Montgomeryville Criminal Defense Lawyers

Reputable Criminal Defense Lawyers Provide Compassionate Defense for Clients

If you have been accused of committing a crime, the potential consequences of the situation cannot be understated. Conviction can put your freedom and your reputation at risk, and you need a Montgomeryville criminal defense lawyer who you can trust to fight on your behalf. Choosing your criminal defense lawyer may be one of the most important decisions that you ever have to make, and it is critical that you choose a lawyer with both the experience and the knowledge necessary to obtain the best possible outcome in your case.

Charged With A Criminal Offense And Have Questions? We Can Help, Tell Us What Happened.

At Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford, P.C., we have over 65 years’ worth of experience successfully defending clients in Montgomeryville criminal cases. While we have been recognized by a number of organizations for our exceptional legal services, we believe the testimonials of satisfied clients best exemplify the high-quality legal representation that we are proud to offer. We fight for our clients from the time they are accused of a crime until the last possible appeal has been exhausted, and will keep you fully apprised of your options and case progress every step of the way. If you have been accused, investigated or arrested for a crime, contact our team of Montgomeryville criminal defense lawyers to schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your case today.

Common Issues in a Criminal Case

At Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford, P.C., we have specialized in criminal defense, and are dedicated to providing aggressive and skilled legal representation for clients accused of a wide variety of criminal offenses, including:

Get Advice From An Experienced Montgomeryville, PA Criminal Defense Attorney. All You Have To Do Is Call 215-822-7575 To Receive Your Free Case Evaluation.

Our Montgomeryville defense attorneys provide a personalized and compassionate representation to every one of our clients, regardless of the severity of the crime alleged.

Accused of a Crime? Don’t Delay in Retaining an Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer in Montgomeryville

Many criminal defense lawyers have the knowledge and experience to prepare an adequate defense in your case. At Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford, P.C., we offer more than a defense that is merely adequate. We treat all of our clients with dignity and respect and fight tirelessly to provide clients with every possible option available. You are more than just a file number in our office, and when you call us with questions, a Montgomeryville defense lawyer will address any questions and concerns you may have.

Our attorneys are here every step of the way, and will fight to:

  • Make sure you are free on bail,
  • Obtain reduced charges as early as possible in your preliminary hearings,
  • Block any evidence that was improperly obtained,
  • Investigate to establish your innocence,
  • Establish that the government has not sufficiently proven your guilt.

We are fully conscious of the impact that a criminal conviction can have on your record and life, and will aggressively fight to protect your rights and minimize the damage that a conviction can cause. Contact our criminal attorneys in Montgomeryville, PA for legal representation today!

Contact Our Criminal Defense Attorneys in Montgomeryville For a Free Initial Consultation

If you or a loved one have been accused of a crime, it is important to remember that you have rights throughout every stage of the criminal process—and it is never too late to retain an experienced criminal defense lawyer to protect those rights. Call our skilled team of criminal defense lawyers in Montgomeryville, PA to schedule a free consultation to discuss your criminal charges in Montgomeryville or send us a confidential email. For your convenience, we have two offices that are located at 2605 N. Broad Street, Colmar, PA 18915 and 12 Penns Trail, Suite 145, Newtown, PA 18940. We offer free and convenient parking for our clients.

About Montgomeryville, PA

Montgomeryville is located in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, about 30 miles from the Philadelphia city center. As of 2010, Montgomeryville was home to about 12,624 residents and was comprised of about 4.8 square miles of land. The median income for the area was relatively high as of this time, at about $80,097 per household and $90,391 per family. 43.4 percent of households in Montgomeryville had children residing in the household, and the area is primarily Caucasian (77.5 percent). The Five Points intersection is a major center of commerce in Montgomeryville and is home to the Water Tower Square shopping center.

Frequently Asked Questions About Criminal Defense

FAQ: Why do I need a criminal defense lawyer if I have been accused of a crime? Won’t asking to speak to a lawyer make me look guilty?

Retaining a criminal defense lawyer is your constitutional right, and law enforcement officials cannot use your request for a lawyer as evidence that you are guilty of committing a crime. Further, the police cannot use your refusal to answer questions without your lawyer present as evidence that you are guilty. An experienced criminal defense lawyer can explain what questions you have to answer, what questions you do not have to answer, or should not answer. If you are being investigated for committing a crime, you likely do not know what type of evidence the police or prosecution has against you. Answering questions without the assistance of a lawyer can complicate your case or make it easier for the prosecution to convict. Later in the process, an experienced criminal defense lawyer can evaluate the prosecution’s evidence, look for holes in their case that could warrant dismissal or reduced charges, and make sure your constitutional rights are protected should trial become necessary.

FAQ: What factors should I consider in choosing my criminal defense lawyer?

Experience, knowledge of the local court system, and trust are three key factors to look for in a criminal defense attorney. Our lawyers have over 65 years’ experience successfully defending clients in the area, and understand the tactics the prosecution will employ to prove their case. You also need a lawyer who you can trust to fight on your behalf, and who will be available to provide straightforward advice about your case. We pride ourselves on treating all of our clients with dignity and respect and will be there to help you through every phase of the criminal process in Montgomeryville.