Nursing Home Dehydration Lawyers

Dedicated Nursing Home Abuse Prevention Lawyers Advocate Vigorously for Residents Suffering from Dehydration in Montgomery County and Bucks County, PA

When most people think of nursing home abuse, they imagine intentional physical abuse that leaves the victim obviously battered and bruised.  In reality, many forms of nursing home abuse are much more subtle and can often go undetected for long periods of time even if you are in regular contact with your loved one—often causing significant medical harm right in front of your eyes.  Access to plentiful drinking water is one of the most basic and vital rights that all nursing home residents should expect, and yet dehydration remains one of the most harmful and common forms of nursing home abuse that we see.

At Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., our skilled nursing home abuse prevention lawyers have the experience necessary to recognize the symptoms of dehydration in nursing home residents.  We can help evaluate whether your loved one is suffering from dehydration, identify the cause of that dehydration and take steps to hold the nursing home accountable for the negligent care that caused the situation in the first place.  Even if the nursing home staff never intentionally withheld fluids from your loved one, those trusted professionals have a duty to ensure that all nursing home residents receive proper care—which, among other things, means monitoring residents to ensure that none are suffering from dehydration.

Loved One Suffered From Dehydration In A Nursing Home And Have Questions? We Can Help, Tell Us What Happened.

If you suspect that your loved one is suffering from dehydration in a nursing home in Lansdale or elsewhere in Pennsylvania, call or contact our office today to discuss possible action steps that we can take to investigate and hold the nursing home accountable to the fullest extent of the law.

Identifying the Symptoms of Dehydration in Nursing Home Residents

In most cases, dehydration in a nursing home is caused by neglect.  Nursing homes in Montgomery County are often inadequately staffed, and those staff members who are available may be poorly trained, overworked and underpaid.  Because of this, nursing home residents who may be elderly or suffering from medical conditions that simply cause them to forget to drink water often suffer from dehydration. 

With proper supervision and care, dehydration could be prevented in the vast majority of cases, preventing serious medical conditions.  It’s therefore important that family and friends of nursing home residents pay close attention to the possible signs of dehydration, such as:

  • Dizziness and fatigue,
  • Confusion,
  • Decreased blood pressure,
  • Loss of appetite,
  • Cracked, dry lips,
  • Frequent chills,
  • Rapid breathing,
  • Sunken eyes,
  • Dark urine,
  • Unusually dry skin.

Get Advice From An Experienced Nursing Home Abuse Attorney. All You Have To Do Is Call 215-822-7575 To Receive Your Free Case Evaluation.

Although the symptoms of dehydration may seem easy to treat, the long-term complications resulting from ongoing dehydration can be much more significant.  Dehydration can lead to:

  • Kidney and organ failure,
  • Coma,
  • Seizures,
  • Death.

Experienced Lawyers Dedicated to Preventing Dehydration in PA Nursing Homes

At Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., we are dedicated to protecting the rights of nursing home abuse victims, whether that abuse is overt or involves more nuanced behavior, like withholding fluids.  Preventing dehydration in nursing home residents is actually very simple, and nursing home staff can take several steps to ensure proper hydration, such as:

  • Making note of each resident’s fluid intake every day and monitoring for changes,
  • Checking for symptoms of dehydration, such as dry mouth or dark urine,
  • Offering alternative beverages to water, such as flavored sports drinks or flavored water, to encourage residents to drink more fluids,
  • Making water readily available,
  • Training others to recognize the symptoms of dehydration and understand the action that should be taken should a resident become dehydrated.

Schedule a Free Consultation with Our Skilled Nursing Home Abuse and Dehydration Prevention Lawyers to Discuss Options for Recovering Compensation

When it comes to dehydration, time really does matter.  The faster the problem is solved, the less likely it is that your loved one will suffer serious medical consequences from dehydration.  If you suspect your loved one is suffering the effects of dehydration in a nursing home, our lawyers can take swift action to stop the abuse. 

Once your loved one is safe from further harm, the skilled nursing home abuse prevention lawyers at Rubin, Glickman, Steinberg & Gifford P.C., will work tirelessly to hold the nursing home financially accountable for the harm that dehydration may have caused your loved one.  We provide all of our potential clients with a free initial consultation, so call or contact our office today if you have questions about dehydration in nursing home residents or nursing home abuse in general.

Frequently Asked Questions About Nursing Home Dehydration Injury Claims

FAQ: Why is dehydration often a more serious problem for residents of nursing homes?  

Nursing home residents are often elderly or are suffering from a type of disease that makes living independently unsafe—such as Alzheimer’s or dementia.  Patients suffering from certain illnesses may simply not remember to drink the water they need to remain healthy—making proper hydration the responsibility of nursing home professionals.  Additionally, the body of an elderly person usually contains less water than younger people, meaning that the elderly are generally always at a greater risk of dehydration so that nursing home staff should pay particular attention to this issue.

FAQ: Why is it important to retain an experienced lawyer to recover compensation if my loved one was harmed by dehydration in a nursing home?

First and foremost, if nursing homes know that there will be financial consequences for their failure to prevent dehydration in residents, they will be motivated to train their staff to take dehydration seriously.  Further, a skilled lawyer can be vital in these cases because of the fact that dehydration caused the harm may not initially be apparent. Our lawyers can investigate the situation to determine the root cause and prevent the nursing home from attempting to shift blame to your loved one.  We understand the serious duties that nursing homes owe to its residents, and we will take all steps necessary to hold the nursing home accountable for any breach of those duties.