Fish, Game and Forestry Association, Inc., Century Club, Boy Scouts of America, and Last Chance Ranch. He is the former member of the Board of Directors of the Highlands Community Association, Institute for Comprehensive Family Therapy, Souderton Ambulance Associations, North Penn Red Cross, and Valley Center, and former solicitor for Montgomery County Development Corporation and Northstar Youth Services. He is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations and is admitted in Federal and Pennsylvania courts.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2017. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
For Immediate Release – June 14, 2017
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman
Tel: 215-822-7575
Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg named as 2017 Top 100 Lawyer in Pennsylvania and Philadelphia and a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer
Lansdale – Marc Robert Steinberg, a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C., has been named as one of the Top 100 Lawyers in Pennsylvania and Philadelphia by Pennsylvania Super Lawyer. Mr. Steinberg achieved this “Best of the Best” honor by being among those receiving the highest point total during the selection process for Pennsylvania Super Lawyers. This is the fourteenth consecutive year Mr. Steinberg has been named a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer for his professional achievements in criminal defense law. This was announced in the May issue of Philadelphia Magazine and the annual May publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers.
Mr. Steinberg specializes in the practice of criminal law, personal injury and alternate dispute resolution. He graduated from Temple University School of Law in 1973 and holds an undergraduate degree from the Pennsylvania State University.
Mr. Steinberg is a former Montgomery County Assistant District Attorney. He is past president of the Montgomery Bar Association, past president of the Montgomery Bar Foundation, past President of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project (MCAP), past president of the Montgomery American Inn of Court and the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. He is a former member of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Disciplinary Board Hearing Committee 2.09. He taught Advanced Trial Advocacy at Temple University School of Law for 25 years and continues to lecture at the Criminal Law Series for the Montgomery Bar Association and for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. Mr. Steinberg is the only attorney in Bucks and Montgomery counties to be certified as a Criminal Trial Attorney by the National Board of Trial Advocacy. In 2005, he was named Trial Lawyer of the Year by the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. Mr. Steinberg frequently serves as a Neutral Mediator and Arbitrator for the Center for Mediation and Arbitration (CMA).
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2017. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
For Immediate Release – June 14, 2017
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman
Tel: 215-822-7575
Attorney Jay C. Glickman named as 2017 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer
Lansdale – Jay C. Glickman, a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has been named by fellow Pennsylvania lawyers as a 2017 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer as announced in the May issue of Philadelphia Magazine and the annual May publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers. Mr. Glickman was recognized by experienced attorneys and colleagues for his professional achievements in estate planning and probate. This is the twelfth consecutive year Mr. Glickman has received this award, which distinguishes him as ranked among the top 5% of the attorneys practicing in his field. He has also been named a “Best Lawyer in America” by U.S. News & World Report in the practice area of Trusts and Estates law from 2010-2017.
Partner Jay C. Glickman has been a member of the firm since 1972 and was admitted to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court the same year. Mr. Glickman’s practice focuses on estate planning and estate administration. He received his undergraduate degree from The Pennsylvania State University and his law degree from Temple University School of Law.
Mr. Glickman is an active member of the community and officer and board member of the Souderton-Telford Rotary Club, the Montgomery Township Planning Commission, Montgomery Township Open Space Committee, Montgomery Township Shade Tree Commission, the Hatfield Township Transportation Committee and the Advisory Committee on Decedent’s Estates Law to the PA Joint State Government Commission for the House and Senate, the Souderton-Harleysville Fish, Game and Forestry Association, Inc., Century Club, Boy Scouts of America, and Last Chance Ranch. He is the former member of the Board of Directors of the Highlands Community Association, Institute for Comprehensive Family Therapy, Souderton Ambulance Associations, North Penn Red Cross, and Valley Center, and former solicitor for Montgomery County Development Corporation and Northstar Youth Services. He is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations and is admitted in Federal and Pennsylvania courts.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2017. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
For Immediate Release – June 14, 2017
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman
Tel: 215-822-7575
Attorney Gregory R. Gifford named as 2017 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer
Lansdale – Gregory R. Gifford a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has been named by fellow Pennsylvania lawyers as a 2017 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer as published in the May issue of Philadelphia Magazine and the annual May publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers. Mr. Gifford was recognized by experienced attorneys and colleagues for his professional achievements in personal injury plaintiffs’ law. This is the fourteenth consecutive year Mr. Gifford has received this award, which distinguishes him as ranked among the top 5% of the attorneys practicing in his field.
Mr. Gifford joined Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. in 1984. His practice includes personal injury, criminal and municipal law. He graduated from Ursinus College, cum laude, with departmental honors in political science and is a graduate of the Villanova University School of Law.
Mr. Gifford serves as solicitor to the Skippack, Marlborough Townships, and Lansdale Borough Zoning Hearing Boards. He also serves as solicitor to North Wales Borough, the Hatfield, Lower Salford, Lansdale, Towamencin and Franconia Township Police Benevolent Associations, and the Pennsylvania Juvenile Officers Association. He was honored with the 2015 James P. Fox Trial Lawyer of the Year Award given to him by the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. He is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations. He serves as Vice President of the Montgomery Bar Association and is a member of its Judiciary Committee. He also is a past president of the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2017. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
For Immediate Release – June 14, 2017
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman
Tel: 215-822-7575
Attorney Liam J. Duffy named as 2017 Pennsylvania Rising Star
Lansdale – Liam J. Duffy, an associate at the law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has been named a 2017 Rising Star as published in the May issue of Philadelphia Magazine. Only two and one-half percent of Pennsylvania attorneys receive this honor. Mr. Duffy was recognized by attorneys and colleagues for his professional achievements in the area of family law.
Mr. Duffy has been a member of the firm since 2013. His practice focuses on Family Law including divorce, custody, support and property division, Business Law and Landlord/Tenant Law.
Mr. Duffy graduated in 2013 from Rutgers School of Law. Prior to obtaining his law degree, Mr. Duffy worked for seven years in corporate finance. During this time, he earned his Master=s in Finance from Saint Joseph=s University. He holds a Bachelor=s degree from the University of Delaware. Mr. Duffy is admitted to practice in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and is a member of the Pennsylvania Bar Association and Montgomery County Bar Association
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2017. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
For Immediate Release – February 2, 2017
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman
Tel: 215-822-7575
Gregory R. Gifford, Esquire, Elected Vice President of Montgomery Bar Association
Lansdale – Gregory R. Gifford, a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C., was elected Vice President of the Montgomery Bar Association on January 13, 2017. Mr. Gifford is a past Director of the Association and has also served as its Treasurer and Secretary. He was recently named the 2015 James P. Fox Trial Lawyer of the Year. This Award, given to him by the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association, recognized Mr. Gifford for his exemplary trial skills as well as his dedication to promoting a positive image for attorneys through his professional demeanor, service and integrity. The Trial Lawyers Section, through this Award, acknowledges attorneys who have created a reputation among their peers as a daunting adversary while remaining a respected colleague.
Mr. Gifford joined Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. in 1984. His practice includes personal injury, criminal and municipal law. He graduated from Ursinus College, cum laude, with departmental honors in political science and is a graduate of the Villanova University School of Law.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2017. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
For Immediate Release – January 5, 2017
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman
Tel: 215-822-7575
Meyer Simon, Esquire Appointed Chair of the Fee Dispute Committee and the General Practice Committee of the Montgomery Bar Association
Lansdale – January 4, 2017— Meyer Simon, Esquire, a member of the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. was reappointed Chair of the Fee Dispute Committee of the Montgomery Bar Association. This Committee conducts hearings on complaints initiated by clients of lawyers on Montgomery County matters or Montgomery County lawyers to determine whether those attorneys have charged reasonable fees. The committee has been instrumental in resolving disagreements between attorneys and clients that would have otherwise resulted in expensive and time-consuming litigation. Mr. Simon was also reappointed Chair of the General Practice Committee of the Montgomery Bar Association for 2017. The General Practice Committee focuses on the legal and practical issues facing lawyers with a diverse practice of law.
Mr. Simon graduated in 1974 from University of Baltimore School of Law and holds a bachelor’s degree from the Pennsylvania State University. He is a member of the American Bar Association, Pennsylvania Bar Association and Montgomery Bar Association. He formerly served as an officer and director of Glenside Savings and Loan. He handles all aspects of representation including business organization, acquisitions, sales, and mergers. His practice is very diverse and includes litigation, real estate, corporate and business, estate planning and administration, personal injury and family law. Mr. Simon is admitted to practice before the State and Federal Courts of Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2017. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
For Immediate Release – December 21, 2016
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman
Tel: 215-822-7575
Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg Session Presenter at PA Bar Institute Criminal Law Seminar
Lansdale – Marc Robert Steinberg, partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C. served as a session presenter at a seminar conducted by the Pennsylvania Bar Institute entitled “Criminal Law Update”. Mr. Steinberg led a session on Ethics focusing on ethical landmines and Rules of Professional Conduct. The seminar was held in Philadelphia on Thursday, December 15, 2016.
Mr. Steinberg practices in the areas of criminal law, personal injury and alternate dispute resolution. He graduated from Temple University School of Law in 1973 and holds an undergraduate degree from the Pennsylvania State University.
Mr. Steinberg is a former Montgomery County Assistant District Attorney. He is a past president of the Montgomery Bar Association, the Montgomery Bar Foundation, the Montgomery American Inn of Court and the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. He is the President of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project (MCAP) and has been for 16 years. He is a delegate from Zone 9 to the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s House of Delegates and a former member of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Disciplinary Board Hearing Committee 2.09. He taught Advanced Trial Advocacy at Temple University School of Law for 25 years and continues to lecture for the Montgomery Bar Association and for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. Mr. Steinberg is the only attorney in Bucks and Montgomery counties to be certified as a Criminal Trial Attorney by the National Board of Trial Advocacy. In 2005, he was named Trial Lawyer of the Year by the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. Mr. Steinberg frequently serves as a Neutral Mediator and Arbitrator for the Center for Mediation and Arbitration (CMA).
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2017. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
For Immediate Release – November 28, 2016
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman
Tel: 215-822-7575
Attorney Amy R. Stern Serves as Moderator at 9th Annual Toby L. Dickman Seminar
Lansdale – Attorney Amy R. Stern, a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C, served as a moderator at the ninth annual Toby L. Dickman Seminar: Evidence for Family Lawyers. The seminar featured issues involving expert witnesses and children’s testimony including admissibility of a child’s hearsay statements. The seminar was held November 15, 2016 at the Montgomery County Courthouse.
Ms. Stern joined Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C., in 1995. Her practice is dedicated to family law, mediation and estate planning and administration. She is an l989 graduate of Temple University School of Law and holds a bachelor’s degree from George Washington University. She is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations where she is a member of the Family Law Section. Ms. Stern is certified in Family Law Mediation. She is also Co-President of the Women’s Center of Montgomery County, where she has been a Board member for the past four years.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2016. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. Named 2017 Best Law Firm by U.S. News & World Report
Lansdale – Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is pleased to announce it has received a Tier 1 ranking in the 2017 Edition of “Best Law Firms” by U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers©. This Tier 1 ranking is determined through a rigorous evaluation process and derived from a combination of client feedback, peer review from leading attorneys in their field, and firm surveys. This is the eighth consecutive year the firm has received this honor. Best Lawyers is the oldest and most respected peer-review publication in the legal profession.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2016. The firm has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work.
Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and domestic law, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell ® AV rating since 1992.
For Immediate Release – September 15, 2016
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman
Tel: 215-822-7575
Attorney Jay C. Glickman named as 2017 Best Lawyer in America
Lansdale – Jay C. Glickman, a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has been named a Best Lawyer in the practice area of Trusts and Estates law by The Best Lawyers in America©. Best Lawyers is the oldest and most respected peer-review publication in the legal profession. A listing in the Best Lawyers is widely regarded by both clients and legal professionals as a significant honor, conferred on a lawyer by his or her peers. This is the sixth consecutive year Mr. Glickman has received this award.
Partner Jay C. Glickman has been a member of the firm since 1972 and was admitted to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court the same year. Mr. Glickman’s practice focuses on estate planning and estate administration. He received his undergraduate degree from The Pennsylvania State University and his law degree from Temple University School of Law.
Mr. Glickman is an active member of the community and officer and board member of the Souderton-Telford Rotary Club, the Montgomery Township Planning Commission, Montgomery Township Open Space Committee, Montgomery Township Shade Tree Commission, and the Advisory Committee on Decedent’s Estates Law to the PA Joint State Government Commission, the Souderton-Harleysville Fish, Game and Forestry Association, Inc., Century Club, Boy Scouts of America, and Last Chance Ranch. He is the former member of the Board of Directors of the Highlands Community Association, Institute for Comprehensive Family Therapy, Souderton Ambulance Associations, North Penn Red Cross, and Valley Center, and former solicitor for Montgomery County Development Corporation and Northstar Youth Services. He is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations and is admitted in Federal and Pennsylvania courts.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2016. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
For Immediate Release -August 18, 2016
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman
Tel: 215-822-7575
Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg Session Presenter at PA Bar Institute Conference on Skills of the Successful Lawyer
Lansdale – Marc Robert Steinberg, partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C. served as a session presenter at a seminar conducted by the Pennsylvania Bar Institute entitled “Start Strong: Skills of the Successful Lawyer”. Mr. Steinberg led the session titled Criminal Law Basics. The seminar was held in Philadelphia on Thursday, August 25, 2016.
Mr. Steinberg practices in the areas of criminal law, personal injury and alternate dispute resolution. He graduated from Temple University School of Law in 1973 and holds an undergraduate degree from the Pennsylvania State University.
Mr. Steinberg is a former Montgomery County Assistant District Attorney. He is a past president of the Montgomery Bar Association, the Montgomery Bar Foundation, the Montgomery American Inn of Court and the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. He is the President of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project (MCAP) and has been for 16 years. He is a delegate from Zone 9 to the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s House of Delegates and a former member of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Disciplinary Board Hearing Committee 2.09. He taught Advanced Trial Advocacy at Temple University School of Law for 25 years and continues to lecture for the Montgomery Bar Association and for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. Mr. Steinberg is the only attorney in Bucks and Montgomery counties to be certified as a Criminal Trial Attorney by the National Board of Trial Advocacy. In 2005, he was named Trial Lawyer of the Year by the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. Mr. Steinberg frequently serves as a Neutral Mediator and Arbitrator for the Center for Mediation and Arbitration (CMA).
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2016. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
For Immediate Release – July 12, 2016
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman
Tel: 215-822-7575
Attorney Amy R. Stern Elected Co-Chair of the Montgomery County Women’s Center’s Board of Directors
Lansdale – Attorney Amy R. Stern, a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C, was elected co-chair of the Montgomery County Women’s Center’s Board of Directors. The Women’s Center of Montgomery County is a volunteer, community organization with a primary focus on freedom from domestic violence and other forms of abuse. Their programs, policies and procedures reflect a strong commitment to empowering women. Ms. Stern has been a member of the Board of Directors for the past four years.
Ms. Stern joined Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C., in 1995. Her practice is dedicated to family law and mediation. She is an l989 graduate of Temple University School of Law and holds a bachelor’s degree from George Washington University. She is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations where she is a member of the Family Law Section. Ms. Stern is certified in Family Law Mediation. She also serves as a Community Ambassador for the ALS Association Greater Philadelphia.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2016. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg Receives Recertification as a Criminal Trial Advocate by the National Board of Trial Advocacy
Lansdale – Marc Robert Steinberg, partner at the law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C. has received his Board Recertification as a Criminal Trial Advocate by the National Board of Trial Advocacy. Certification is the highest, most stringent, and most reliable honor an attorney can achieve. Approximately three percent of American lawyers are board certified and Mr. Steinberg is a member of a very select group who has taken the time to prove competence in their specialty area and earn board certification. Mr. Steinberg has now been certified six times as a Criminal Trial Advocate having received his original Certification on May 1, 1986.
Mr. Steinberg practices in the areas of criminal law, personal injury and alternate dispute resolution. He graduated from Temple University School of Law in 1973 and holds an undergraduate degree from the Pennsylvania State University.
Mr. Steinberg is a former Montgomery County Assistant District Attorney. He is a past president of the Montgomery Bar Association, the Montgomery Bar Foundation, the Montgomery American Inn of Court and the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. He is the President of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project (MCAP) and has been for 16 years. He is a delegate from Zone 9 to the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s House of Delegates and a former member of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Disciplinary Board Hearing Committee 2.09. He taught Advanced Trial Advocacy at Temple University School of Law for 25 years and continues to lecture for the Montgomery Bar Association and for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. Mr. Steinberg is the only attorney in Bucks and Montgomery counties to be certified as a Criminal Trial Attorney by the National Board of Trial Advocacy. In 2005, he was named Trial Lawyer of the Year by the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. Mr. Steinberg frequently serves as a Neutral Mediator and Arbitrator for the Center for Mediation and Arbitration (CMA).
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2016. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
Contact: Suzanne Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg Part of Judges Panel Discussion at Pennsylvania Bar Association’s Criminal Law Symposium
Lansdale – Marc Robert Steinberg participated in a panel discussion at the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s 33rd Annual Criminal Law Symposium. The panel, consisting of Judge Carpenter, Judge Bateman, Judge Finley, Chief Public Defender of Philadelphia, Keir Bradford-Gray and Mr. Steinberg, discussed courtroom decorum and civility focusing on dealing with difficult judges and prosecutors. The Symposium was held in Harrisburg, PA on Friday, June 3.
Mr. Steinberg specializes in the practice of criminal law, personal injury and alternate dispute resolution. He graduated from Temple University School of Law in 1973 and holds an undergraduate degree from the Pennsylvania State University.
Mr. Steinberg is a former Montgomery County Assistant District Attorney. He is past president of the Montgomery Bar Association, past president of the Montgomery Bar Foundation, President of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project (MCAP), past president of the Montgomery American Inn of Court and the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. He is a delegate from Zone 9 to the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s House of Delegates and a former member of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Disciplinary Board Hearing Committee 2.09. He taught Advanced Trial Advocacy at Temple University School of Law for 25 years and continues to lecture at the Criminal Law Series for the Montgomery Bar Association and for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. Mr. Steinberg is the only attorney in Bucks and Montgomery counties to be certified as a Criminal Trial Attorney by the National Board of Trial Advocacy. In 2005, he was named Trial Lawyer of the Year by the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. Mr. Steinberg frequently serves as a Neutral Mediator and Arbitrator for the Center for Mediation and Arbitration (CMA).
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2016. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and PA Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
Contact: Suzanne Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
Attorneys Marc Robert Steinberg, Gregory R. Gifford and Jay C. Glickman named as 2016 Pennsylvania Super Lawyers; John H. Filice named 2016 Rising Star
Lansdale – The firm is pleased to announce that Marc Robert Steinberg, Jay C. Glickman and Gregory R. Gifford have been named by fellow Pennsylvania lawyers as 2016 Pennsylvania Super Lawyers and John H. Filice was named as a 2016 Rising Star. This was announced in the May issue of Philadelphia Magazine and the annual May publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers. This is the thirteenth consecutive year Mr. Steinberg and Mr. Gifford have received this award and the eleventh consecutive year Mr. Glickman has been named. Mr. Filice has received this honor for the eighth year. Together, they cover criminal, civil, commercial, business, real estate, estate and municipal law and bring a broad array of diversification and years of experience to Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Mr. Steinberg is a former Montgomery County Assistant District Attorney. He is past president of the Montgomery Bar Association, past president of the Montgomery Bar Foundation, President of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project (MCAP), past president of the Montgomery American Inn of Court and the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. He is a delegate from Zone 9 to the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s House of Delegates and a former member of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Disciplinary Board Hearing Committee 2.09. He taught Advanced Trial Advocacy at Temple University School of Law for 25 years and continues to lecture at the Criminal Law Series for the Montgomery Bar Association and for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. Mr. Steinberg is the only attorney in Bucks and Montgomery counties to be certified as a Criminal Trial Attorney by the National Board of Trial Advocacy. In 2005, he was named Trial Lawyer of the Year by the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. Mr. Steinberg frequently serves as a Neutral Mediator and Arbitrator for the Center for Mediation and Arbitration (CMA).
Mr. Gifford serves as solicitor to the Skippack, Marlborough Townships, and Lansdale Borough Zoning Hearing Boards. He also serves as solicitor to North Wales Borough, the Hatfield, Lansdale, Towamencin and Franconia Township Police Benevolent Associations, and the Pennsylvania Juvenile Officers Association. He was honored with the 2015 James P. Fox Trial Lawyer of the Year Award given to him by the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. He is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations. He serves as Treasurer of the Montgomery Bar Association and is a member of its Judiciary Committee. He also is a past president of the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association.
Jay C. Glickman has served Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C. since 1972. He concentrates his practice in estate planning and estate administration. Mr. Glickman is an active member of the community and officer and board member of the Souderton-Telford Rotary Club, the Montgomery Township Planning Commission, Montgomery Township Open Space Committee, Montgomery Township Shade Tree Commission, and the Advisory Committee on Decedent’s Estates Law to the PA Joint State Government Commission, the Souderton-Harleysville Fish, Game and Forestry Association, Inc., Century Club, Boy Scouts of America, and Last Chance Ranch. He is the former member of the Board of Directors of the Highlands Community Association, Institute for Comprehensive Family Therapy, Souderton Ambulance Associations, North Penn Red Cross, and Valley Center, and former solicitor for Montgomery County Development Corporation and Northstar Youth Services. He is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations and is admitted in Federal and Pennsylvania courts.
John H. Filice has been a member of the firm since 2001 and practices in the areas of estate planning, estate administration, real estate, business formation and civil litigation. He is currently a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations. He served as an editor of the Montgomery County Law Reporter from 2003 to 2005. He is a graduate of the University of Richmond’s T.C. Williams School of Law, where he was a member of the University of Richmond Law Review and the McNeill Law Society. Mr. Filice graduated, cum laude, in 2001. He obtained his B.A. in English/Pre-Law from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, graduating summa cum laude in 1998. A life-long resident of Montgomery County, he graduated from Souderton Area High School in 1994.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2016. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
Contact: Suzanne Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg named as 2016 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer
Lansdale – Marc Robert Steinberg a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C., has been named by fellow Pennsylvania lawyers for the thirteenth consecutive time as a 2016 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer. This was announced in the May issue of Philadelphia Magazine and the annual May publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers. Mr. Steinberg was recognized by experienced attorneys and colleagues for his professional achievements in criminal defense law.
Mr. Steinberg specializes in the practice of criminal law, personal injury and alternate dispute resolution. He graduated from Temple University School of Law in 1973 and holds an undergraduate degree from the Pennsylvania State University.
Mr. Steinberg is a former Montgomery County Assistant District Attorney. He is past president of the Montgomery Bar Association, past president of the Montgomery Bar Foundation, President of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project (MCAP), past president of the Montgomery American Inn of Court and the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. He is a delegate from Zone 9 to the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s House of Delegates and a former member of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Disciplinary Board Hearing Committee 2.09. He taught Advanced Trial Advocacy at Temple University School of Law for 25 years and continues to lecture at the Criminal Law Series for the Montgomery Bar Association and for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. Mr. Steinberg is the only attorney in Bucks and Montgomery counties to be certified as a Criminal Trial Attorney by the National Board of Trial Advocacy. In 2005, he was named Trial Lawyer of the Year by the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. Mr. Steinberg frequently serves as a Neutral Mediator and Arbitrator for the Center for Mediation and Arbitration (CMA).
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2016. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
Contact: Suzanne Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
Attorney Gregory R. Gifford named as 2016 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer
Lansdale – Gregory R. Gifford a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has been named by fellow Pennsylvania lawyers as a 2016 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer as published in the May issue of Philadelphia Magazine and the annual May publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers. Mr. Gifford was recognized by experienced attorneys and colleagues for his professional achievements in personal injury plaintiffs’ law. This is the thirteenth consecutive year Mr. Gifford has received this award, which distinguishes him as ranked among the top 5% of the attorneys practicing in his field.
Mr. Gifford joined Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. in 1984. His practice includes personal injury, criminal and municipal law. He graduated from Ursinus College, cum laude, with departmental honors in political science and is a graduate of the Villanova University School of Law.
Mr. Gifford serves as solicitor to the Skippack, Marlborough Townships, and Lansdale Borough Zoning Hearing Boards. He also serves as solicitor to North Wales Borough, the Hatfield, Lansdale, Towamencin and Franconia Township Police Benevolent Associations, and the Pennsylvania Juvenile Officers Association. He was honored with the 2015 James P. Fox Trial Lawyer of the Year Award given to him by the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. He is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations. He serves as Treasurer of the Montgomery Bar Association and is a member of its Judiciary Committee. He also is a past president of the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2016. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
Contact: Suzanne Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
Attorney John H. Filice named as 2016 Pennsylvania Rising Star
Lansdale – John H. Filice, a partner at the law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has been named a 2016 Rising Star as published in the May issue of Philadelphia Magazine. Only two and one-half percent of Pennsylvania attorneys receive this honor. This is the seventh consecutive receipt of this award for Mr. Filice.
John H. Filice has been a member of the firm since 2001 and practices in the areas of estate planning, estate administration, real estate, business formation and civil litigation. He is currently a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations. He served as an editor of the Montgomery County Law Reporter from 2003 to 2005. He is a graduate of the University of Richmond’s T.C. Williams School of Law, where he was a member of the University of Richmond Law Review and the McNeill Law Society. Mr. Filice graduated, cum laude, in 2001.
He obtained his B.A. in English/Pre-Law from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, graduating summa cum laude in 1998. A life-long resident of Montgomery County, he graduated from Souderton Area High School in 1994.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2016. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
Contact: Suzanne Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
Suzanne B. Cressman, Firm Administrator of the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C., was recently reappointed to serve a three-year term on the Board of Directors of Keystone Opportunity Center, Souderton, Pennsylvania. Keystone Opportunity Center is closely tied to the North Penn community and Ms. Cressman is pleased to actively serve the local organization. The mission of Keystone Opportunity Center is to help community members in need by offering a comprehensive array of social services that educate, encourage and empower them to become self-sufficient.
Ms. Cressman, a resident of Franconia Township, joined Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. in 1976. She actively serves in community and legal organizations including the Association of Legal Administrators, Independence Chapter where she held the positon of President from 2002-2003 and the Montgomery Bar Association Community Outreach Committee. She currently serves as Vice President of her Church, Holy Trinity Orthodox Catholic Church.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2016. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
Contact: Suzanne Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
Gregory R. Gifford, Esquire Elected to Judiciary Committee of the Montgomery Bar Association
Lansdale – Gregory R. Gifford, Esquire, a member of the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. was elected as a member of the Judiciary Committee of the Montgomery Bar Association at its annual luncheon meeting in January. The term is effective immediately and runs through January 2020. The Judiciary Committee is charged with interviewing and rating candidates for the position of judge on the Court of Common Pleas.
Mr. Gifford joined Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. in 1984. His practice includes personal injury, criminal and municipal law. He graduated from Ursinus College, cum laude, with departmental honors in political science and is a graduate of the Villanova University School of Law.
Mr. Gifford serves as solicitor to the Skippack, Marlborough Townships, and Lansdale Borough Zoning Hearing Boards. He also serves as solicitor to North Wales Borough, the Hatfield, Lansdale, Towamencin and Franconia Township Police Benevolent Associations, and the Pennsylvania Juvenile Officers Association. He is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations. He is a past Director of the Montgomery Bar Association and currently serves as its Treasurer. He also is a past president of the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. He was named a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer from 2004 through 2015.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2016. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
Contact: Suzanne Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
Meyer Simon, Esquire Elected to Judiciary Committee of the Montgomery Bar Association
Lansdale – Meyer Simon, Esquire, a member of the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. was elected as a member of the Judiciary Committee of the Montgomery Bar Association at its annual luncheon meeting in January. The term is effective immediately and runs through January 2020. The Judiciary Committee is charged with interviewing and rating candidates for the position of judge on the Court of Common Pleas.
Mr. Simon graduated in 1974 from University of Baltimore School of Law and holds a bachelor’s degree from the Pennsylvania State University. He is a member of the American Bar Association, Pennsylvania Bar Association and Montgomery Bar Association. He formerly served as an officer and director of Glenside Savings and Loan. He handles all aspects of representation including business organization, acquisitions, sales, and mergers. His practice is very diverse and includes litigation, real estate, corporate and business, estate planning and administration, personal injury and family law. Mr. Simon is admitted to practice before the State and Federal Courts of Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2016. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
Contact: Suzanne Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg Named one of the Best Lawyers in America
Lansdale – Marc Robert Steinberg, managing partner of the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., has recently been named one of the Best Lawyers in America in the practice area of Criminal Defense: Non-White Collar by the national Best Lawyers Publication. Best Lawyers is the oldest and most respected peer-review publication in the legal profession. This is the fifth year that Mr. Steinberg has been awarded this honor. In 2014, Mr. Steinberg was named one of the Top 10 Criminal Defense Attorneys in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by the National Academy of Criminal Defense Attorneys.
Mr. Steinberg specializes in the practice of criminal law, personal injury and alternate dispute resolution . He graduated from Temple University School of Law in 1973 and holds an undergraduate degree from the Pennsylvania State University.
Mr. Steinberg is a former Montgomery County Assistant District Attorney. He is past president of the Montgomery Bar Association, past president of the Montgomery Bar Foundation, President of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project (MCAP), past president of the Montgomery American Inn of Court and the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. He is a delegate from Zone 9 to the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s House of Delegates and a former member of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Disciplinary Board Hearing Committee 2.09. He taught Advanced Trial Advocacy at Temple University School of Law for 25 years and continues to lecture at the Criminal Law Series for the Montgomery Bar Association and for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. Mr. Steinberg is the only attorney in Bucks and Montgomery counties to be certified as a Criminal Trial Attorney by the National Board of Trial Advocacy. In 2005, he was named Trial Lawyer of the Year by the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. Mr. Steinberg frequently serves as a Neutral Mediator and Arbitrator for the Center for Mediation and Arbitration (CMA).
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2016. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
Contact: Suzanne Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
Gregory R. Gifford, Esquire, Elected Treasurer of Montgomery Bar Association
Lansdale – Gregory R. Gifford, a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C., was elected Treasurer of the Montgomery Bar Association on January 8, 2016. Mr. Gifford is a past Director of the Association and has also served as its Secretary. He was recently named the 2015 James P. Fox Trial Lawyer of the Year. This Award, given to him by the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association, recognized Mr. Gifford for his exemplary trial skills as well as his dedication to promoting a positive image for attorneys through his professional demeanor, service and integrity. The Trial Lawyers Section, through this Award, acknowledges attorneys who have created a reputation among their peers as a daunting adversary while remaining a respected colleague.
Mr. Gifford joined Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. in 1984. His practice includes personal injury, criminal and municipal law. He graduated from Ursinus College, cum laude, with departmental honors in political science and is a graduate of the Villanova University School of Law.
Mr. Gifford serves as solicitor to the Skippack, Marlborough Townships, and Lansdale Borough Zoning Hearing Boards. He also serves as solicitor to North Wales Borough, the Hatfield, Lansdale, Towamencin and Franconia Township Police Benevolent Associations, and the Pennsylvania Juvenile Officers Association. He is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations. He also is a past president of the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. He was named a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer from 2004 through 2015.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2016. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell® AV rating since 1992.
Contact: Suzanne Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. Named 2016 Best Law Firm by U.S. News & World Report
Lansdale – Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is pleased to announce it has received a Tier 1 ranking as a 2016 Best Law Firm by U.S. News & World Report. This Tier 1 ranking is determined through an evaluation derived from a combination of client feedback, feedback from other lawyers, and firm surveys. This is the seventh consecutive year the firm has received this honor.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News & World Report for its Criminal Law and Trusts and Estates Law Practices from 2010 through 2016. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates is a member of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. The firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work.
Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and domestic law, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell ® AV rating since 1992.
Contact: Suzanne Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
Gregory R. Gifford, Esquire, Receives 2015 Trial Lawyer of the Year Award from Montgomery Bar Association Trial Lawyers Section
Lansdale – Gregory R. Gifford, a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C., was honored with the 2015 James P. Fox Trial Lawyer of the Year Award given to him by the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association on Tuesday evening, November 17, 2015. The Award was presented at a celebration held at the Montgomery Bar Association in Norristown. This award recognized Mr. Gifford for his exemplary trial skills as well as his dedication to promoting a positive image for attorneys through his professional demeanor, service and integrity. The Trial Lawyers Section, through this Award, acknowledges attorneys who have created a reputation among their peers as a daunting adversary while remaining a respected colleague.
Mr. Gifford joined Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. in 1984. His practice includes personal injury, criminal and municipal law. He graduated from Ursinus College, cum laude, with departmental honors in political science and is a graduate of the Villanova University School of Law.
Mr. Gifford serves as solicitor to the Skippack, Marlborough Townships, and Lansdale Borough Zoning Hearing Boards. He also serves as solicitor to North Wales Borough, the Hatfield, Lansdale, Towamencin and Franconia Township Police Benevolent Associations, and the Pennsylvania Juvenile Officers Association. He is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations. He is a past Director of the Montgomery Bar Association and currently serves as its Secretary. He also is a past president of the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. He was named a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer from 2004 through 2015.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates are members of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. Many of the firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work.
Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and domestic law, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell ® AV rating since 1992.
Contact: Suzanne Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
Meyer Simon, Esquire appointed to Pennsylvania Bar Association House of Delegates
LANSDALE – Meyer Simon, Esquire, a member of the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. was appointed as a Zone Nine Delegate to the Pennsylvania Bar Association House of Delegates. His term begins immediately and runs through the conclusion of the 2016 Annual Meeting. The Pennsylvania Bar Association House of Delegates is responsible for setting the policy of the Pennsylvania Bar Association.
Mr. Simon graduated in 1974 from University of Baltimore School of Law and holds a bachelor’s degree from the Pennsylvania State University. He is a member of the American Bar Association, Pennsylvania Bar Association and Montgomery Bar Association. He serves as Chairman of the Montgomery Bar Association General Practice Committee and is a member of the Board of Directors. He formerly served as an officer and director of Glenside Savings and Loan. He handles all aspects of representation including business organization, acquisitions, sales, and mergers. His practice is very diverse and includes litigation, real estate, corporate and business, estate planning and administration, personal injury and family law. Mr. Simon is admitted to practice before the State and Federal Courts of Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates are members of the Montgomery and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. Many of the firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work.
Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and domestic law, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell ® AV rating since 1992.
Contact: Suzanne Cressman
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
Attorney Meyer Simon served as a course planner and moderator for the CLE seminar entitled “Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department-Practice and Procedures” presented by the Montgomery Bar Association in, Norristown, PA
Lansdale – Meyer Simon, an attorney at the law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C., served as a course planner and moderator at a seminar entitled “Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department-Practice and Procedures”. It was held on Tuesday, May 19, 2015, at the Montgomery Bar Association in Norristown, PA. The session focused on the policies and procedures of the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Department.
Mr. Simon graduated in 1974 from University of Baltimore School of Law and holds a bachelor’s degree from the Pennsylvania State University. He is a member of the American Bar Association, Pennsylvania Bar Association and Montgomery Bar Association. He formerly served as an officer and director of Glenside Savings and Loan. He handles all aspects of representation including business planning, acquisitions, sales, and mergers. His practice is diverse and includes litigation, real estate, corporate and business, estate planning and administration, personal injury and family law. Mr. Simon is admitted to practice before the State and Federal Courts of Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News and World Report for its Criminal Law Practice in 2010 through 2014. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
Rubin, Glickman Steinberg and Gifford is pleased to announce John H. Filice has been named a Rising Star
Lansdale – John H. Filice, a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has been named a 2015 Rising Star as published in the May issue of Philadelphia Magazine. Only two and one-half percent of Pennsylvania attorneys receive this honor. This is the seventh year Mr. Filice has received this award.
John H. Filice has been a member of the firm since 2001 and practices in the areas of estate planning, estate administration, real estate, business formation and civil litigation. He is currently a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations. He served as an editor of the Montgomery County Law Reporter from 2003 to 2005. He is a graduate of the University of Richmond’s T.C. Williams School of Law, where he was a member of the University of Richmond Law Review and the McNeill Law Society. Mr. Filice graduated, cum laude, in 2001.
He obtained his B.A. in English/Pre-Law from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, graduating summa cum laude in 1998. A life-long resident of Montgomery County, he graduated from Souderton Area High School in 1994 .
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates are members of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. Many of the firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work.
Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and domestic law, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell ® AV rating since 1992.
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
Attorney Gregory R. Gifford, named as 2015 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer
Lansdale – Gregory R. Gifford a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has been named by fellow Pennsylvania lawyers as a 2015 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer as published in the May issue of Philadelphia Magazine and the annual May publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers. Mr. Gifford was recognized by experienced attorneys and colleagues for his professional achievements in personal injury plaintiffs’ law. This is the twelfth consecutive year Mr. Gifford has received this award, which distinguishes him as ranked among the top 5% of the attorneys practicing in his field.
Gregory R. Gifford has been practicing personal injury and criminal law for over 28 years. He has been voted the “Best Lawyer” in The Reporter’s Reader’s Choice Awards and the Montgomery News Readers’ Choice Awards. He is Past President of the Montgomery Trial Lawyers Association, currently serves as Secretary of the Montgomery Bar Association, and is a solicitor for several police organizations and local municipalities, and is also involved in many community and charitable organizations.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates are members of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. Many of the firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work.
Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and domestic law, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell ® AV rating since 1992.
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
Attorney Jay C. Glickman named as 2015 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer
Lansdale – Jay C. Glickman, a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has been named by fellow Pennsylvania lawyers as a 2015 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer as announced in the May issue of Philadelphia Magazine and the annual May publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers. Mr. Glickman was recognized by experienced attorneys and colleagues for his professional achievements in estate planning and probate. This is the tenth consecutive year Mr. Glickman has received this award, which distinguishes him as ranked among the top 5% of the attorneys practicing in his field.
Jay C. Glickman has served Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. since 1972. He concentrates his practice in estate planning and estate administration. He is a member of the Advisory Committee on Decedent’s Estates Law to the Joint State Government Commission of Pennsylvania and is a member of many civic and community organizations. He also serves as a guest presenter at probate and estate planning seminars and frequently speaks at area retirement communities, senior centers, and charitable organizations.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates are members of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. Many of the firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work.
Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and domestic law, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell ® AV rating since 1992.
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg, named as a 2015 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer
Lansdale – Marc Robert Steinberg a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has been named by fellow Pennsylvania lawyers for the twelfth consecutive time as a 2015 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer. This was announced in the May issue of Philadelphia Magazine and the annual May publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers. Mr. Steinberg was recognized by experienced attorneys and colleagues for his professional achievements in criminal defense law.
Mr. Steinberg specializes in the practice of criminal law, personal injury and alternate dispute resolution . He graduated from Temple University School of Law in 1973 and holds an undergraduate degree from the Pennsylvania State University.
Mr. Steinberg is a former Montgomery County Assistant District Attorney. He is past president of the Montgomery Bar Association, past president of the Montgomery Bar Foundation, President of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project(MCAP), past president of the Montgomery American Inn of Court and the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. He is a delegate from Zone 9 to the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s House of Delegates and a former member of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Disciplinary Board Hearing Committee 2.09. He teaches Advanced Trial Advocacy at Temple University School of Law, as well as the Criminal Law Series for the Montgomery Bar Association and lectures for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. Mr. Steinberg is the only attorney in Bucks and Montgomery counties to be certified as a Criminal Trial Attorney by the National Board of Trial Advocacy. Since 2010, he has been named a “Best Lawyer” by US News and World Report. This year, he was named a Top 10 Criminal Defense Attorney in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by the National Academy of Criminal Defense Attorneys. In 2005, he was named as Trial Lawyer of the year by the Montgomery Trial Lawyers Association.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates are members of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. Many of the firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work.
Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and domestic law, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell ® AV rating since 1992.
Contact: Suzanne Cressman
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
Gregory R. Gifford , Esquire elected Secretary of the Montgomery Bar Association.
Lansdale – Gregory R. Gifford, a partner at the law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C., was recently nominated and unanimously elected to the position of Secretary of the Montgomery Bar Association.
Mr. Gifford joined Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. in 1984. His practice includes personal injury, criminal and municipal law. Mr. Gifford graduated from Ursinus College, cum laude, with departmental honors in political science and is a graduate of the Villanova University School of Law.
He serves as solicitor to the Skippack, Marlborough Townships, and Lansdale Borough Zoning Hearing Boards. He also serves as the North Wales Borough Solicitor, the Hatfield, Lansdale, Towamencin and Franconia Township Police Benevolent Associations, and the Pennsylvania Juvenile Officers Association. He is past president of the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. He is a member of the Pennsylvania Bar Association and served as a Director of the Montgomery Bar Association. He was named a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer from 2004 through 2014.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates are members of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. Many of the firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work.
Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and domestic law, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell ® AV rating since 1992.
Contact: Suzanne Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
Lansdale – February 25, 2015 – Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is pleased to announce it has received a Tier 1 ranking as a 2015 Best Law Firm by U.S. News. This Tier 1 ranking is determined through an evaluation derived from a combination of client feedback, feedback from other lawyers, and firm surveys. This is the sixth consecutive year the firm has received this honor.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates are members of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. Many of the firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work.
Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and domestic law, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell ® AV rating since 1992.
Contact: Suzanne Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
Lansdale – January 29, 2015 – Marc Robert Steinberg, managing partner of the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., has been named one of the Top 10 Criminal Defense Attorneys in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This was announced on December 31, 2014, by the National Academy of Criminal Defense Attorneys. The attorneys chosen for this honor are first nominated by licensed attorneys and then go through a rigorous final selection process.
Mr. Steinberg specializes in the practice of criminal law, personal injury and alternate dispute resolution. He graduated from Temple University School of Law in 1973 and holds an undergraduate degree from the Pennsylvania State University.
Mr. Steinberg is a former Montgomery County Assistant District Attorney. He is past president of the Montgomery Bar Association, past president of the Montgomery Bar Foundation, President of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project(MCAP), past president of the Montgomery American Inn of Court and the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. He is a delegate from Zone 9 to the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s House of Delegates and a former member of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Disciplinary Board Hearing Committee 2.09. He teaches Advanced Trial Advocacy at Temple University School of Law, as well as the Criminal Law Series for the Montgomery Bar Association and lectures for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. Mr. Steinberg is the only attorney in Bucks and Montgomery counties to be certified as a Criminal Trial Attorney by the National Board of Trial Advocacy. In 2005, he was named as Trial Lawyer of the year by the Montgomery Trial Lawyers Association.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News and World Report for its Criminal Law Practice in 2010 through 2014. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
Contact: Suzanne Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
Lansdale – January 21, 2015 – Meyer Simon, Esquire, a member of the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. was reappointed Chairman of the General Practice Committee for 2015 and is a member of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery County Bar Association. The general practice Committee focuses on the legal and practical issues facing lawyers with a diverse practice of law.
Mr. Simon graduated in 1974 from University of Baltimore School of Law and holds a bachelor’s degree from the Pennsylvania State University. He is a member of the American Bar Association, Pennsylvania Bar Association and Montgomery Bar Association. He formerly served as an officer and director of Glenside Savings and Loan. He handles all aspects of representation including business organization, acquisitions, sales, and mergers. His practice is very diverse and includes litigation, real estate, corporate and business, estate planning and administration, personal injury and family law. Mr. Simon is admitted to practice before the State and Federal Courts of Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates are members of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. Many of the firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work.
Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and domestic law, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell ® AV rating since 1992.
Contact: Suzanne Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
Lansdale – October 23, 2014 – Meyer Simon, an attorney at the law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C., served as a course planner and moderator at a seminar entitled “101 Series: The Nuts and Bolts of Civil Action”. It was held on Wednesday, October 22, 2014, at the Montgomery Bar Association in Norristown, PA. The session focused on the practice and procedures of a civil action from the filing of the complaint, discovery and motions, to getting on the trial list and summary judgment motions.
Mr. Simon graduated in 1974 from University of Baltimore School of Law and holds a bachelor’s degree from the Pennsylvania State University. He is a member of the American Bar Association, Pennsylvania Bar Association and Montgomery County Bar Association. He formerly served as an officer and director of Glenside Savings and Loan. He handles all aspects of representation including business planning, acquisitions, sales, and mergers. His practice is very diverse and includes litigation, real estate, corporate and business, estate planning and administration, personal injury and family law. Mr. Simon is admitted to practice before the State and Federal Courts of Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News and World Report for its Criminal Law Practice in 2010 through 2014. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
Contact: Suzanne Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
Lansdale – October 17, 2014 – Gregory R. Gifford, a partner at the law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C., served as a session presenter at a seminar entitled “Magisterial District Courts: Rules, Programs, Updates & Perspectives from the Bench”. It was held on Wednesday, October 15, 2014, at the Montgomery Bar Association in Norristown, PA. The session covered new and developmental programs and practices which are unique to the District Courts.
Mr. Gifford joined Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. in 1984. His practice includes personal injury, criminal and municipal law. Mr. Gifford graduated from Ursinus College, cum laude, with departmental honors in political science and is a graduate of the Villanova University School of Law.
He serves as solicitor to the North Wales Borough, Lansdale Borough, Skippack Township, Marlborough Township Zoning Hearing Boards, the Hatfield, Lansdale, Towamencin and Franconia Township Police Benevolent Associations, and the Pennsylvania Juvenile Officers Association. He is past president of the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association and current member of the Judiciary Committee. He is a member of the Pennsylvania Bar Association and served as a Director of the Montgomery Bar Association. He was named a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer from 2004 through 2014.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News and World Report for its Criminal Law Practice in 2010 through 2014. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
Contact: Suzanne Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
Attorney Jay C. Glickman named as 2014 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer
Lansdale – Jay C. Glickman, a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has been named by fellow Pennsylvania lawyers as 2014 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer as announced in the June issue of Philadelphia Magazine and the annual June publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers. Mr. Glickman was recognized by experienced attorneys and colleagues for his professional achievements in estate planning and probate. This is the ninth consecutive year Mr. Glickman has received this award, which distinguishes him as ranked among the top 5% of the attorneys practicing in his field.
Jay C. Glickman has served Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. since 1972. He concentrates his practice in estate planning and estate administration. He is a member of the Advisory Committee on Decedent’s Estates Law to the Joint State Government Commission of Pennsylvania and is a member of many civic and community organizations. He also serves as a guest presenter at probate and estate planning seminars and frequently speaks at area retirement communities, senior centers, and charitable organizations.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News and World Report for its Criminal Law Practice in 2010 through 2014. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
Contact: Suzanne Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg, named as a 2014 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer
Lansdale – Marc Robert Steinberg a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has been named by fellow Pennsylvania lawyers for the eleventh consecutive time as a 2014 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer. This was announced in the June issue of Philadelphia Magazine and the annual June publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers. Mr. Steinberg was recognized by experienced attorneys and colleagues for his professional achievements in criminal defense law.
Marc Robert Steinberg has been certified six times as a Criminal Trial Advocate by the National Board of Trial Advocacy, beginning in 1986. He is a past President of the Montgomery Bar Association; the Montgomery Bar Foundation; the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association; the Montgomery Inn of Court, and is currently the President of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project (MCAP). He served two terms as a Director of the Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Since 1990, Mr. Steinberg has been an adjunct instructor at the Beasley School of Law at Temple University teaching Advanced Trial Advocacy. He has handled many criminal cases which have thrust him into the public spotlight.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News and World Report for its Criminal Law Practice in 2010 through 2014. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
Contact: Suzanne Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
Attorney Gregory R. Gifford, named as 2014 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer
Lansdale – Gregory R. Gifford a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has been named by fellow Pennsylvania lawyers as 2014 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer as published in the June issue of Philadelphia Magazine and the annual June publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers. Mr. Gifford was recognized by experienced attorneys and colleagues for his professional achievements in personal injury plaintiffs’ law. This is the eleventh consecutive year Mr. Gifford has received this award, which distinguishes him as ranked among the top 5% of the attorneys practicing in his field.
Gregory R. Gifford has been practicing personal injury and criminal law for over 28 years. He has been voted the “Best Lawyer” in The Reporter’s Reader’s Choice Awards and the Montgomery News Readers’ Choice Awards. He is Past President of the Montgomery Trial Lawyers Association, currently serves as solicitor for several police organizations and local municipalities, and is also involved in many community and charitable organizations.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News and World Report for its Criminal Law Practice in 2010 through 2014. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
Contact: Suzanne Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
Attorney Jay C. Glickman Honored By Boy Scouts of America
Lansdale – March 20, 2014 – Jay C. Glickman, partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., was recently honored at a dinner at the Indian Valley Country Club, by the Boy Scouts of America Cradle of Liberty Council and Century Club in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the community over a long period of time. He was selected by the Cradle of Liberty Council and Century Club to receive the 54th Annual Malcom A. Schweiker Award.
Partner Jay C. Glickman has been a member of the firm since 1972 and was admitted to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court the same year. Mr. Glickman’s practice focuses on estate planning and estate administration. He received his undergraduate degree from The Pennsylvania State University and his law degree from Temple University School of Law.
Mr. Glickman is an active member of the community, serving as an officer and board member of the Montgomery Township Planning Commission, Montgomery Township Open Space Committee, the Souderton-Telford Rotary Club and the Souderton-Telford Fish, Game and Forestry Association; a member of the Advisory Committee on Decedent’s Estates Law to the PA Joint State Government Commission, the Hatfield Township Traffic Committee, Last Chance Ranch, the American Legion, a radio show host on WNPV, and recipient of the Malcolm A. Schweiker Century Club Award from the Boy Scouts of America. He was formerly solicitor for the Montgomery County Development Corporation, Frederick Mennonite Community Committee for Social Responsibility, Highlands Community Association, Indian Creek Foundation, Northstar Youth Services, Souderton Ambulance Association, Institute for Comprehensive Family Therapy, Valley Center, North Penn Chapter of the American Red Cross, and an instructor at Delaware Valley College. He is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations and is admitted in Federal and Pennsylvania courts. He has been named a Best Lawyer in America by US News and World Report from 2012 through 2014. He was also named a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer from 2006 through 2013.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News and World Report for its Criminal Law Practice in 2010 through 2013. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
Contact: Suzanne Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
LANSDALE – March 13, 2014 – Marc Robert Steinberg, managing partner at Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C., was recently named an MCAP Hero by the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project. This organization is a non-profit corporation that provides pro bono legal services and support to children in Montgomery County who are victims of abuse or who are involved in a proceeding in which parents or guardians are adversaries. The legal advocates provide these vulnerable children with a voice as they navigate the legal and social service arenas.
Marc Robert Steinberg was named managing partner of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. in 1980 and has been with the firm since 1976. He graduated from Temple University School of Law in 1973, and holds an undergraduate degree from the Pennsylvania State University.
Mr. Steinberg has been certified six times as a Criminal Trial Advocate by the National Board of Trial Advocacy, beginning in 1986. He is a past President of the Montgomery Bar Association; the Montgomery Bar Foundation; the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association; the Montgomery Inn of Court, and is currently the President of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project (MCAP). He served two terms as a Director of the Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Since 1990, Mr. Steinberg has been an adjunct instructor at the Beasley School of Law at Temple University teaching Advanced Trial Advocacy. He has handled many high profile criminal cases which have thrust him into the public spotlight. He has been named a Top 100 Lawyer in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania, a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer from 2004 through 2014, and a Best Lawyer in America from 2010 through 2014. He is a frequent lecturer for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute and the Montgomery Bar Association.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News and World Report for its Criminal Law Practice in 2010 through 2013. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
Contact: Suzanne Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
Meyer Simon, Esquire appointed Chairman of the General Practice Committee, and Elected to the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Bar Association.
LANSDALE – March 11, 2014 – Meyer Simon, Esquire, a member of the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. was recently appointed Chairman of the General Practice Committee and elected to the Board of Directors of the Montgomery County Bar Association. The general practice Committee focuses on the legal and practical issues facing lawyers with a diverse practice of law.
Mr. Simon graduated in 1974 from University of Baltimore School of Law and holds a bachelor’s degree from the Pennsylvania State University. He is a member of the American Bar Association, Pennsylvania Bar Association and Montgomery County Bar Association. He formerly served as an officer and director of Glenside Savings and Loan. He handles all aspects of representation including business planning, acquisitions, sales, and mergers. His practice is very diverse and includes litigation, real estate, corporate and business, estate planning and administration, personal injury and family law. Mr. Simon is admitted to practice before the State and Federal Courts of Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire., the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates are members of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. Many of the firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work.
Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and domestic law, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell ® AV rating since 1992.
Contacts: Suzanne Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
LANSDALE – February 12, 2014 – Attorney Liam J. Duffy has joined Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. of Lansdale as an associate attorney. Mr. Duffy is a local graduate from Archbishop Wood High School, Warminster, Pennsylvania, and currently resides in Lansdale, Pennsylvania.
His practice focuses on Family Law and Landlord/Tenant Law.
Mr. Duffy graduated in 2013 from Rutgers School of Law. At Rutgers, he qualified to participate in the Rutgers Moot Court Competition, was named an Oral Argument Semi-Finalist and received the A Best Brief Award. He also was selected to be a member of the Rutgers Law Journal and published an article on “State Constitutional Law entitled A State Constitutional Law – Search and Seizure – Warrantless and Suspicionless Search.” Prior to obtaining his law degree, Mr. Duffy worked for seven years in corporate finance. During this time, he earned his Master’s in Finance from Saint Joseph’s University. He holds a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Delaware. Mr. Duffy is admitted to practice in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and is a member of the Pennsylvania Bar Association and Montgomery County Bar Association.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esq., the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates are members of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery County Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. Many of the firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work.
Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and domestic law, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
Her practice focuses on Civil Litigation, Business, Workers’ Compensation, Social Security Disability and Estate Planning and Administration.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esq., the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates are members of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery County Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. Many of the firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work.
Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and domestic law, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
Contacts: Suzanne Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
Fax: 215-822-1713
LANSDALE – February 12, 2014 – Attorney Andrew J. Levin has joined Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. of Lansdale as an associate attorney. Mr. Levin resides in Holland, Pennsylvania, and is a local graduate from Council Rock High School – South.
His practice focuses on Criminal Defense, Personal Injury and Unemployment Compensation.
Mr. Levin graduated in 2013 from University of Pittsburgh School of Law. While in law school, he received first place in the Murray S. Love Mock Trial Court Competition, was a recipient of the John P. Gismondi Certificate of Advanced Study in Civil Litigation, and served on the Moot Court Board. He received his Bachelor’s degree from Pennsylvania State University in 2010 with a major in finance. Mr. Levin is admitted to practice in Pennsylvania, and is a member of the Pennsylvania, Montgomery and Bucks County Bar Associations.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esq., the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates are members of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery County Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. Many of the firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work.
Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and domestic law, and criminal law representation.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
For Immediate Release – February 4, 2014 – John H. Filice named as Partner at Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman
Tel: 215-822-7575
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is pleased to announce that John H. Filice has been named a partner of the firm. Mr. Filice is a life-long Montgomery County resident and a local graduate of Souderton Area High School.
Managing Partner Marc Robert Steinberg, states, “We are extremely pleased to have John as a partner. He is an integral part of our estate administration, business, and civil litigation departments and is an invaluable asset. His manner of practice is consistent with our longstanding effort to provide quality legal representation to our clients.”
John H. Filice has been a member of the firm since 2001 and practices in the areas of estate planning and administration, business law, civil litigation and real estate. He is currently a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations. He served as an editor of the Montgomery County Law Reporter from 2003 to 2005. He is a 2001 cum laude graduate of the University of Richmond’s T.C. Williams School of Law, where he was Manuscripts Editor of the University of Richmond Law Review and a member of the McNeill Law Society.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esq., the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates are members of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. Many of the firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work.
Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and domestic law, and criminal law representation.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
January 8, 2014 – Kirsten S. Balzer Joins Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Contact: Sue Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
Fax: 215-822-1713
LANSDALE—January 8, 2014 – Attorney Kirsten S. Balzer has joined Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. of Lansdale. Ms. Balzer is a local graduate from Souderton Area High School.
Her practice focuses on family law handling matters including divorce, custody, child support and property division. She also represents clients in the area of education law having previously served as a Law Clerk in the Pennsylvania Department of Education Office of Chief Counsel.
Ms. Balzer graduated in 2012 from Villanova University School of Law where she served as the Editor-in-Chief of the Villanova Environmental Law Journal and was awarded the 2011 Public Interest Fellowship. She received her Bachelor’s degree from Cornell University in 2006 where she majored in Applied Economics and Management and minored in Communications. Ms. Balzer is admitted to practice in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and is a member of the Pennsylvania Bar Association and Montgomery County Bar Association.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esq., the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates are members of the Montgomery County Bar Association and many hold leadership positions on various committees. Many of the firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work.
Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and domestic law, and criminal law representation.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell ® AV rating since 1992.
January 6, 2014 – Meyer Simon Joins Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
Contact: Suzanne Cressman, Firm Administrator
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C.
Tel: 215-822-7575
Fax: 215-822-1713
LANSDALE—January 6, 2014 -Attorney Meyer Simon has joined Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. of Lansdale.
Mr. Simon brings to the firm an active practice representing local, regional, and national business clients, including manufacturers, service businesses, hotel and construction businesses, professional practices, and financial institutions.
According to Managing Partner Marc Robert Steinberg, “We are very excited to have Meyer join our firm. He adds a new dimension to the many different areas of legal representation which Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. provides to its clientele.”
Mr. Simon graduated in 1974 from University of Baltimore School of Law and holds a bachelor’s degree from the Pennsylvania State University. He is a member of the American Bar Association, Pennsylvania Bar Association and Montgomery County Bar Association. He formerly served as an officer and director of Glenside Savings and Loan. He handles all aspects of representation including business planning, acquisitions, sales, and mergers. His practice is very diverse and includes litigation, real estate, corporate and business, estate planning and administration, personal injury and family law. Mr. Simon is admitted to practice before the State and Federal Courts of Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. Founded by Irwin S. Rubin, Esquire, the firm now has 14 lawyers who actively practice in the courts. Each of the firm’s partners and associates are members of the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations and many hold leadership positions on various committees. Many of the firm’s members also take active roles in community organizations and in providing pro-bono work.
Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and domestic law, and criminal law representation.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell ® AV rating since 1992.
For Immediate Release – August 9, 2013
Amy R. Stern named as Partner at Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C.
August 9, 2013—Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C., is pleased to announce that Amy R. Stern has been named a partner of the firm.
Managing Partner Marc Robert Steinberg states, “We were extremely pleased to have Amy as a partner. As head of our family law department, she has been an integral part of our firm and an invaluable asset. Her manner of practice is consistent with our long-standing effort to provide quality legal representation to our clients.”
Ms. Stern joined Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. in 1995. Her practice is dedicated to family law and mediation. She is a l989 graduate of Temple University School of Law and holds a bachelor’s degree from George Washington University. She is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations where she is a member of the Family Law Section. Ms. Stern is certified in Family Law Mediation. She also serves on the Board of Directors of the Womens’ Center of Montgomery County and is a Community Ambassador for the ALS Association Greater Philadelphia Chapter.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Award Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News and World Report from 2010 through 2013. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
For Immediate Release – July 2, 2013
Contact: Suzanne B. Cressman, 215-822-7575
John Filice Speaks at Retirement Challenges Forum
Lansdale – John H. Filice, an attorney at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. served as a panelist at the retirement planning forum presented on June 27, 2013, at the Maplewood Estates Conference Center in the Peter Becker Community, Harleysville, PA. The forum, “3 Key Retirement Challenges”, was open to the public and addressed problems, challenges and opportunities facing retirees. Mr. Filice’s topic of discussion covered Estate Planning issues, Powers of Attorney, and Medical Directives.
John H. Filice has been a member of the firm since 2001 and practices in the areas of estate planning, estate administration, business and corporate law, and real estate. He is currently a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations. He served as an editor of the Montgomery County Law Reporter from 2003 to 2005. He is a 2001 cum laude graduate of the University of Richmond’s T.C. Williams School of Law, where he was Manuscripts Editor of the University of Richmond Law Review and a member of the McNeill Law Society.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s” 2005 through 2013 Readers’ Choice Awards. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
April 13, 2013 – Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C. Sponsors Salvation Army Kettle Collection
Lansdale, PA – SALVATION ARMY HOLIDAY HELPERS ….The law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg, and Gifford, PC, Lansdale, Pennsylvania, continues its sponsorship of Salvation Army Kettles at the Montgomery Mall in North Wales, Pennsylvania. This year marks the 7 th year the firm and its employees have been providing this support to the Salvation Army. On Wednesday evenings from November 28 th through December 19 th the firm’s employees and their families ring the bells for the Salvation Army through its “Bells Ringing Across America” celebration to raise funds for the needy in our area. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. and its employees have found this to be a very heartwarming project and look forward to continuing it again next year.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2012 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News and World Report for its Criminal Law Practice in 2010 through 2012. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
July 24, 2012 – Amy R. Stern, Esquire serves as Community Ambassador for the ALS Association Greater Philadelphia Chapter
Amy R. Stern, Esquire, associate attorney at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C., recently became a Community Ambassador for the ALS Association Greater Philadelphia Chapter. As a Community Ambassador, she will attend events throughout the area spreading awareness of the disease and providing information on the support available through the local ALS Association Greater Philadelphia Chapter. The ALS Association Greater Philadelphia Chapter is leading the fight to treat and cure ALS through global research and nationwide advocacy while also empowering people with Lou Gehrig’s Disease and their families to live fuller lives by providing compassionate care and support.
Ms. Stern joined Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. in 1995. Her practice is dedicated to family law and mediation. She is a l989 graduate of Temple University School of Law and holds a bachelor’s degree from George Washington University. She is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations where she is a member of the Family Law Sections. She is also a member of the Women in the Law Committee and is past chair of the Mediation Subcommittee of the Montgomery Bar Association. Ms. Stern is certified in Family Law Mediation.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2012 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News and World Report for its Criminal Law Practice in 2010 through 2012. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
July 23, 2012 – Matthew T. Wilkov, Esquire served as a Presenter at the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s 2012 Family Law Section Summer Meeting
Matthew T. Wilkov, a Partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C., and a current U.S. Army Reserve JAG Officer, served as the plenary presenter at the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s 2012 Family Law Section Summer Meeting held in Hershey, Pennsylvania, July 12 th through July 15 th. His presentation opened the Conference and was entitled “What Family Law Attorneys Need to Know About Military Issues.” He provided the 200+ family law attorneys in attendance with information on how to handle issues that arise in family law matters where one or both of the parties is in the military including jurisdictional issues, service of process issues, Servicemembers’ Civil Relief Act issues, spousal and child support issues and the difficulties which arise in dividing, collecting and safeguarding the always-confusing military retirement.
Matthew T. Wilkov has been a member of the law firm since 1999 and a Partner since 2005. He practices in the areas of personal injury, products liability, criminal defense, business litigation, and military/veterans law. Mr. Wilkov is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations. He served two terms on the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Bar Association. He is also a member of the Montgomery Bar Association Trial Lawyers Section, and a former Chair of the Juvenile Rules Committee, Young Lawyers Section, and Member Services Committee. He is a graduate of the Temple University School of Law where he was a member of the Moot Court Honor Society and the Temple Political and Civil Rights Law Review. Mr. Wilkov earned his Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Labor Relations from Cornell University. He was named a “Lawyer on the Fast Track” by The Legal Intelligencer in 2007 and voted “One of the Best Lawyers’ in The Reporter’s Readers’ Choice Awards.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2012 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News and World Report for its Criminal Law Practice in 2010 through 2012. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
June 30, 2012 – Attorney Jay C. Glickman named as 2012 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer
Lansdale – Jay C. Glickman, a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has been named by fellow Pennsylvania lawyers as 2012 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer as announced in the June issue of PhiladelphiaMagazine and the annual June publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers. Mr. Glickman was recognized by experienced attorneys and colleagues for his professional achievements in estate planning and probate. This is the seventh consecutive year Mr. Glickman has received this award, which distinguishes him as ranked among the top 5% of the attorneys practicing in his field.
Jay C. Glickman has served Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. since 1972. He concentrates his practice in estate planning and estate administration. He is a member of the Advisory Committee on Decedent’s Estates Law to the Joint State Government Commission of Pennsylvania and is a member of many civic and community organizations. He also serves as a guest presenter at probate and estate planning seminars and frequently speaks at area retirement communities, senior centers, and charitable organizations.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2012 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by US News and World Report for its Criminal Law Practice in 2010 through 2012. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
June 8, 2012 – Attorney Gregory R. Gifford, named as 2012 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer
Gregory R. Gifford a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has been named by fellow Pennsylvania lawyers as 2012 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer as published in the June issue of PhiladelphiaMagazine and the annual June publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers. Mr. Gifford was recognized by experienced attorneys and colleagues for his professional achievements in personal injury plaintiffs’ law. This is the ninth consecutive year Mr. Gifford has received this award, which distinguishes him as ranked among the top 5% of the attorneys practicing in his field.
Gregory R. Gifford has been practicing personal injury and criminal law for over 28 years. He has been voted the “Best Lawyer” in TheReporter’s Reader’s Choice Awards and the MontgomeryNews Readers’ Choice Awards. He is Past President of the Montgomery Trial Lawyers Association, currently serves as solicitor for several police organizations and local municipalities, and is also involved in many community and charitable organizations.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2012 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by (US New and World Report) for its Criminal Law Practice in 2010 through 2012. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
June 6, 2012 – Attorney Gregory R. Gifford spoke at a seminar entitled “Child Abuse from Legal and Psychological Perspectives” at Montgomery County Intermediate Unit, Norristown, PA
Gregory R. Gifford, a partner at the law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C., served as a session presenter at a seminar entitled “Child Abuse from Legal and Psychological Perspectives”given by the Philadelphia Society of Clinical Psychologists. It was held on Friday, April 27, 2012, at the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit in Norristown, PA. The session covered changes to the Child Protective Services Law, the differences in investigative processes and “burdens of proof,” and the legal rights of parents and others involved in the process.
Mr. Gifford joined Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. in 1984. His practice includes personal injury, criminal and municipal law. Mr. Gifford graduated from Ursinus College, cum laude, with departmental honors in political science and is a graduate of the Villanova University School of Law.
He serves as solicitor to the Skippack Township Zoning Hearing Board and the Lansdale Borough Zoning Hearing Board, the Hatfield and Lansdale Police Benevolent Associations, and the Pennsylvania Juvenile Officers Association. He is past president of the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association and current member of the Judiciary Committee. He is a member of the Pennsylvania Bar Association and served as a Director of the Montgomery Bar Association. He was named a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer from 2004 through 2012.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2012 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by (US New and World Report) for its Criminal Law Practice in 2010 through 2012. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
June 5, 2012 – Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg served as a session presenter at Five County Criminal Practice Seminar
Marc Robert Steinberg, Managing Partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C., served as a session presenter at the Pennsylvania Bar Institute’s “Five County Criminal Practice Seminar.” His topic was Practicing Criminal Law in Montgomery County which he presented at the Delaware County Bar Association on March 29, 2012, and in Philadelphia on April 18, 2012.
Marc Robert Steinberg has been certified six times as a Criminal Trial Advocate by the National Board of Trial Advocacy, beginning in 1986. He is a past President of the Montgomery Bar Association; the Montgomery Bar Foundation; the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association; the Montgomery Inn of Court, and is currently the President of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project (MCAP). He served two terms as a Director of the Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Since 1990, Mr. Steinberg has been an adjunct instructor at the Beasley School of Law at Temple University teaching Advanced Trial Advocacy. He has handled many high profile criminal cases which have thrust him into the public spotlight. He was named a Top 100 Lawyer in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania in 2008, 2010 through 2012, a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer from 2004 through 2012, and a Best Lawyer in America from 2010 through 2012. He is a frequent lecturer for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute and the Montgomery Bar Association.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2012 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by (US New and World Report) for its Criminal Law Practice in 2010 through 2012. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
March 16, 2012 – John H. Filice, an attorney at the law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. served as a speaker to the Independent Adults with Neuromuscular Disease Group, on March 7, 2012. The event was held at the North Penn Visiting Nurses Building, 51 Medical Campus Drive, Lansdale, Pennsylvania.
Mr. Filice spoke on Powers of Attorney, Medical Directives and Estate Planning Issues.
John H. Filice has been a member of the firm since 2001 and practices in the areas of business and corporate, real estate, estate planning, estate administration and elder law. He is currently a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations. He served as an editor of the Montgomery County Law Reporter from 2003 to 2005. He is a 2001 cum laude graduate of the University of Richmond’s T.C. Williams School of Law, where he was Manuscripts Editor of the University of Richmond Law Review and a member of the McNeill Law Society.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 Readers’ Choice Awards. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
October 24, 2011 – Marc Robert Steinberg spoke at the CLE Seminar, Meet the Discovery Masters
Marc Robert Steinberg, Partner at the Lansdale Law Firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. served as a speaker at the CLE Seminar, Meet the Discovery Masters, held at the Montgomery Bar Association on October 12, 2011. The session provided attendees the opportunity to meet the Discovery Masters, of which Mr. Steinberg is one, as well as offered insight into the system, to how it works, etc. The Discovery Master Program provides litigants with prompt and efficient hearings and dispositions on contested discovery matters.
Marc Robert Steinberg has been certified six times as a Criminal Trial Advocate by the National Board of Trial Advocacy, beginning in 1986. He is a past President of the Montgomery Bar Association; the Montgomery Bar Foundation; the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association; the Montgomery Inn of Court, and is currently the President of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project (MCAP). He served two terms as a Director of the Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Since 1990, Mr. Steinberg has been an adjunct instructor at the Beasley School of Law at Temple University teaching Advanced Trial Advocacy. He has handled many high profile criminal cases which have thrust him into the public spotlight. He was named a Top 100 Lawyer in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania in 2008, 2010 and again in 2011, a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer from 2004 through 2011, and a Best Lawyer in America in 2010, 2011 and 2012.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 65 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2011 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by (US New and World Report) for its Criminal Law Practice. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
June 14, 2011 – Attorney Jay C. Glickman named as 2011 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer
Lansdale – Jay C. Glickman, a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has been named by fellow Pennsylvania lawyers as 2011 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer. This was announced in the June issue of Philadelphia Magazine and the annual June publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers. This is the sixth consecutive year Mr. Glickman has received this award.
Jay C. Glickman has served Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford since 1972. He concentrates his practice in estate planning and estate administration. He is a member of the Advisory Committee on Decedent’s Estates Law to the Joint State Government Commission of Pennsylvania and is a member of many civic and community organizations. He also serves as a guest presenter at probate and estate planning seminars and frequently speaks at area retirement communities, senior centers, and charitable organizations.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 , 2009, 2010 and 2011 Readers’ Choice Awards. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
June 7th, 2011 – Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg, named as a 2011 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer and one of the Top 100 Lawyers in Pennsylvania and Philadelphia
Lansdale – Marc Robert Steinberg a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has been named by fellow Pennsylvania lawyers as a 2011 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer and for the Third time as one of the Top 100 Lawyers in Pennsylvania and Philadelphia. This was announced in the June issue of Philadelphia Magazine and the annual June publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers. This is the eighth consecutive year Mr. Steinberg has received this award.
Marc Robert Steinberg has been certified five times as a Criminal Trial Advocate by the National Board of Trial Advocacy, beginning in 1986. Mr Steinberg is a past President of the Montgomery Bar Association; the Montgomery Bar Foundation; the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association; the Montgomery Inn of Court, and is currently the President of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project (MCAP). He served two terms as a Director of the Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Since 1990, Mr. Steinberg has been an adjunct instructor at the Beasley School of Law at Temple University teaching Advanced Trial Advocacy. He has handled many criminal cases which have thrust him into the public spotlight.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 , 2009, 2010 and 2011 Readers’ Choice Awards. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
May 18, 2011- Attorney Gregory R. Gifford, named as 2011 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer
Lansdale – Gregory R. Gifford a partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has been named by fellow Pennsylvania lawyers as 2011 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer. This was announced in the June issue of Philadelphia Magazine and the annual June publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers. This is the eighth consecutive year Mr. Gifford has received this award.
Gregory R. Gifford has been practicing personal injury and criminal law for over 25 years. He has been voted the “Best Lawyer” in The Reporter’s Reader’s Choice Awards and the Montgomery News Readers’ Choice Awards. He is Past President of the Montgomery Trial Lawyers Association, currently serves as solicitor for several police organizations and local municipalities, and is also involved in many community and charitable organizations.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 , 2009, 2010 and 20011 Readers’ Choice Awards. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
May 18th, 2011 – Attorney Gregory R. Gifford Authors DUI Publication
Gregory R. Gifford, Partner at the Lansdale Law Firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. authored a portion of a new publication by Aspatore, a division of Thompson Reuters entitled Trends in DUI Discovery. Mr Gifford’s chapter topic was ” Staying On Top Of The Trends In DUI Litigation”.
Mr. Gifford joined Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. in 1984. His practice includes personal injury, criminal and municipal law. Mr. Gifford graduated from Ursinus College, cum laude, with departmental honors in political science and is a graduate of the Villanova University School of Law.
He serves as solicitor to the Skippack Township and Lansdale Borough Zoning Hearing Boards, the Hatfield, Lansdale and Franconia Police Benevolent Associations, the Pennsylvania Juvenile Officers Association and North Wales Borough. He is past president of the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association and current member of the Judiciary Committee. He is a member of the Pennsylvania Bar Association and served as a Director of the Montgomery Bar Association. He was named a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer from 2004 through 2011 by a poll of his peers as published in Philadelphia Magazine, and th “Best Lawyer” in the Reporter Readers Choice Awards and the Montgomery News Readers Choice Awards.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2010 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by (US New and World Report) for its Criminal Law Practice. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
May 18, 2011 – Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg Receives Recertification as a Criminal Trial Advocate by the National Board of Trial Advocacy
Lansdale – Marc Robert Steinberg, Managing Partner of the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has received his Board Recertification as a Criminal Trial Advocate by the National Board of Trial Advocacy. The Recertification extends through May 1, 2016, and is a certification of special competence in Criminal Trial Advocacy. Mr. Steinberg has now been certified five times as a Criminal Trial Advocate having received his original Certification on May 1, 1986.
Mr Steinberg is a past President of the Montgomery Bar Association; the Montgomery Bar Foundation; the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association; the Montgomery Inn of Court, and is currently the President of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project (MCAP). He served two terms as a Director of the Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Since 1990, Mr. Steinberg has been an adjunct instructor at the Beasley School of Law at Temple University teaching Advanced Trial Advocacy. He has handled many criminal cases which have thrust him into the public spotlight.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 , 2009, 2010 and 2011 Readers’ Choice Awards. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
April 4, 2011 – Marc Robert Steinberg spoke at the 2011 Criminal Law and Forensics Conference
Marc Robert Steinberg, managing partner of the Law Firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. of Lansdale, Pennsylvania, spoke at the 2011 Criminal Law and Forensics Conference hosted by Lancaster Area Paralegal Association on March 26, 2011. This event was held at the Lancaster County Public Training Center in Manheim, Pennsylvania.
Mr. Steinberg’s topic was Internet Child Pornography and Sex Crimes: Defending the Seemingly Indefensible. The attendees included prosecutors, defense lawyers and paralegals.
Marc Robert Steinberg has been certified six times as a Criminal Trial Advocate by the National Board of Trial Advocacy, beginning in 1986. He is a past President of the Montgomery Bar Association; the Montgomery Bar Foundation; the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association; the Montgomery Inn of Court, and is currently the President of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project (MCAP). He served two terms as a Director of the Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Since 1990, Mr. Steinberg has been an adjunct instructor at the Beasley School of Law at Temple University teaching Advanced Trial Advocacy. He has handled many high profile criminal cases which have thrust him into the public spotlight. He was named a Top 100 Lawyer in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania in 2008 and 2010, a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer from 2004 through 2010, and a Best Lawyer in America in 2010 and 2011.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2010 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by ( US New and World Report) for its Criminal Law Practice. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
November 12, 2010 – Attorney Amy R. Stern was a speaker at the National Divorce Financial Planners Meeting
Amy R. Stern, an attorney at the law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, PC was a speaker before the local chapter of the Certified Divorce Financial Planners at the Hilton in Fort Washington, Pennsylvania on October 21, 2010. The subject was the role of the CFP in divorce proceedings, and how they can assist in offering creative solutions to divorce clients especially in light of today’s economy.
Amy R. Stern joined the firm in 1995. Her work focuses primarily on domestic relations law and mediation. She is a 1989 graduate of Temple University School of Law and holds a bachelor’s degree from George Washington University. She is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Association where she is a member of the Family Law Section. She is also a member of the Women in the Law Committee. She is also past chair of the Mediation Subcommittee. Ms. Stern is certified in Family Law Mediation.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 , 2009 and 2010 Readers’ Choice Awards. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
October 28, 2010 – Attorney Jay C. Glickman spoke at an event on Estate Planning.
Attorney Jay C. Glickman, spoke at the Hidden Springs Homeowners Association, Souderton Pennsylvania on October 21, 2010. The event was sponsored by RSVP( The Retired and Senior Volunteer Group). Mr. Glickman spoke on Estate Planning.
Partner Jay C. Glickman has been a member of the firm since 1972 and was admitted to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court the same year. Mr. Glickman’s practice focuses on estate planning and estate administration. He received his undergraduate degree from The Pennsylvania State University and his law degree from Temple University School of Law.
Mr. Glickman is an active member of the community and officer and board member of the Souderton-Telford Rotary Club, a member of the Montgomery Township Planning Commission, Montgomery Township Open Space Committee and the Advisory Committee on Decedent’s Estates Law to the PA Joint State Government Commission, Northstar Youth Services Solicitor and a member of RSVP(The Retired and Senior Volunteer Gr. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Souderton-Harleysville Fish, Game and Forestry Association, Inc. He is the former member of the Board of Directors of the Highlands Community Association, Institute for Comprehensive Family Therapy, Souderton Ambulance Associations, Frederick Mennonite Community Committee for Social Accountability, North Penn Red Cross, and Valley Center. He is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations and is admitted in Federal and Pennsylvania courts.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 , 2009 and 2010 Readers’ Choice Awards. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
June 23, 2010 – Marc Robert Steinberg spoke at the Pennsylvania Bar Institute’s Statewide “Criminal Law Symposium”.
Marc Robert Steinberg, managing partner at Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. of Lansdale, Pennsylvania, spoke at the Pennsylvania Bar Institute’s Statewide “Criminal Law Symposium.” It was held at the Hilton in Harrisburg on June 3rd and 4th and was attended by more than 400 Criminal lawyers.
Marc Robert Steinberg has been certified five times as a Criminal Trial Advocate by the National Board of Trial Advocacy, beginning in 1986. He is a past President of the Montgomery Bar Association; the Montgomery Bar Foundation; the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association; the Montgomery Inn of Court, and is currently the President of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project (MCAP). He served two terms as a Director of the Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Since 1990, Mr. Steinberg has been an adjunct instructor at the Beasley School of Law at Temple University teaching Advanced Trial Advocacy. He has handled many high profile criminal cases which have thrust him into the public spotlight. He was named a Top 100 Lawyer in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania in 2008 and 2010, a Pennsylvania Super Lawyer from 2004 through 2010, and a Best Lawyer in America in 2010.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005 through 2010 Readers’ Choice Awards and received the Metropolitan Philadelphia First Tier Rank “Best Law Firm” by ( US New and World Report) for its Criminal Law Practice. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury, automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
May 27, 2010 -Rubin, Glickman Steinberg and Gifford is pleased to announce John H. Filice has been named a Rising Star
Lansdale – John H. Filice, an attorney at the law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has been named a 2010 Rising Star as published in the June issue of Philadelphia Magazine. Only two and one-half percent of Pennsylvania attorneys receive this honor. This is the sixth consecutive receipt of this award for Mr. Filice.
John H. Filice has been a member of the firm since 2001 and practices in the areas of estate planning, estate administration, real estate, business formation and civil litigation. He is currently a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations. He served as an editor of the Montgomery County Law Reporter from 2003 to 2005. He is a graduate of the University of Richmond’s T.C. Williams School of Law, where he was a member of the University of Richmond Law Review and the McNeill Law Society. Mr. Filice graduated, cum laude, in 2001.
He obtained his B.A. in English/Pre-Law from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, graduating summa cum laude in 1998. A life-long resident of Montgomery County, he graduated from Souderton Area High School in 1994 .
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010 Readers’ Choice Awards. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
December 8, 2009 – Attorney Matthew T. Wilkov presented a seminar at the Pennsylvania Bar Institute.
Matthew T. Wilkov, partner with the law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C., delivered a presentation as part of a Continuing Legal Education Course entitled, “Current Military Legal Issues Facing Civilian Attorneys” on December 2, 2009 at the PBI Conference Center in Mechanicsburg, PA. The course was also available via closed circuit television to attorneys from across the Commonwealth. At the request of the Pennsylvania Bar Institute, Mr. Wilkov presented a class entitled, “Family Law and the Military.” In addition, Mr. Wilkov served on the military law panel, answering questions from the audience. Mr. Wilkov discussed issues and implications of military personnel involved in divorce, custody, spousal and child support, as well as collection of support, paternity, military retirement, jurisdiction and service of process.
Matthew T. Wilkov has been a member of the law firm since 1999, and a Partner with the law firm since 2005. He practices in the areas of personal injury, products liability, medical malpractice, criminal defense, business litigation, and military/veterans law. Mr. Wilkov is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations. He recently completed his second year of service on the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Bar Association. He is also a member of the Montgomery Bar Association Trial Lawyers Section, and a former Chair of the Juvenile Rules Committee, Young Lawyers Section, and Member Services Committee. He is a graduate of the Temple University School of Law where he was a member of the Moot Court Honor Society and the Temple Political and Civil Rights Law Review. Mr. Wilkov earned his Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Labor Relations from Cornell University.
He currently serves as a Lieutenant Colonel in the 153rd Legal Services Organization, U.S. Army Reserves. In that capacity, he is the Director of Legal Services of Team 7, comprised of attorneys and judges from across Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia and Ohio. Before becoming a member of the firm, he served on Active Duty as a Judge Advocate and paratrooper in the U.S. Army. While assigned as a Captain at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, he served on the Commanding General’s staff as a prosecutor and as Chief of Administrative Law, 82 nd Airborne Division.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C., is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 Readers’ Choice Awards. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C., has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
December 3, 2009 – Attorney Matthew T. Wilkov presented a seminar at the Delaware County Bar Association.
Matthew T. Wilkov, partner with the law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C., was invited by the Delaware County Bar Association Family Law Section to deliver a Continuing Legal Education Program entitled, “Family Law and the Military.” The course took place on November 17, 2009 at the Delaware County Bar Association.Mr. Wilkov discussed issues and implications of military personnel involved in divorce, custody, spousal and child support, as well as collection of support, paternity, military retirement, jurisdiction and service of process.
Matthew T. Wilkov has been a member of the law firm since 1999, and a Partner with the law firm since 2005. He practices in the areas of personal injury, products liability, medical malpractice, criminal defense, business litigation, and military/veterans law. Mr. Wilkov is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations. He recently completed his second year of service on the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Bar Association. He is also a member of the Montgomery Bar Association Trial Lawyers Section, and a former Chair of the Juvenile Rules Committee, Young Lawyers Section, and Member Services Committee. He is a graduate of the Temple University School of Law where he was a member of the Moot Court Honor Society and the Temple Political and Civil Rights Law Review. Mr. Wilkov earned his Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Labor Relations from Cornell University.
He currently serves as a Lieutenant Colonel in the 153rd Legal Services Organization, U.S. Army Reserves. In that capacity, he is the Director of Legal Services of Team 7, comprised of attorneys and judges from across Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, West Virgina and Ohio. Before becoming a member of the firm, he served on Active Duty as a Judge Advocate and paratrooper in the U.S. Army. While assigned as a Captain at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, he served on the Commanding General’s staff as a prosecutor and as Chief of Administrative Law, 82 nd Airborne Division.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C., is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 Readers’ Choice Awards. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C., has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
June 15, 2009 – Marc Robert Steinberg, a partner with Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. of Lansdale, Pennsylvania, spoke at the Pennsylvania Bar Institute’s Statewide “Criminal Law Symposium.” It was held at the Hilton in Harrisburg on June 4 th and 5 th. Mr. Steinberg spoke on the topic, “How to Make a Living Practicing Criminal Law”. Mr. Steinberg has been certified five times as a Criminal Trial Advocate by the National Board of Trial Advocacy, beginning in 1986. He is a past President of the Montgomery Bar Association; Montgomery Bar Foundation; the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association; the Montgomery Inn of Court, and is currently the President of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project (MCAP). He is serving his second term as a Director of the Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Since 1990, Mr. Steinberg has been an adjunct instructor at the Beasley School of Law at Temple University teaching Advanced Trial Advocacy. He has handled many criminal cases which have thrust him into the public spotlight.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 Readers’ Choice Awards. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
June 3, 2009 -Attorneys Marc Robert Steinberg, Gregory R. Gifford Jay C. Glickman and Robert T. Szostak named as 2009 Pennsylvania Super Lawyers
Marc Robert Steinberg, Gregory R. Gifford, Jay C. Glickman, and Robert T. Szostak from the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. have been named by fellow Pennsylvania lawyers as 2009 Pennsylvania Super Lawyers. This was announced in the June issue of Philadelphia Magazine and the annual June publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers. This is the sixth consecutive year Mr. Steinberg and Mr. Gifford have received this award, the fourth consecutive year Mr. Glickman has been named, and the second consecutive year for Mr. Szostak.
Mr. Steinberg has been certified five times as a Criminal Trial Advocate by the National Board of Trial Advocacy, beginning in 1986. Mr Steinberg is a past President of the Montgomery Bar Association; Montgomery Bar Foundation; the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association; the Montgomery Inn of Court, and is currently the President of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project (MCAP). He is serving his second term as a Director of the Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Since 1990, Mr. Steinberg has been an adjunct instructor at the Beasley School of Law at Temple University teaching Advanced Trial Advocacy. He has handled many criminal cases which have thrust him into the public spotlight.
Gregory R. Gifford has been practicing personal injury and criminal law for over 25 years. He has been voted the “Best Lawyer” in The Reporter’s Reader’s Choice Awards and the Montgomery News Readers’ Choice Awards. He is Past President of the Montgomery Trial Lawyers Association, currently serves as solicitor for various police organizations and zoning boards, and is also involved in many community and charitable organizations.
Jay C. Glickman has served Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford since 1972. He concentrates his practice in estate planning and estate administration. He is a member of the Advisory Committee on Decedent’s Estates Law to the Joint State Government Commission of Pennsylvania and is a member of many civic and community organizations. He also serves as a guest presenter at probate and estate planning seminars and frequently speaks at area retirement communities, senior centers, and charitable organizations.
Robert T. Szostak has been practicing complex civil litigation for over 20 years. His practice includes medical malpractice, motor vehicle registration licenses, construction accidents, product liability and commercial matters. His passion and dedication have established him as a leading trial attorney with many substantial recoveries for his clients He is also admitted to the Pennsylvania and New Jersey State and Federal Bars. Mr. Szostak frequently writes and speaks about medical professional liability and complex personal injury topics in his practical areas.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 Readers’ Choice Awards. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
May 18, 2009 – Attorney Gregory R. Gifford spoke at a seminar entitled “Child Abuse from Legal and Psychological Perspectives” at Montgomery County Intermediate Unit, Norristown, PALansdale –
Gregory R. Gifford, a partner at the law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C., spoke at a seminar entitled “Child Abuse from Legal and Psychological Perspectives”given by the Philadelphia Society of Clinical Psychologists. It was held on Friday, May, 8 th, 2009, at the Montgomery County Intermediate Unit in Norristown, PA. The session covered changes to the Child Protective Services Law, the differences in investigative processes and “burdens of proof”, and the legal rights of parents and others involved in the process.
Mr. Gifford joined Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. in 1984. His practice includes personal injury, criminal and municipal law. Mr. Gifford graduated from Ursinus College, cum laude, with departmental honors in political science and is a graduate of the Villanova University School of Law.
He serves as solicitor to the Skippack Township Zoning Hearing Board and the Lansdale Borough Zoning Hearing Board, the Hatfield and Lansdale Police Benevolent Associations, and the Pennsylvania Juvenile Officers Association. He is past president of the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association and current member of the Judiciary Committee. He is a member of the Pennsylvania Bar Association and served as a Director of the Montgomery Bar Association.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009 Readers’ Choice Awards. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
May 4, 2009 – Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg participated in a Five County Criminal Practice –
Marc Robert Steinberg of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C., participated in a seminar entitled “Five County Criminal Practice” presented by the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. This seminar was given on February 26, 2009 at the Delaware County Bar Association in Media, Pennsylvania; March 20, 2009, at the Philadelphia County Bar Association in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and on March 26, 2009, at the Bucks County Bar Association in Doylestown, Pennsylvania. Mr. Steinberg’s topic was Practicing Criminal Law in Montgomery County, while other members of the panel spoke about practice in Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Philadelphia counties. Among the topics presented were Arrests, Preliminary Hearings, ARD, Bench Warrants and Detainers, Return of Property and Expungements .
Mr. Steinberg has been certified five times as a Criminal Trial Advocate by the National Board of Trial Advocacy, beginning in 1986. Mr Steinberg is a past President of the Montgomery Bar Association; Montgomery Bar Foundation; the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association; the Montgomery Inn of Court, and is currently the President of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project (MCAP). He is serving his second term as a Director of the Pennsylvania Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. Since 1990, Mr. Steinberg has been an adjunct instructor at the Beasley School of Law at Temple University teaching Advanced Trial Advocacy. He has handled many criminal cases which have thrust him into the public spotlight.
In 2004 through 2009, he was voted one of Pennsylvania’s Super Lawyers, and in 2008 he was named as one of the top 100 lawyers in Pennsylvania. In 2005, Mr. Steinberg was named Trial Lawyer of the Year by Montgomery County Trial Lawyer Association. He is a frequent lecturer for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute and the Montgomery Bar Association.
Marc Robert Steinberg was named managing partner of Rubin, Glickman and Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. in 1980 and has been with the firm since 1976. He graduated from Temple University School of Law in 1973 and holds an undergraduate degree from the Pennsylvania State University.
Rubin, Glickman and Steinberg and Gifford, P.C., is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce, and criminal law. Rubin, Glickman and Steinberg and Gifford, P.C., has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
January 22, 2009 – Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford,P.C. Honors Five Dedicated Employees
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. of Lansdale recently honored five employees for reaching individual milestones of service with the firm. Karen Michalak, who celebrated 30 years of service with the firm, is an Estate Paralegal.
Pamela Landis, who celebrated 20 years of service with the firm, is a Legal Assistant.
Kathleen Smith, who celebrated 15 years of service with the firm, is a Receptionist.
Robert Detweiler, who celebrated 15 years of service with the firm, is a Maintenance Technician.
Gina Rochford, who celebrated 10 years of service with the firm, is a Legal Assistant.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is proud to honor such dedicated employees and have them on its staff.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and domestic law, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
November 4, 2008- Attorney Matthew T. Wilkov promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army Reserve. The shareholders, lawyers and staff of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C. are pleased to announce that Matthew T. Wilkov, a partner with the firm, was selected for promotion to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army Reserve. Lieutenant Colonel Wilkov serves on the Commander’s Staff of the 153rd Legal Support Organization based in Norristown, Pennsylvania. LTC Wilkov previously served as the Operations Officer for the same unit for the past five years.
Matthew T. Wilkov has been a member of the law firm since 1999, and a Partner with the law firm since 2005. He practices in the areas of personal injury, products liability, medical malpractice, criminal defense, business litigation, and military/veterans law. Mr. Wilkov frequently lectures as a member of the PBI faculty on issues involving military law. He is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations, and currently serves on the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Bar Association. He is a former Chair of the Young Lawyers Section of the Montgomery Bar Association, and former Chair of the Juvenile Rules Committee. In addition, he is a member of The Montgomery Inn of Court. He is a graduate of the Temple University School of Law where he was a member of the Moot Court Honor Society and the Temple Political and Civil Rights Law Review. Mr. Wilkov earned his Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Labor Relations from Cornell University.
Before becoming a member of the firm, he served on Active Duty as a Judge Advocate and paratrooper in the U.S. Army. While assigned as a Captain at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, he served on the Commanding General’s staff as a prosecutor and as Chief of Administrative Law, 82nd Airborne Division.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C., is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 Readers’ Choice Awards. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C., has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
September 12,2008 – Attorney Matthew T. Wilkov presented a seminar at the Pennsylvania Bar Institute.
Matthew T. Wilkov, partner with the law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C., delivered a presentation as part of a Continuing Legal Education Course entitled, “Current Military Legal Issues Facing Civilian Attorneys” on August 5, 2008 at the PBI Conference Center in Mechanicsburg, PA. The course was also available via closed circuit television to attorneys from across the Commonwealth. At the request of the Pennsylvania Bar Institute, Mr. Wilkov presented a class entitled, “Family Law and the Military.” In addition, Mr. Wilkov served on the military law panel, answering questions from the audience. Mr. Wilkov discussed issues and implications of military personnel involved in divorce, custody, spousal and child support, as well as collection of support, paternity, military retirement, jurisdiction and service of process.
Matthew T. Wilkov has been a member of the law firm since 1999, and a Partner with the law firm since 2005. He practices in the areas of personal injury, products liability, medical malpractice, criminal defense, business litigation, and military/veterans law. Mr. Wilkov is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Bar Association, and he is a former Chair of the Young Lawyers Section of the Montgomery Bar Association. He is also a member of the Montgomery Bar Association Trial Lawyers Section, and a former Chair of the Juvenile Rules Committee. In addition, he is a member of The Montgomery Inn of Court. He is a graduate of the Temple University School of Law where he was a member of the Moot Court Honor Society and the Temple Political and Civil Rights Law Review. Mr. Wilkov earned his Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Labor Relations from Cornell University.
He currently serves in the rank of Major in the United States Army Reserve as the Training Officer for the 153 rd Legal Support Organization. Before becoming a member of the firm, he served on Active Duty as a Judge Advocate and paratrooper in the U.S. Army. While assigned as a Captain at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, he served on the Commanding General’s staff as a prosecutor and as Chief of Administrative Law, 82 nd Airborne Division.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C., is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 Readers’ Choice Awards. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, P.C., has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
August 20, 2008 – Attorney Jay C. Glickman appointed to the Committee for Social Accountability of the Frederick Mennonite Community
Jay C. Glickman, partner at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford has been appointed to the Committee for Social Accountability of the Frederick Mennonite Community, Frederick, Pennsylvania.
Jay C. Glickman has served Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford since 1972. He concentrates his practice in estate planning and estate administration. He is a member of the Advisory Committee on Decedent’s Estates Law to the Joint State Government Commission of Pennsylvania and is a member of many civic and community organizations. He also serves as a guest presenter at probate and estate planning seminars and frequently speaks at area retirement communities, senior centers, and charitable organizations.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 Readers’ Choice Awards. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
August 5, 2008 – Attorney Matthew T. Wilkov presented a seminar at the Family Law Section Summer Meeting of the Pennsylvania Bar Association.
Matthew T. Wilkov, partner with the law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, delivered a presentation to the Family Law Section Summer Meeting at the request of the Pennsylvania Bar Institute, entitled “Family Law and the Military” on July 19, 2008 at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront, Baltimore Maryland.
Mr. Wilkov discussed issues and implications of military personnel involved in divorce, custody, spousal and child support, as well as collection of support, paternity, military retirement, jurisdiction and service of process.
Matthew T. Wilkov has been a member of the law firm since 1999, and a Partner with the law firm since 2005. He practices in the areas of personal injury, products liability, medical malpractice, criminal defense, business litigation, and military/veterans law. Mr. Wilkov is a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations. He currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Bar Association, and he is a former Chair of the Young Lawyers Section of the Montgomery Bar Association. He is also a member of the Montgomery Bar Association Trial Lawyers Section, and a former Chair of the Juvenile Rules Committee. In addition, he is a member of The Montgomery Inn of Court. He is a graduate of the Temple University School of Law where he was a member of the Moot Court Honor Society and the Temple Political and Civil Rights Law Review. Mr. Wilkov earned his Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Labor Relations from Cornell University.
He currently serves in the rank of Major in the United States Army Reserve as the Training Officer for the 153 rd Legal Support Organization. Before becoming a member of the firm, he served on Active Duty as a Judge Advocate and paratrooper in the U.S. Army. While assigned as a Captain at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, he served on the Commanding General’s staff as a prosecutor and as Chief of Administrative Law, 82 nd Airborne Division.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 Readers’ Choice Awards. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
July 23, 2008 Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg Named Top 100 Lawyer in Pennsylvania
Lansdale – Marc Robert Steinberg, managing partner of the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, has recently been named a Top 100 Lawyer in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. This was announced in the June issue of Philadelphia Magazine and the annual June Publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers. Mr. Steinberg has also been named a 2008 Pennsylvania Super Lawyer for the fifth consecutive year. Mr. Steinberg specializes in the practice of criminal law, personal injury and alternate dispute resolution . He graduated from Temple University School of Law in 1973 and holds an undergraduate degree from the Pennsylvania State University.
Mr. Steinberg is a former Montgomery County Assistant District Attorney. He is past president of the Montgomery Bar Association, past president of the Montgomery Bar Foundation, President of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project(MCAP), past president of the Montgomery American Inn of Court and the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. He is a delegate from Zone 9 to the Pennsylvania Bar Association’s House of Delegates and a former member of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Disciplinary Board Hearing Committee 2.09. He teaches Advanced Trial Advocacy at Temple University School of Law, as well as the Criminal Law Series for the Montgomery Bar Association and lectures for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. Mr. Steinberg is the only attorney in Bucks and Montgomery counties to be certified as a Criminal Trial Attorney by the National Board of Trial Advocacy. In 2005, he was named as Trial Lawyer of the year by the Montgomery Trial Lawyers Association.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 Readers’ Choice Awards. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
July 23, 2008 Attorney Marc Robert Steinberg spoke at a Personal Injury Potpourri Seminar
Lansdale – Marc Robert Steinberg, managing partner of the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, spoke at a seminar on June 24, 2008, entitled “Personal Injury Potpourri” presented by the Dispute Resolution Institute. Mr Steinberg’s topic “Why Pro Bono?”addressed why lawyers should participate in providing pro bono services to the disadvantaged and the rewards of providing such representation. It was well received by the more than 125 attorneys in attendance.Marc Robert Steinberg was named managing partner of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford in 1980 and has been with the firm since 1976. He graduated from Temple University School of Law in 1973 and holds an undergraduate degree from the Pennsylvania State University. In June, 2008, he was named a Top 100 Attorney in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Mr. Steinberg is a former Montgomery County Assistant District Attorney. He is past president of the Montgomery Bar Association, past president of the Montgomery Bar Foundation, President of the Board of Directors of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project(MCAP), past president of the Montgomery American Inn of Court and the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association. He is a delegate from Zone 9 to the Pennsylvania Bar Association House of Delegates and a former member of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Disciplinary Board Hearing Committee 2.09. He teaches Advanced Trial Advocacy at Temple University School of Law, as well as the Criminal Law Series for the Montgomery Bar Association and lectures for the Pennsylvania Bar Institute. Mr. Steinberg is the only attorney in Bucks and Montgomery counties to be certified as a Criminal Trial Attorney by the National Board of Trial Advocacy.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 Readers’ Choice Awards. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
July 2, 2008 Attorneys Marc Robert Steinberg, Gregorgor Gifford, Jay C. Glickman and Robert T. Szostak named 2008 Super Lawyers
Lansdale – Marc Robert Steinberg, Gregory R. Gifford, and Jay C. Glickman, partners at the Lansdale law firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford, and associate Robert T. Szostak have been named by fellow Pennsylvania lawyers as 2008 Pennsylvania Super Lawyers. This was announced in the June issue of Philadelphia Magazine and the annual June publication of Pennsylvania Super Lawyers. This is the fifth consecutive year Mr. Steinberg and Mr. Gifford have received this award and the third consecutive year Mr. Glickman has been named.
Marc Robert Steinberg has over 30 years of experience, handling some of the area’s most explosive cases. He litigates criminal and civil cases in the State and Federal Courts. He is the only attorney in Bucks or Montgomery Counties to be certified as a Criminal Trial Attorney by the National Board of Trial Advocacy. He is current President of the Montgomery Child Advocacy Project (MCAP). He is Past President of the Montgomery Bar Association, Montgomery Bar Foundation, and the Montgomery American Inn of Court. He teaches Advanced Trial Advocacy at Temple University School of Law, lectures for the PA Bar Institute, and is also involved in community and charitable organizations.
Gregory R. Gifford has been practicing personal injury and criminal law for over 20 years. He has been voted the North Penn’s “Best Lawyer” in the Reporter’s Reader’s Choice Awards. He is Past President of the Montgomery Trial Lawyers Association, currently serves as solicitor for various police organizations and zoning boards, and is also involved in many community and charitable organizations.
Jay C. Glickman has served Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford since 1972. He concentrates his practice in estate planning and estate administration. He is a member of the Advisory Committee on Decedent’s Estates Law to the Joint State Government Commission of Pennsylvania and is a member of many civic and community organizations. He also serves as a guest presenter at probate and estate planning seminars and frequently speaks at area retirement communities, senior centers, and charitable organizations.
Robert T. Szostak Civil litigation attorney has joined the firm of Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford in 2008. His practice also includes medical malpractice, defamation, product liability and commercial matters. His passion and dedication have established his reputation as a leading Plaintiff’s litigation attorney. He is also admitted to the Pennsylvania and New Jersey State and Federal Bars, and is also admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of the United States.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. It was named “Best Law Firm” in The Reporter’s 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008 Readers’ Choice Awards. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce, and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.
April 30, 2008 – Attorney Gregory R. Gifford spoke on Child Abuse from Legal and Psychological at a seminar
Mr. Gifford discussed the following topics:
Understanding the changes in the new Child Protective Services Law with regard to mandated reporters.
Understanding the similarities and differences between criminal and Office of Children and Youth (OCY) investigations.
Understanding the definitions of emotional abuse and how emotional abuse can be legally determined.
Understanding the legal rights of parents and guardians in both criminal and OCY investigations
Mr. Gifford joined Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford in 1984. His practice includes personal injury, criminal and municipal law. Mr. Gifford graduated from Ursinus College,
cum laude, with departmental honors in political science and is a graduate of the Villanova University School of Law.
He serves as solicitor to the Skippack Township Zoning Hearing Board and the Lansdale Borough Zoning Hearing Board, the Hatfield and Lansdale Police Benevolent Associations, and the Pennsylvania Juvenile Officers Association. He is past president of the Montgomery County Trial Lawyers Association and current member of the Judiciary Committee. He is a member of the Pennsylvania Bar Association and served as a Director of the Montgomery Bar Association.
February 13, 2008 – Attorney John H. Filice spoke on e-Discovery at a seminar
Mr. Filice discussed electronic discovery and the risks businesses face if not able to produce electronic records. The presentation included a synopsis of cases in which the failure to produce information resulted in large fines, criminal charges, sanctions and increased legal risk and damage to business reputation.
John H. Filice has been a member of the firm since 2001 and practices in the areas of business and corporate, real estate, estate planning, estate administration and elder law. He is currently a member of the Pennsylvania and Montgomery Bar Associations. He served as an editor of the Montgomery County Law Reporter from 2003 to 2005. He is a 2001 cum laude graduate of the University of Richmond’s T.C. Williams School of Law, where he was Manuscripts Editor of the University of Richmond Law Review and a member of the McNeill Law Society.
Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford is a general practice law firm that has been serving the community for more than 60 years. Each member is dedicated to professional, personal representation in various areas of law, including personal injury and automobile accidents, business and corporate law, wills and estate planning, divorce and criminal law representation. Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg and Gifford has held the prestigious Martindale-Hubbell AV rating since 1992.